All Her Secrets

Chapter 343
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Chapter 343

Chapter 343 Maniac

Catherine had just turned into the street before her when Joseph’s car pulled over before her. Josephexited his car and stood before Catherine, reporting everything he had investigated to her.

“Boss, I have received information Korbin had ordered the Swanns’ secret bodyguards. His target is theblack market.

Just like the other families, the Swanns had their secret bodyguards. Vicente had been holding thepower to order them. Then, part of the power was passed down to Korbin, but no one knew the real bossof those bodyguards was Catherine.novelbin

Before Vicente passed away, he had handed over the power to control the secret bodyguards toCatherine. Vicente might have written her name as the heir, but it did not mean she could inherit it.

Recently, the Swanns’ market price has been rising. Moreover, the deadline for Korbin and Catherine’sbet was approaching.

Catherine was about to win the bet, so Korbin was about to make a move. He had to quickly root hispowers in Oceanvile and move his powers from Casier to that place. Even if Catherine took over theSwann Corporation, it would only be an empty shell.

If Korbin wanted to stabilize his company in Oceanvile, his best temporary partner would be theWinfreds. So, he had to find Erick. The cooperation between the Swanns and the Winfreds had to go onsmoothly.

Catherine sat in the car and ordered Joseph. “Take me to the black market.”

It was silent in the car. Catherine did not like noises when she was in the car. She would not even playmusic. So, he took the opportunity to report to Catherine about Audrey’s strange behaviors recently.

“Boss, I found something about Miss Audrey that I think I should report to you.”

Cathrine did not even look at him as she said coldly, “Speak!”

After getting Catherine’s permission, Joseph said, “Boss, I noticed Miss Audrey attended manygatherings, and they seemed to be different from before.

Joseph stopped there, not saying much. Catherine had only given Joseph one task. She wanted him toprotect Audrey’s safety. Audrey’s activities and social life had nothing to do with his task. So, he had noright to ask.

Catherine knew what kind of a man her subordinate was. If it were not because Audrey’s whereaboutshad been strange, Joseph would never mention this to her.

As for Audrey’s change, Catherine had noticed it, too. Audrey had no filming job on the set recently, yetshe had attended many events and would be back home late. However, Catherine did not interfere muchin it.

Audrey was already a grown-up, and she had her thoughts and plans. Even if they were sisters, she hadno right to interfere in Audrey’s life.

Catherine lowered her head and closed her eyes as she said, “Keep an eye on her and make sure she issafe.”

“Alright,” answered Joseph immediately, hesitating not even a bit. He knew Catherine did not want him tointerfere in Audrey’s life, but he had to ensure Audrey was absolutely safe.

Since he had betrayed the group, he was considered dead. But his boss had shown him mercy andspared his life, keeping him to carry out the tasks she arranged for him.

Since he had a chance to survive, he had to carry out the task his boss arranged for him. Even if it mightcost him his life, he would do it. After all, it was the boss’s order, and no one could disobey it.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the black market. When Sean saw her, he rushed toward her like shewas his savior. However, before he could approach Catherine, a figure dashed out and attacked him.

He said nothing and kept attacking him. Each punch was deathly. If Sean were not agile, he might havedied by now. With just a few punches, Sean was so scared that he shouted for help, ” Catherine, quicklystop this maniac!

“We are acquaintances. Why are you beating me up?

“Boss! Catherine!”

Five minutes passed…

Catherine looked at the time and shouted, “Joseph!”

Joseph stopped and stood behind Catherine again. His handsome face was expressionless as hewatched Sean’s movements. Sean gritted his teeth and shook his head. He had been blocking Joseph’sattacks, and his arms were in pain.

After snapping out of shock, he cursed Joseph, “Hey, brat! Are you out of your mind? We know eachother. Why are you trying to kill me?”

Joseph stared at Sean coldly and said nothing. He was still expressionless and did not intend toapologize. He would never let anyone who dared to disrespect his boss off easily.

Sean was too lazy to argue with Joseph, who seemed unyielding and simple-minded. Although he didnot intend to argue with Joseph, he still could not help himself from complaining. He stretched out hishand, wanting to point at Catherine. But he pointed at Joseph instead after pondering.

“Brat, think about it with your blockhead! Catherine is so good at fighting. Why would I attack her? Do Ilook like I want to die so soon? I am not that foolish and want to end my life so easily. I want to welcomeher arrival warmly.”

Joseph said coldly, “No!”

Sean was so pissed off, yet could do nothing about it. He felt Catherine was insane. Each man she keptaround her was difficult to deal with.

Ronin had always had a sharp tongue. He would never stop ridiculing others. Because of somemisunderstanding, Ronin hacked his computer and gave his money to charity.

Joseph was like a bear, protecting Catherine from anyone who tried to approach her. He would never letthat person off until Catherine ordered him to do so.

Erick, the new person Catherine kept, was also a maniac. Thinking about Erick reminded Sean why hehad rushed toward Catherine.

“Catherine, you came at the right time. Go and look at Erick. He seemed to be mesmerized by yourperformance and had been watching it since this afternoon. He had never stopped watching until now.”

Sean walked into the house after saying that, leading Catherine to Erick. Just as he opened the door,they heard a familiar song. Erick was still playing Catherine’s performance video.

Erick was nowhere to be seen. He had been sitting on the sofa all day before Catherine came. Sean feltstrange. “Where is this brat?”

He smiled and looked at Catherine as he said, “Is he embarrassed to see you and hide himself?”

Catherine’s expression turned cold, and she glared at him.

That shot of glace made Sean feel like an idiot. He realized something was off and asked in a tremblingvoice, “Could something bad have happened?”

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