All Her Secrets

Chapter 332
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Chapter 332

Chapter 332 Branden’s Cat

In a remote estate in Casier. Triston was in high spirits today. He had organized a wine tasting event andbrought out his long-cherished wines for the occasion.

What excited him even more was Branden’s presence. He had initially thought that Branden wouldn’tcome, but to his surprise, he did.

“Branden, how’s this wine? Pretty good, right?”

This wine came from a vineyard in Veridonia and had been stored for thirty years. It was quite rare, andTriston had spared no expense to treat Branden. People outside saw Triston as a notorious playboy,always living it up and never getting down to serious business.

He neglected the family’s business and instead hung out with women, and purchased islands andvineyards. This was in stark contrast to Branden, who had been attending high-level meetings at theDuncan Corporation since he was eight.

However, only Branden knew that Triston, in reality, was quite cunning. Despite his carefree image, everytime he took action, he made a significant profit.

To consistently make money in every business deal was no small feat, and Triston’s exceptionalperformance showed his remarkable business talent.

The Lamberts’ situation was more complicated than the Duncans’, as Triston had an older brother,Michael. Michael had been groomed as the Lamberts’ successor since childhood, diligently preparing forover a decade.

If Triston got too involved in business, there was a possibility that the Lamberts might choose a differentsuccessor for their future interests.

Triston’s choice of a dissolute lifestyle was also for his brother’s benefit. Combined with his naturallycarefree personality, he felt even more at ease in this way. As for the judgments of society, Triston didn’tcare about that at all.

Branden tilted his head back and downed the wine in his glass in one gulp. The warm yellow lighthighlighted his perfect jawline, making him look so handsome that it took one’s breath away.

Triston could tell from Branden’s expression that he was very satisfied with the wine.

In Casier’s high society, here was always this puzzling question. In theory, someone like Branden, withhis personality, should have become friends with Michael, the Lamberts’ successor.

However, Branden didn’t interact much with Michael, and their limited contact was mostly due to Triston,who appeared a dandy.

Triston confidently approached Branden, wearing a friendly smile. ” Branden, I saved some of this winefor you. I’ll ask someone to deliver it to your place, how about that?”

Without even looking, Branden could tell what was on Triston’s mind. “Go ahead, what do you want?”

Upon hearing this, Triston couldn’t help but laugh happily. “You know me the best!” he said. Then hecontinued, “Branden, do you know what the Winfreds are up to now?

I received word that the Winfreds have allied with the Swanns!”

Like the Lamberts, the Swanns had been doing well in Casier’s business scene. However, with thepresence of the Duncans, it was challenging for the Lamberts to expand further.

To break through, they had to venture into Oceanvile, an area the Duncans hadn’t explored much.

Two years ago, Michael had extended the Lamberts’ business there. If the Winfreds were reallycooperating with the Swanns, they needed to be prepared. It wasn’t that the Lamberts were afraid of the

Swanns. It was just that the Swanns were different now.

The current leader of the Swanns was Catherine, whom Branden had openly acknowledged as hisfiancée. The Lamberts couldn’t risk damaging their long-standing relationship with the Duncans for thesake of any profit in Oceanvile.

That was why Michael contacted Triston to gather information. If the Swanns were serious aboutcollaborating with the Winfreds, then the Lamberts needed to prepare in advance. Just three minutesago, Branden had received a message.

Erick had been placed in Sean’s place by Catherine. Even though the Winfreds and the Swanns didn’tknow yet, it was just a matter of time before it became known. Branden slowly stood up and gave hisanswer.

“Catherine won’t collaborate with the Winfreds!”

Given Catherine’s personality, since the Winfreds had deceived her once, she wouldn’t give themanother chance. Triston paused for a moment, then realized what Branden meant.

Branden was referring to Catherine, not the Swanns. That meant that there was indeed a collaborationbetween the Swanns and the Winfreds, but the one in charge was Korbin, not Catherine.

As long as it wasn’t Catherine getting involved, it had nothing to do with the Duncans. So, whether theWinfreds could join forces with the Swanns depended on whether the Lamberts would agree to it.

Even though the Swanns and the Lamberts were both prestigious among Casier’s four noble families, ifthe Lamberts decided to target the Swanns, the Swanns wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Branden prepared to leave, his eyes falling on the strawberries Triston had prepared for guests. Thefresh strawberries were big, red, and extremely tempting. This basket of strawberries had just been won

at an auction in an island country’s market, and it was incredibly sweet.

Recalling the last time Catherine ate strawberries and made a face because they were a bit sour,Branden said with a serious tone, “Add these to the delivery and send them to my apartment.”

Triston followed Branden’s gaze towards the strawberries on the table and quickly nodded. “Don’t worry,I’ll arrange later!”novelbin

Considering the big favor Branden had just done, sending some strawberries was only fair. Althoughthese strawberries were expensive, Branden’s help made the cost worthwhile.

After Branden left, someone nearby became curious and approached Triston to ask, “I never saw Mr.Duncan eat a single strawberry during the whole event. Why did he ask to take some with him as heleft?”

Branden hadn’t eaten anything throughout the wine-tasting event. It seemed strange that he would wantto take some strawberries with him as he left.

The person asking this question was trying to find out Branden’s preferences. Countless people wishedthey had the chance to meet Branden, but it was nearly impossible.

If they could discover what Branden liked, it would be seen as quite an achievement. Triston understoodthis guy’s intentions and gave him a disdainful look, saying, “This isn’t for him, it’s clearly for his cat!”

The guy was stunned. Branden had a pet cat?

He hadn’t heard about this. Indeed, even giving such fancy fruit to a cat revealed that this was a world ofsuper-rich elites beyond the understanding of regular folks.

Triston also stared at the plate of strawberries, contemplating. Right now, the only thing he was gratefulfor was that Catherine hadn’t agreed to cooperate with the Winfreds.

However, because Branden had a strong liking for Catherine, if she tried to persuade him, he might haveshifted his focus and caused trouble for the Lamberts. The Lamberts would be in big trouble if that’s thecase.

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