All Her Secrets

Chapter 233
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Chapter 233

Yesenia was quite spoiled and could be very fierce when she threw a fit. Her anger took over, making herlose all reason as she shouted directly at Bryan.

“What, you got a problem with me not liking her?

“Who does she think she is? Why are so many people flocking around her?” Yesenia vented herfrustrations by speaking out all the hatred in her heart. She couldn’t be stopped when she threw atantrum like a princess.

Relying on the Duncans’ favor toward her, she had gotten used to acting arrogantly and not consideringthe consequences.

When he looked at Yesenia’s arrogant and domineering behavior, Bryan finally understood why Roninwanted to slap her.

If Yesenia were not his cousin, he would also want to slap her. He turned apologetically toward Catherinewhile anxiously worrying for Yesenia.

“Silly girl! She doesn’t even know what’s going on and is just talking nonsense,” said he inwardly.However, Catherine remained calm and showed no signs of anger on her face.

She kept giving Yesenia a cold stare, with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes as if saying, “What a recklessgirl.”

She withdrew her gaze and turned to face Branden. However, she noticed that Branden’s gaze was notdirected at herself but toward the direction of Yesenia with a furrowed brow.

Noticing the displeasure emanating from his entire body at this moment, Catherine silently sneered witha cold face.

“Seems like I don’t have to make a move myself. It’s fine. I’m happy to sit by.”

Yesenia still hadn’t realized the danger approaching her, arrogantly tilting her head up and looking atBryan. Bryan ignored her and looked directly behind Yesenia. He respectfully spoke.” Uncle…”

The simple word made Yesenia’s face pale instantly. She turned around instinctively and looked behindher. Upon seeing the gloomy expression on Branden’s face, she was so startled that she almost couldn’tfind her words.

This was the first time she had seen such a terrifying Branden. Her heart was pounding wildly, and hergaze panicked as she looked at Branden.

Branden’s eyes flashed with a cold light. He looked at Yesenia’s face gloomily as he spoke in a cold andemotionless voice.

“Seems like I’ve been too lenient on your education lately. So starting next week, you’ll attend classes atSoland Women’s College. Maybe that’ll help you to shape up.”

Upon hearing this news, Yesenia felt it was like a bolt out of the blue. Soland Women’s College waswidely known by the nickname “Soland Women’s Prison,” as entering this institution was akin to halfdead, even if one managed to survive.

This was a college exclusively for girls. Its management was quite strict, almost like a military discipline.Usually, the students could only come out once a week. “It would be better to kill me than to send me intothis college,” thought Yesenia. She opened her mouth to argue but was cut off by Branden’s promptintervention.

“If you don’t want to stay in the Soland, I can arrange for someone to send you to the Women’s ReligiousStudies Academy of Theisia.”

It was a place more terrifying than Soland Women’s College. For ordinary students, it was like apurgatory on earth. Yesenia never expected Branden to be so ruthless. She immediately turned red -eyed and felt like the world was falling apart.

Triston and the others had all watched Yesenia grow up since she was little. It was heartbreaking forthem to see her cry like this now.

Triston sneaked up and stopped Yesenia. Branden gave a warning glance at Yesenia, then turnedaround and grabbed Catherine to leave the scene.

“It’s windy here. Your hands are freezing!”

Catherine did a quick self-check and wondered if Branden operated on a different temperature scalethan her. “I feel just fine, but why does he always feel cold all the time?” she wondered.

After Branden left, Yesenia finally couldn’t hold it in and yelled at Tristan in confusion, “Uncle Triston, whydon’t you let me speak? I don’t want to go to Soland Women’s College! I would rather die!

“Uncle Triston, why didn’t you speak up for me just now?”

Triston looked at her seriously and said, “Yesenia, aren’t you making things difficult for me? I’m sureBranden would’ve sent you to Theisia if I hadn’t pulled you away just now. When has he ever not fulfilledhis promises?

“You’ve got guts, daring to go against him like that. Do you even know who Catherine Swann is? Yethere you are, openly insulting her. You really have no fear, like a naive kid who doesn’t know any better.”

Yesenia was not convinced. Although she thought it was rare for her uncle to treat a girl so well, as soonas she thought about the girl being Catherine, she felt annoyed.

“Who else could she be? She’s just the damn jinx from the Swanns.”

Right before Bryan was about to leave, he heard Yesenia say something that instantly got him fired up.

He turned around and glared angrily at Yesenia, scolding in a low voice, “You are hopeless. I shouldhave advised Uncle Branden to send you away.

You’ve been influenced badly by Casier. I will talk to Grandpa and ask him to remind my uncle and auntto educate you properly when I go back tonight!”

Seeing Bryan storming off, Yesenia stomped her foot in frustration.novelbin

“They are both under a spell, aren’t they?

“Why is everyone speaking up for Catherine? It’s really pissing me off!” said she inwardly.

Triston didn’t want Yesenia to go astray. She was young. They had watched her grow up since she waslittle, so Triston advised her with a few words.

“Yesenia, you gotta remember, Catherine was the treasure for Branden. She’s the one he holds dear,and if Catherine is willing, she might become your aunt-in-law. So, I suggest you don’t mess with her.

“Moreover, you saw for yourself Bryan’s attitude. He touted Catherine as an idol. So, don’t give yourselfany unnecessary trouble.”

Upon hearing Triston’s words, Yesenia widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief.

“What do you mean by ‘if Catherine is willing?’ It is a blessing for her that my uncle is interested in her!”Although Yesenia didn’t quite understand why Branden would be interested in this disaster-causingCatherine.

Based on Branden’s attitude toward Catherine earlier, Yesenia could tell it was indeed very different. Itwas the first time she saw Branden getting so close to a girl in her lifetime.

She had always idolized Branden despite Branden’s moody temperament and distant attitude toward thefamily members.

However, there was no doubt about his abilities. He was a legend and a mythical figure in the businessworld that would endure forever.

In her eyes, the fact that Branden was willing to take a glance at Catherine was considered a blessing.How dare Catherine possibly dare to refuse him?

Triston glanced at the few girls standing on the side, all of them having weird and ironic expressions ontheir faces. These girls were not easy to deal with. They usually liked to gather together and gossip whenthey had nothing to do.

Triston’s group of men had no other distinguishing characteristics except their tendency to defend theirinterests. As long as these girls didn’t mess with them, they wouldn’t care. But if someone messed withthem, they wouldn’t show mercy.

“Yesenia, your uncle and cousin are your relatives and will not harm you. You should stay away fromoutside influences and keep your eyes clear.

“Do you really think your uncle is worse at judging people than you? If that’s really the case, then how didthe Duncans reach where it is today?”

It was all thanks to Branden that the Duncans could achieve another triumph. Triston’s insinuation madethe several girls standing on the side very embarrassed.

Especially Jessica. She was the most lively and active speaker just now. 11 Isn’t Triston referring to me?”said she inwardly.

Loraine’s face darkened a little more. She didn’t expect that Catherine had such a stronghold in thesepeople. “Damn it!” thought she.

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