All Her Secrets

Chapter 203
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Chapter 203

After Catherine left the classroom, her phone rang once again. It was an unfamiliar number. But it hadspecial symbols, which was rare. With one glance, she instantly recognized the caller.

She casually pressed the answer button and held the phone to her ear. From the noise on the otherend, it seemed that the caller was extremely cautious and even surprised that the call was answered.

“Wow. The call went through. Is it Sugar?”

As Catherine spoke, her voice had changed. It was deep and husky, like a man’s smoky voice. No onewould believe that this voice belonged to such a charming young lady.


Catherine replied with a single word in a tone filled with a powerful presence. On the other end, thecaller’s voice sounded excited but he managed to restrain himself.

“Sugar, the black market is offering 100 million dollars for your expertise, and a few of the top hackerswill work with you.”

“Who?” Catherine asked succinctly. The caller replied, “Sugar, it was an anonymous order.” Catherinefrowned. Her eyes were cold and terrifyingly chilling. “Don’t they know my rules?”

Even though they were on the phone, the person on the other end of the line was so scared. Herealized that the rumors were true. Sugar was indeed a fearsome figure.

According to the rumors, this mysterious top-tier hacker, Sugar, was exceptionally skilled, ruthless, andutterly cold-blooded. If someone dared to cross Sugar, he would get into big trouble.

“But, they…”

Before he could finish, Catherine cut him off abruptly. She said, “If there is a next time, I’ll make youdisappear from this world.”

With her assertive words, she promptly hung up the phone. After the conversation, Catherine feltsomewhat agitated.

She had her own rules when it came to her business dealings. Making money was fine, but the moneyhad to from a clean source. Regardless of who they are, they had to identify themselves first.

Catherine does not accept anonymous orders. Anyone who dared to break her rules was courting theirdemise. After she put her phone away, she turned and saw Ronin walking straight toward her. Bryanwalked steadily behind Ronin. He moved with a calm and unhurried pace.

Bryan had grown up in the Duncans’ and was practically raised by Karl himself. There was a hint ofBranden’s composure in him.

Compared to Ronin, who was a playful young lad, Bryan was much more mature,Catherine gave thema cold look, which scared Ronin. He realized he had forgotten about it again.

Every time Bryan teased him, he couldn’t help but lose his temper. Despite knowing that Catherinedespised disturbances, Ronin couldn’t help himself. As such, he could only come over to apologizesincerely. He said, “Boss, we were wrong. We won’t make a fuss again.”

Catherine didn’t trust him at all. Ronin had always kept his promises to her in the past. But since heencountered Bryan, he couldn’t control himself.

Ronin glanced at Catherine’s expression before lowering his head in guilt. Compared to Ronin, Bryanwas much more straightforward. He said to Catherine, “Boss, we’ve gone through this piece. It feelsperfect for our duo. I think I’ll be able to master it quickly. How about we find a time to rehearse it?

Catherine had tailored this piece of music for these two and Catherine made special adjustments toBryan’s part. While Bryan could ensure pitch accuracy, he sometimes struggled with maintaining asense of rhythm.

Therefore, Catherine made adjustments specifically for him, which made him feel that the songperfectly suited him.

“There’s no rush for it. You guys should practice for another night, and we’ll schedule a full dressrehearsal tomorrow.”

Upon hearing Catherine’s answer, Bryan didn’t press further. He understood that once Catherine madea decision, it wouldn’t change.

Moreover, one of Catherine’s remarkable qualities was her ability to see the big picture. Although someof her decisions seemed bizarre at first glance, they ultimately prove that Catherine had been right allalong. Therefore, Bryan simply followed Catherine’s orders obediently. Nothing would go wrong.

However, Ronin sensed another meaning behind this. “Boss, do have plans for tonight?” you Ronin hadbeen by Catherine’s side from a young age, and no one understood her better than he did.

Catherine nodded and turned to look at Ronin. “I promised Audrey to pick her up tonight.”


After hearing that, Ronin responded reluctantly. He was starting to envy Audrey. In the past, Catherinefavored him solely. But now Catherine favored her older sister, another man, and even Bryan. Roninwas quite upset about it.

Catherine had had enough of the wind. on the rooftop and felt cold. At that moment, she suddenlyremembered a certain man’s repeated advice. He said, “Girls shouldn’t expose themselves to the cold.

It’s not good for health.”

With a single hand to support herself, Catherine gracefully leaped down from the high platform andstrode away. Ronin realized something and muttered, “Did Boss just smile?”

Bryan looked at him with disdain and wanted to retort. However, Bryan remembered that Catherinedidn’t like them arguing, so he held his tongue. He gave Ronin a disdainful look and followedCatherine.

After school, Catherine rode her motorcycle to Audrey’s filming location. Audrey had been complainingall evening since they hadn’t been able to go out for a barbecue last night.

Catherine promised to pick her up tonight and accompany her to have a barbecue. As soon as sheparked her motorcycle, Catherine felt eyes on her from behind. She had intended to enter the building,but she shifted her body and walked toward a nearby alley.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with coldness, casual yet domineering. Once inside the alley, Catherinewent straight to the darkest corner. In the next moment, a gust of wind swept by. Catherine remainedcalm. She even didn’t blink.

If it was any other ordinary person, he might have screamed and fled long ago. A tall figure completelyobscured Catherine and radiated a menacing aura.novelbin

The next second, the tall figure suddenly knelt on one knee and lowered his head. He knelt beforeCatherine in an extremely submissive manner.

“Boss, there’s something I need to report to you.”

“Speak!” Catherine spoke up coldly.Joseph dared to speak only after receiving the permission to do so.He continued, “Boss, Miss Audrey was harassed today. I’ve identified the harasser. He’s the son of an

investor in this drama. He had come to visit his girlfriend before he ran into Miss Audrey by accident.He was promptly stopped by Miss Swann’s agent but I think he won’t let this matter go.”

Although Joseph betrayed the organization, Catherine didn’t punish him as she felt that his actionswere for a good reason. However, there were rules within the organization.

Catherine could spare Joseph’s life. However, Joseph couldn’t return to the organization. It was therules that everyone in the organization must adhere to.

Joseph appreciated the leniency Catherine showed and requested to stay by her side to work. ThenCatherine assigned him to Audrey’s side to protect Audrey.

Audrey was in the entertainment industry. This industry was extremely complex, with many dangerslurking. Catherine couldn’t always be there to watch over Audrey, so she arranged for Joseph to takecare of Audrey.

Under normal circumstances, Joseph wouldn’t appear unless there was a threat to Audrey’s life.

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