All Her Secrets

Chapter 164
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Chapter 164

In the study of the Duncans’. Paxton rushed in with his laptop and placed it in front of Branden.

“Mr. Duncan. We can no longer hold on! Upon hearing Paxton’s words, Branden was somewhatsurprised. It was unexpected that his hacker team could also experience defeat.

This team was built by him personally and had been through a lot of training. It had never beendefeated before. He handed over this team to Paxton, who was also a computer expert and had nevermade a mistake.

Despite knowing that it was difficult to breach the firewall of Hacker Alliance, he did not expect to betraced by the other party so quickly.

His pitch-dark eyes glittered as he fixed his gaze intently on the computer screen and observed everysingle fluctuation in the data displayed on it.

There wasn’t any expression or posture from head to toe, but he emanated a fierce aura thatdiscouraged anyone from meeting his gaze. “What’s going on?”

A cold voice immediately snapped Paxton, who was deeply immersed in his thoughts, back to reality.He quickly reported the situation.

“Sir, it was our negligence. We didn’t expect the other party to set up anti- tracking traps right from thebeginning. All of our IDs have been intercepted, and even our location has been discovered by them.”

Paxton hung his head in embarrassment, feeling that he had never been so ashamed in his entire life.He even believed he no longer had the dignity to face Branden. Upon hearing the report, Branden, witha noble and mysterious aura, didn’t criticize Paxton..

“We were originally in a winning position, but just five minutes ago, the opponent suddenly switched toanother person. This person’s behavior was somewhat similar to the previous one. At first, we thought

it was the same person, but we were proven completely wrong in the next second. This person wasreally impressive!”

Amid Paxton’s speech, Branden’s slender fingers were already tapping on the keyboard. On thespacious screen, lines of code scrolled by swiftly.novelbin

At a speed that most ordinary people couldn’t even keep up with, top hackers not only had to memorizethe quickly scrolling code but also had to decipher each and every one of them.

They even had to detect and identify the hidden bugs and closely track the other party’s location toeliminate them. This was a game where every second counted.

There was a chance that being just 0.01 seconds behind the opponent could result in losing the entirebattle. Ronin got replaced by Catherine and was now sitting on the side watching the action whilehelping her fix a few bugs.

“The other party was a team, but my boss was just on her own,” thought Ronin. He was getting readyto boast about the greatness of his boss, but the other party suddenly became very powerful. His eyeswidened instantaneously, and he exclaimed in astonishment, “What the fuck!

“Boss, is that guy attacking us on drugs or what? How come he suddenly became so aggressive andintense?”

Catherine couldn’t help but roll her eyes and sarcastically comment about Ronin’s way of thinking thatshe reluctantly accepted. “You can’t even tell that the person has been replaced?”

“A different person?” Ronin exclaimed in shock, “There’s actually someone who’s skilled enough to rivalus? His strength is simply astounding!”

The previous group of people had left a deep impression on Ronin. It was unexpected to see asupreme expert joining the battle. He had initially planned to sit back and watch comfortably, but now,he must exert extreme effort to provide logistical support for Catherine.

“Should have called that brat Joseph Green to help earlier. I thought Boss could handle everything, butit turns out the other side had their own big shot,” said Ronin inwardly.

Compared to Ronin’s startled and apprehensive reaction, Catherine remained remarkably calm andcomposed. On that stunning face, within a pair of beautiful large eyes, there was a rare hint ofplayfulness and amusement at this moment.

Ronin was right. The other party’s strength was indeed formidable. It had been a considerable amountof time since she last met such a pro.

She wouldn’t enjoy playing to her fullest if the other party were still at the same level as before. “Thereis now someone competent. I can also have a good time.

“It is time for me to take action finally, thought Catherine. In the final ten minutes, there would surely bea conclusive outcome. Both sides were experts among experts, and the battle was particularly intense.

Ronin’s heart was in his throat. Even his breathing became cautious. He hadn’t had this feeling formany years, and he couldn’t even guarantee now that his Boss would definitely win.

This was a feeling he had never experienced before. The other party’s power was indeed too strong,which had caused him to have such an illusion.

The countdown began.


The results were out. Ronin instinctively closed his eyes, afraid to look at it. After a long time hadpassed, he realized that there was no sound and opened his eyes timidly, only to find that the computerscreen had turned black.

He hurriedly turned to Catherine, saying, “Boss, how did it go? What’s the result?” Catherine had seenit clearly when Ronin covered his face and dared not look at the screen earlier. She gave Ronin adisdainful look and then told him the answer. “It’s a tie!”

“What?” Ronin’s eyes nearly popped out, and he looked at Catherine with a twitch in his mouth. “It’s atie? The opponent can actually fight you to a tie. Boss, is there really such a powerful person in thisworld?”

In the eyes of Ronin, Catherine was already invincible. He did not believe that there was anyone morepowerful than her. Catherine took a sip of water calmly, relieving the dryness in her throat.

After devouring so many salty and spicy dishes just now without even having a chance to drink coffee,she was summoned by Ronin for some intense work and was indeed quite thirsty now.

“Yeah, impressive strength!”

Hacker Alliance was on the defensive side, while the attackers were on the offensive side today. Theattacker appeared out of nowhere and clearly wasn’t ready for this.

Catherine couldn’t guarantee she wouldn’t be overcome if the other party launched an attack afteradequate preparation. It appeared that the program she wrote three years ago was due for an upgrade.

It was more than adequate for dealing with regular hackers, but there were still loopholes when facingtop players.

Ronin was unable to recover from shock for a long time. Catherine couldn’t be bothered to appreciatehis foolish appearance and ended the video call directly to have a rest. She had worked hard all dayand needed some rest. On the other side, in the study of the Duncans’.

Paxton was also staring at the screen with a shocked look. He never expected Branden to end up witha tie in the battle. “Mr. Duncan, is this person a god? So powerful?”

In the eyes of Paxton, Branden was akin to a divine entity. Branden’s profound gaze was fixed tightlyon the computer screen while his powerful mind repeatedly deduced every step that had just beentaken.

He was a person who pursued perfection and did not tolerate unnecessary failures. After severalmeticulous analyses, he could confirm that the opponent was indeed very strong.

Moreover, he could tell that the other person’s computer expertise might even surpass his. It must bean absolute computer genius.

“Investigate it! I want to know all the information about this person!”

Upon hearing the order from Branden, Paxton did not dare to hesitate and responded promptly, “Sure, Iwill do it at once.”

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