All Her Secrets

Chapter 287
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Chapter 287

Catherine hadn’t even entered the classroom when Liana blocked her at the door. Liana seemed to bewaiting for her here deliberately. Catherine arched her eyebrows and cast a cold, curious gaze uponLiana.

“Is there any problem?” she asked. Liana stared at Catherine with a strong hint of dissatisfaction andresentment in her eyes. “Catherine, how could you speak to our grandparents like that yesterday? Doyou not have any respect for your elders?”

“Humph!” Catherine sneered, her clear and bright eyes filled with a hint of mockery as she looked atLiana. “So you are here to accuse me?”

“You treated your elders this way. Can’t I even ask about it?” Liana justified her argument fiercely. Afterreturning home yesterday, she felt uneasy all night and came to school early this morning to confrontCatherine.

Facing Liana’s arrogance, Catherine approached her slowly with a slight smirk and responded in a lowvoice.

“Have you thought this through? Are you sure it’s not because I exposed that you came in second at theschool celebration gala in front of everyone?”

Liana never expected that Catherine would see through her inner thoughts. She took a step back,widened her eyes, and looked at Catherine in astonishment. In those big eyes, there was also a hint offear besides anger.

Liana was unexpectedly taken aback by Catherine’s accurate grasp of her psychology. She was leftspeechless and stunned in place.

Seeing her action, Catherine bypassed her and went straight into the classroom. After Catherinedisappeared, Liana finally realized it and stomped her foot angrily. She didn’t understand why she would

lose to Catherine every time.

Her eyes flashed a hint of viciousness. ” I’m not just going to let it go. I’ve got other ways to deal withCatherine,” said she inwardly. After entering the classroom, Catherine sat down and walked directly toher seat.

In the next second, Ronin immediately stepped forward and said, “Boss, why did your phony sistersuddenly come to you? Does she want to cause trouble again? Should I teach her a lesson?”

In the opinion of Ronin, his boss’s sister, Liana, was a classic phony. “There was inconsistency betweenher words and deeds, and she constantly schemed behind Catherine’s back.

“If it were not for her blood relation with Boss, I would have already dealt with this deceitful woman whois always up to something evil,” thought he.

“No need!” Catherine didn’t consider Liana a threat at all, so naturally, she wouldn’t care about Liana, norwould she bother having Ronin make an effort to deal with Liana.

“Are we all set for the rehearsal?” Catherine asked.

“Boss, don’t worry! I’ve got the rehearsal venue and props ready for tomorrow. We have two days off.Why don’t we go back to base!”

It had been a while since Catherine came out. Everyone was missing her. If Branden had not spokenfirst, perhaps Catherine would have consented to Ronin’s request.

“I can’t. I still have something to do!”

Ronin originally wanted to ask Catherine what she was up to. However, knowing her temperament,Ronin realized that he couldn’t casually inquire about her whereabouts, so he remained silent.

It was just a casual conversation, but one listener took it to heart. Bryan was sitting on the side, listeningattentively to the conversation between the two.

Taking advantage of Catherine going to the restroom, Bryan beckoned Ronin, who was standing next tohim with a careless and playful posture, to come closer. Ronin had never gotten along with Bryan andalways had to clap back whenever Bryan talked.

“Why should I listen to you? Just because you tell me to come over, have to do it? Who do you think youare?

Bryan couldn’t be bothered to communicate with the fool. He rolled his eyes and said disdainfully,Whatever, but don’t come to beg me later!”

However, his attitude had caused some doubts in Ronin’s mind.

“Is there really something going on?” he wondered. Feeling uneasy, Ronin stepped forward and asked,“What is going on? Tell me quickly.”

Just now it was Bryan who took the initiative to approach him. Now, it was his turn to beg Bryan. Bryanput on an aloof air, ignoring Ronin. As a result, Ronin’s curiosity was piqued when he was subjected tosuch treatment.

“If you’re a man, then speak up, Bryan! ” said Ronin. Bryan looked at Ronin sideways and asked, “Doesit matter if I am a man or not? What’s the deal with these two things?”

“You were just about to say it yourself, and now you’re not saying anything? That’s so unmanly!”

Ronin said with a confident and righteous expression. However, Bryan completely ignored him, givinghim a sidelong glance and casually saying, “I’m a little thirsty!”

Ronin immediately got it. Even though annoyed, he still fetched a cup of hot coffee that he had preparedfor Catherine and handed it to Bryan.

“Sir, please have some coffee.”

After Bryan finished his coffee, he satisfactorily briefed Ronin on the situation. Finishing listening, Roninlooked at Bryan with a face full of astonishment.

“Is what you said for real?”

“You think my info can be fake?” Bryan was looking pretty confident. If it weren’t for that joker Tristonconstantly showing off, Bryan wouldn’t even know that this dude bought an entire island.

“As if afraid that others wouldn’t know it, he talked about it everywhere,” thought Bryan.

With a meaningful glance at Bryan, Ronin said, “Since you seem well- informed, I shall entrust thismatter to you. Remember, you must leave a spot for me.”

Bryan wanted to punch this idiot unconscious. “I had initially thought of working together with bothfamilies to find a solution, but this idiot pushed all the responsibility onto me!

“This is too much!” thought he. Liana hurried to the hospital as soon as classes were over at noon. Shearrived at the entrance of the hospital soon. The caregiver greeted Liana with a respectful and cheerfuldemeanor as she saw Liana.

“Miss Swann, you really care about your brother. You are visiting him so frequently!”

Korbin and Rachael were both busy. They hardly showed up after arranging the top-notch caregiver fortheir son. On the contrary, Liana, the older sister, had been quite proactive in visiting him. With a slightsmile, Liana elegantly looked at the caregiver.

“Let me chat with my brother. You can take a break. Why don’t you go for a stroll downstairs for a bit?”asked she.

The caregiver would kill for an opportunity like this. If it weren’t for the high salary this family offered, shewould never want to serve that hot- tempered Johnathan Swann. It was truly an agonizing experience.

Hearing the commotion outside the door, Johnathan thought the caregiver was returning and startedcursing instantly, “Where the hell have you been slacking off? Taking so long to come back, do you stillwant your job?”

“What a temper! Mr. Johnathan!” Liana’s voice was cool and full of sarcasm. Jonathan scrambled up andsaw that the comer was Liana. He rolled his eyes and flopped back down.novelbin

“What brings you here? You didn’t come all the way just to entertain yourself, did you?” He didn’t believeLiana would be so kind as to visit him. Others might not understand Liana, but he did.

“Liana has always been more cunning than others since she was little. “If I were not a boy, I might havealso been isolated like my eldest sister,” thought he. Facing Johnathan’s bad temper, Liana didn’t indulgehim and directly retorted back.

“What’s the point of getting angry at me? It’s not like I’ve done anything to harm you. If you have theguts, direct your anger at Catherine!”

Upon hearing this, Johnathan was about to retort. However, as the words were about to leave his mouth,he realized that there was something off about Liana’s statement.

His gaze fixed on Liana as he asked, ” What exactly do you mean by that?”

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