All Her Secrets

Chapter 215
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Chapter 215

Aidan had been receiving hints from Terrance, and if he hadn’t known that Terrance was different fromAaron and Jameson, he wouldn’t have been willing to help the Blatons. How could he risk offendingBranden?

Just the thought of it made Aidan irritated. After hesitating for a moment, he seized the opportunity tomake an introduction.

“Catherine, this is my cousin’s husband, Terrance Blaton!” Finally, it was his turn to be introduced, andTerrance eagerly picked up his glass.

Catherine, who had been sitting quietly, reached out and picked up a lobster when she heard the sound.Then, she threw it directly in front of Branden.

Initially, everyone thought it was a normal gesture for Catherine to serve Branden, as many peoplewanted to show him their respect but never had the chance.

However, her action seemed a bit rude, as the lobster was thrown in front of Branden without even beingopened. Branden’s eyes scanned the lobster before him, and he elegantly wiped his hands beforedismantling it piece by piece.

Using a specially designed tool, he shaved off the lobster meat and piled it on a clean, small plate.Exceptional people were always different from others. Even watching him dismantle a lobster was likeappreciating a performance.

To everyone’s surprise, Branden didn’t immediately enjoy the lobster after dismantling it. Instead, hebrought the whole plate of lobster meat to Catherine and even dipped it in the sauce for her.


His deep voice was full of gentleness, and the smile on his face showed how much he loved her. Thepeople around finally understood what was going on. It turned out that Catherine wasn’t serving Brandenbut treating him as a free servant.

In the entire Casier, perhaps Catherine was the only one who dared to give orders to Branden like this.Terrance had thought that Catherine was just a woman of Branden’s, and the Duncans wouldn’t reallyoffend the Blatons and Lanes for a woman.

Now, he was utterly shocked by this scene. It turned out that he was completely wrong. This womancould command Branden in such a casual way. It showed her extraordinary status. Terrance held theglass in his hands, and his attitude changed completely.

He respectfully bowed and sincerely said, “Miss Swann, I am Terrance Blaton. You may not know me,but my younger brother offended you yesterday. I am here today to apologize on his behalf. I hope youcan forgive us.

Catherine’s eyes were as enchanting as the night. She raised an eyebrow slightly, giving Terrance, whowas bowing, a mischievous smile.

“Oh, so you’re here to apologize!”

Terrance straightened up and nodded slightly. “Yes, Miss Swann, I’m truly sorry. It was my foolish brotherwho offended you, and we will definitely discipline him when we get back!”

“No need!”

These two simple words instantly made Terrance’s heart skip a beat. His face turned pale, and he felt asense of panic inside. What did Catherine mean by this? What Aaron had done was really unforgivable.Before Terrance could figure it out, Catherine gave him the answer.

“I said, there’s no need to apologize! First, it wasn’t your fault!”

After saying this, she raised an eyebrow and looked at Terrance sharply. “If I’m not mistaken, he is yourhalf-brother, right?”

Being publicly confronted with family matters, Terrance felt embarrassed but could only nod. He certainlydidn’t want to help his foolish brother, Aaron. Over the years, his father had done so much for that idiot,causing them to offend many people.

In the past, the Blatons could handle it. Jameson, his father, was the one in charge, and Terrance had nosay in the matter. He could only endure it. But this time was different. It threatened the foundation of theentire Blaton Group, and he couldn’t just stand out for his family.

Seeing him nod, Catherine continued. Second, your brother offended me, and I broke his leg. The debthas been settled, so why bother coming to apologize?”

Terrance knew what Catherine said was true, but since the incident yesterday, everyone knew that theBlatons had also offended the Duncans.

The Duncans had even intentionally spread the news that any business that had a contract with theBlatons should voluntarily terminate it before the Duncans took action. Who would dare to offend theDuncans?

With such a disturbance, the Blaton Group wouldn’t last a week before going bankrupt. Today, Terrancecame to beg for Catherine’s forgiveness, but more importantly, he wanted forgiveness from Branden.

Terrance glanced at Branden but didn’t dare to say it out loud. Catherine knew Terrance’s true intentions,but what did it have to do with her if it was Branden who had the final say? Why should she go toBranden to plead for an outsider? Who did the Blatons think they were?

Terrance had prepared a bunch of excuses, but Catherine had shut him down with just a few words.Now, he didn’t know what to say and stood there in a daze.

Catherine leisurely picked up a piece of lobster meat and enjoyed it. After effortlessly finishing her meal,she put down her fork and said to Branden, I’m full!”

Branden smiled at her tenderly and said, “Alright, let’s go back then.” There was a hint of concern in histone as he looked at her tired appearance. Earlier in the car, he planned to turn the car around andreturn home, but she woke up when the car stopped.

Since she wanted to come, he respected her decision. No one could stop her now that she was full andwanted to leave.

Catherine stood up, and Branden held her hand as they left in front of everyone. Who would dare to stopthese two big shots?

When they reached the door, Catherine suddenly stopped and looked back at Terrance. Terrance’s eyesinstantly lit up with hope, but Catherine’s words were not about pleading with Branden for him.

“Oh, by the way, you might want to take your brother and father for a check -up when you have time. Youmight be surprised!”

Looking at the mischievous smile on Catherine’s face, Terrance was confused. Catherine didn’t careabout him, turning to leave. As she walked away, she hummed a tune. “Cheating… Love is full ofcheating…”

The people in the private room finally realized something. Triston’s gaze was fixed on Terrance, and hecouldn’t hide his smile. Since he was familiar with Terrance, he joked openly. “Well, Mr. Blaton, it lookslike the Blatons need a proper DNA test right now!”

Terrance remained silent with a serious face. He knew that Catherine wouldn’t suddenly make things up.If Catherine could bring the Blatons to the brink of destruction in an instant, it was highly possible thatshe had discovered some information they didn’t know. For example, Aaron’s background!

Aidan knew the situation well. He softly patted Terrance’s shoulder and reminded him. “Terrance, whenit’s time to decide, just make it. Catherine made it clear enough that it wasn’t your fault! She has shownyou enough respect!”novelbin

Just the fact that Aaron called her a high-end prostitute” was enough for Branden to take drasticmeasures. If Terrance still didn’t understand the severity of the situation, the Lanes, who were relatives ofthe Blatons, would have to cut ties with him early.

The Blatons were undoubtedly going to be annihilated, but it wasn’t Terrance’s fault. Catherine was clearabout who had wronged her. She only took action against those who offended her.

Terrance slowly realized what was going on and nodded. “Sure, Aidan, thanks for your help. I havesomething else to attend to, so I’ll head back first!”

Aidan knew that Terrance would investigate Aaron’s background, so he didn’t stop him. He simplycautioned Terrance to be careful and let him go.

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