All Her Secrets

Chapter 240
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Chapter 240

Originally, the group had planned to spend the night at Grayson’s villa, but Ronin had some last-minutebusiness to attend to and needed to leave early. Catherine found it a bit boring and decided to leaveearly as well.

When she suggested it, Branden wouldn’t refuse. The two most important people were leaving, and theothers also found it uninteresting and decided to leave.

So they all naturally dispersed. Bryan had originally intended to take Yesenia home. But as Yesenia sawCatherine left with Branden in his car, she insisted on going with them. In front of her idol, Yesenia didn’teven fear her scary uncle.

She directly let go of Bryan’s hand and rushed over to Catherine. Then she smiled sweetly at Branden,who was standing by Catherine.novelbin

“Branden, I know you’re going to drive Catherine home. I want to go with you. After you drop offCatherine, I’ll go back with you.”

Yesenia had planned everything, even what she wanted to learn from Catherine during the drive.Unfortunately, no matter how perfectly she planned, it couldn’t become a reality.

Branden gave her a cold look and said, ” It’s not on the way. Then he opened the car door and gentlyhelped Catherine into the car. With a sharp slam, the car door closed.

Yesenia was left outside the car without any mercy by him. Yesenia felt resentful. She thought inwardly,“Why isn’t it on the way?

“Can’t I go see my grandfather tonight?

She wanted to confront Branden about this. It was a family matter after all, and Bryan had no reason tostand by and watch his cousin walk into danger without intervening.

Then Bryan grabbed Yesenia and pulled her back. Yesenia turned around and looked at Bryan withresentment. She felt he was ruining her chance to get close to Catherine. “What are you doing? Let mego. If you don’t release me soon, Branden’s car is going to leave.”

Bryan rolled his eyes at Yesenia in silence. He thought inwardly, “How can my cousin be so foolish?”

Then he asked, “Didn’t you hear Branden say it’s not on the way?”

“Why isn’t it on the way? Can’t I go to Grandpa’s house?”

Yesenia argued vigorously. She was eager to catch up to Branden’s car. However, Bryan’s next wordscompletely shocked her.

“Branden doesn’t live at the old mansion anymore. Catherine.” He lives with Bryan only said that theylived together, without specifying whether it meant living in the same house. If others misunderstood, thatwasn’t his concern.

After hearing that, Yesenia was stunned. Yesenia turned back and looked at Bryan with astonishment.Her eyes were filled with disbelief.

She glanced at the others nearby. They all remained calm and showed no surprise. It seemed likeeveryone knew this news except for her.

This was embarrassing. Yesenia stayed silent for a moment. Then she muttered quietly, “Branden issuch an old fox. He actually seduced Catherine into living together. It’s really inhumane.”

The people standing behind her were speechless. After all, it was Yesenia who had always idolizedBranden the most since she was a child. But now she seemed to be having a change of heart.

It just went to show that women could be quite fickle. As soon as Catherine got into the car, she fellasleep. When the car came to a stop, she was still resting and didn’t even show the slightest intention of


However, Branden pampered her and didn’t need her to say a word. He simply reached out and lifted herbody. Then he carried her upstairs.

Catherine realized that having Branden as her neighbor had its perks. At least she could comfortablytreat him as her personal mover, without a hint of guilt. Branden could directly carry her from the car toupstairs.

As the elevator doors opened, Catherine gracefully got rid of Branden’s arms without him having to say aword.

He barely managed to reach out and hold her waist. He cautioned her, “Take it slow.”

Although Branden knew that, given her agility, there was no chance of her stumbling, he couldn’t help butremind her.

Catherine turned to him with a faint smile. It made her already exquisite face appear even more radiant,which filled anyone who looked at her with joy.

“I got it,” she replied lazily.

Although her voice was soft and gentle, it was sweet. Branden was tickled by her voice. He lowered hiseyes and intentionally avoided eye contact.

Sensing the man’s subtle change, Catherine waved at him contentedly and turned to reach into herpocket for her keys. As she reached in, she realized she had left her keys on the shoe rack when she leftin the morning.

At that time, she had thought Audrey was home, so she hadn’t been in a rush. She immediately pulledout her phone and dialed Audrey’s number. After a few rings, the call was quickly answered.

“Kathy, is there something you need?” Audrey asked.

“Where are you?” Catherine inquired. Audrey found it a bit odd that Catherine was calling her at thishour, which wasn’t usual. “I’m on set, shooting a scene. I’m waiting for the next take. Do you needsomething? I probably won’t be back until tonight.”

Hearing that Audrey was on set, Catherine abandoned the idea of asking her to come back. Audrey wasat the peak of her career, and filming was her top priority. There was no need to disrupt Audrey’s work forher own sake.

Catherine casually made up an excuse and let her sister off the hook before hanging up the phone.

Branden didn’t leave. He stayed by the side and waited for Catherine to hang up the phone. He spokeslowly, “You forgot your keys?”

Though she didn’t want to admit it, Catherine nodded obediently. Branden walked toward his unit andunlocked the door with his fingerprint. Then he leaned against the door frame and looked at Catherinetenderly. He extended an invitation.

“Come on. Go inside and wait.”

He didn’t want to appear too eager. He wanted to avoid scaring Catherine into thinking he had ulteriormotives for moving next door.

Catherine didn’t make a fuss. Standing at the door and waiting for Audrey to come back in the eveningwas less comfortable than going inside his house. She walked briskly toward Branden. But Brandengrabbed her hand and stopped her at the door.

Catherine looked up in confusion, while Branden lowered his head in silence to work on the keypad lockon the door.

Then he took Catherine’s hand and pressed her slender fingers against the fingerprint scanner. Amechanical prompt sounded.” Fingerprint added successfully.”

Only then did Branden release Catherine’s fingers and lead her inside. Throughout the process, he gaveher advice cautiously and patiently.

“If you forget your keys in the future, just come straight here. Don’t wait at the door.”

Branden couldn’t bear to see Catherine suffer. Catherine didn’t respond. She looked around the roomand examined the layout and decor.

Branden’s personal taste was quite distinctive. The design of this room was identical to his room in theDuncans’.

It was all done in black, white, and gray tones, which combined coldness and strictness with understatedluxury. Although it leaned toward cold, it was particularly comfortable for Catherine. Branden pulledCatherine to sit on the sofa. He knew her nature too well.

She didn’t like standing and preferred to lounge around when she had nothing to do. “Sit and take yourtime to tour around. I’ll go prepare some food for you.”

Catherine looked at him in surprise and asked, “You can cook?”

A faintly indulgent smile appeared on Branden’s handsome face. He raised an eyebrow and winked atCatherine.”

Why don’t you wait and see?”

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