All Her Secrets

Chapter 334
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Chapter 334

Chapter 335 Sweet Strawberries

Branden didn’t seem hungry at all, as there was only a plate of pasta primavera on the table. WhileCatherine was eating, he sat quietly by her side.

Occasionally, he picked up his phone to attend to messages, seemingly working. Even though he waswrapped up in work, Branden still watched Catherine closely, never taking his eyes off her.

Unlike Catherine’s dominating and cold demeanor, she was exceptionally graceful while eating, clearlyindicating the strict training she had likely received since childhood. She ate quickly but with a touch ofelegance in every bite.

Catherine had a rhythmic way of eating, taking a bite of pasta followed by a sip of soup, almost like awell-rehearsed performance.

Before long, Catherine had polished off her pasta primavera, leaving just a bit of soup. She gentlypushed her empty plate forward as if showing off her accomplishment.

Branden’s hands, calloused from years of gun practice, gently brushed her cheek. Catherine was quitefamiliar with those calluses, and their location revealed his frequent shooting practice.

Catherine had similar calluses once, but Ronin had discovered them. Ronin had forced her to applyvarious softening creams, transforming her callused hands into the soft, delicate ones they were now.

According to Ronin, a girl’s hands should be soft and smooth. Catherine didn’t really mind, but sinceRonin insisted, she went along with it.

Branden’s deep, raspy voice whispered, “Babe, just relax for a bit, and I’ll join you once I’m done with thedishes.”

At first, Catherine wanted to refuse him. After all, she wasn’t a child. She didn’t need him to look afterher. But when she looked into Branden’s gentle eyes as she raised her head, all the words she hadplanned to say disappeared.

Branden’s eyes were not just good- looking. They had a way of convincing people, and whatever he saidwas hard to resist. Catherine had to go along with whatever he wanted.

If Ronin were here, he would surely be surprised. After all, Catherine had never been this obedientbefore.

Branden arranged Catherine on her favorite recliner sofa and let her play games on her phone while heworked beside her.

Half an hour went by, and Catherine’s game ended with her expected win. She placed her phone down,ready to give her eyes a rest.

Branden had also completed his work and shut his laptop. Just when he was about to turn to Catherine,the doorbell suddenly rang. Catherine looked at Branden, and he signaled for her to stay put.

Then, Branden got up and went to open the door. The visitor was someone Triston had sent to deliverthings. When he saw Branden, he greeted him respectfully.

“Mr. Duncan, Mr. Lambert asked us to deliver these items. Where would you like them placed?” heasked. Branden stepped aside and let him in, indicating that he should place the wine on the floor.

The guy acted with great care. Once everything settled, he slowly backed out, and just as he turned toleave, he happened to catch a glimpse of Catherine reclining on the sofa. In just one look, he wasstunned by Catherine’s stunning beauty.

He never thought he would run into such a stunning girl in the world, as if she was a princess whostepped out of a fairy tale. But he dared not sneak another peek, promptly lowered his head, and quietly


No wonder Triston had been telling his friends lately that Branden was in love and didn’t have time tohang out with them.novelbin

It would be odd for any man to want to go out when there’s such beauty at home. Catherine had noticedthe guy looking at her, but she saw no reason to confront him since he meant no offense.

Once the man left, Branden closed the door and brought a box of strawberries over to Catherine.Because Catherine was sitting, he half- squatted to place the box of strawberries in front of her.

“Do you want to eat them now, or should I wait?” he asked.

The strawberries were a bright red, with dewdrops glistening, showing how fresh they were. Their sweetaroma wafted through the air, enticing anyone who caught a whiff.

Their sweet aroma wafted through the air, enticing anyone who caught a whiff. Catherine wasn’t usuallya fan of fruit, but Branden always took care to present it to her.

Today, the strawberries looked very tempting, and she felt like trying them. She nodded as she looked atthe strawberries, unconsciously licking her lips.

Branden kept his eyes on her the entire time and couldn’t resist the temptation either. His usually strongself-control crumbled in Catherine’s presence. He quickly lowered his head. Branden whispered in ahusky voice that carried a hint of unease. “I’ll wash the strawberries.”

Catherine was puzzled and looked up. She saw Branden almost running away.

She smiled faintly. She recalled a fellow trainee back at Creybia, Theisia, who was self-assured and liveda lavish lifestyle. Catherine didn’t think highly of Theisia, who spent her time surrounded by differentmen, relying on her looks.

However, Theisia had told her that she didn’t truly know men. She mentioned that when Catherinebecame interested in a guy, she would also become curious about his body. At this moment, it seemedshe had developed an urge to know Branden more. How amusing!

With Branden devoting all his patience to her, should she perhaps give something back?

As a way of saying thanks?

Branden spent half an hour in the kitchen washing the strawberries before finally walking out. Hearingfootsteps, Catherine lazily opened her eyes and shot him a casual look.

Her gaze was like a light breeze that gave one a brief, ticklish sensation and vanished completely whenone tried to catch it.

Catherine gazed up at Branden, her lips painted a bold red and curved into a slight smile. Her tone wascomposed as she asked, “Why did it take so long?”

Indeed, it did take quite a while to wash those strawberries! Although Branden knew she was teasinghim, he didn’t show the slightest sign of annoyance.

He grabbed a fresh strawberry from the bowl and held it up to Catherine’s mouth. Catherine simplyopened her mouth, not bothering to lift her head, and let Branden feed her without any fuss.

The juice slid down her rosy lips, and it tasted incredibly delicious. Branden withdrew his hand, lightlylicking his fingers. With that handsome face and the way he did it, it was utterly breathtaking!

“It’s sweet!” he said after tasting. His deep, controlled voice, oozing irresistible masculinity, almost droveCatherine wild!

At that moment, Catherine couldn’t contain herself any longer and jumped up, making her quick getaway.Was Catherine a deserter for the first time?

Branden’s sensuous lips curled into a subtle smile while watching Catherine’s retreating figure.

“Hmph, now we’re even,” he thought with a sense of satisfaction.

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