All Her Secrets

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161

In Korbin’s eyes, the most hateful trait of Catherine was her arrogance, coldness, and haughtiness. Hehated her for that. As the legitimate son of the Swanns, he spent the first half of his life workingtirelessly for the Swanns.

He was forever subordinate to Vicente, whose word was law at the Swann Corporation. However, hewas not angry or worried.

In his understanding, he perceived himself as the future heir of the Swanns and firmly believed that theSwanns would ultimately be his possession. Finally, he witnessed the passing of Vicente.

The passing of his biological father at his age brought about sadness, but there was not as much deepattachment. Furthermore, he contemplated the future.

With a blueprint for the future of the Swann Corporation entirely under his control, he wouldundoubtedly lead the Swann Corporation toward a better future.

Korbin had planned it all out but didn’t expect Vicente to play tricks on him before passing away. It waslike Vicente invited the devil to him.

Korbin resented the cruelty of his father toward him. At the same time, he ridiculed his father’sfoolishness in having introduced such a country girl to disgust him.

“Does father really think that by arranging for a lawyer, Leonel Bolton, to be by this girl’s side, he canhelp her turn everything around? “She will never escape me.

“How can a little naive girl like her compete with me?” said Korbin inwardly. Not considering Catherineas a threat did not imply that he did not hate her.

Over the past few days, Catherine’s actions had left him quite dissatisfied. Korbin raised his head witha stern expression and cold gaze, roaring angrily, “How dare you come back? Do you know how much

trouble you’ve caused?”

Facing Korbin’s rage, Catherine calmly walked forward and pulled out a chair for herself to sit in front ofKorbin casually.

She let out a soft chuckle, her eyes slightly raised, and her gaze fell straight on Korbin. “Father, if Iunderstand your words correctly, it means you did not call me back, did you?”

Korbin immediately got angry. He had been on the verge of losing control but then thought of thestubborn nature of the girl, as well as the conditions set by the Wales. He took a deep breath andsuppressed his anger.

“I won’t bother you with this, but I asked you to come back because you still have blood ties to theSwanns. Do you know Nash Wale, the only son of the Wales? By offending him, you’re essentiallyoffending the entire Wales. Do you understand?”

“Oh, is that so?” Catherine tilted her head with a strange smirk on the corner of her mouth as shelooked at Korbin. “Father, so you intend to fight against the Wales for my sake, right?”

The mockery in her tone was not masked in the slightest. If Korbin couldn’t detect it, he would havewasted his years of experience.

He held a deep hatred for Catherine in his heart. Giving her a hateful look, he said, “Don’t think that youcan deal with the Wales just because you know Bryan. Nash is the legitimate son of the Wales, whileBryan is only from a branch of the Duncans. You need to be mindful of the difference.”

Catherine wanted to laugh. She wanted to ask Korbin what would happen if not only Bryan but alsoBranden were with her. “After all, he can be considered my fiancé,” thought Catherine.

She had heard that Korbin’s heart was not in great condition. Catherine decided to swallow her wordsto prevent him from having a heart attack. It went against her nature to commit patricide.

“So, what do you think I should do, father?” Catherine asked Korbin in return. Such were the words thatKorbin was waiting for. Because Catherine proactively suggested it, his tone calmed down slightlywithout the previous irritability.

“You must go to the school tomorrow and retract those submitted documents. Inform the schoolauthorities that they were all fabricated by you and are not genuine evidence!” said he.

“To falsify actual evidence and publicly admit to doing so in front of the school authorities. Father, youintend to make me an outcast in this school. Slandering a classmate is not a trivial matter. Even if Ibear the sole responsibility, the lightest punishment I can expect is expulsion, isn’t it?” asked Catherine.

Catherine calmly stated all the possible events that could occur. She was aware of Korbin’s ulteriormotives.

“It is likely that someone from the Wales has made a deal with the Swanns. In order to get somebenefits, Korbin has agreed to the request of the Wales.

“At the same time, it is well-known that Bryan is involved in this matter. To avoid offending the Duncans,he wants to sacrifice me to satisfy his own need,” thought Catherine.

Korbin’s thoughts were exposed, but he showed no hint of embarrassment on his face. He solemnlyfollowed Catherine’s words. “What’s the matter of being expelled? I can always find another school foryou. Casier is so big. Do you think there won’t be a place for you to study? Don’t worry. As long as youdo as I say, I will take care of the arrangements for you, and the impact will be minimal!”

This statement sounded even more effortless than simply dismissing a beggar. Catherine let out a softlaugh with a chilly tone in her voice, making Korbin feel a bit uneasy. He couldn’t figure out how this girl

could laugh so creepily.

“What are you laughing at, you silly girl? There’s nothing to ponder about. Just do as I said tomorrow!”

Korbin didn’t know why he couldn’t bring himself to meet Catherine’s gaze directly. He always felt asense of guilt whenever he caught sight of this girl.

Faced with the dominance of Korbin, Catherine remained remarkably composed from beginning to end,not even showing the slightest hint of emotion on her face.

She spoke gently, not sounding like someone involved but rather an onlooker. “Father, since you thinkit’s so easy, claiming it has no impact, why don’t you advise the Wales to change a school?”

With just a sentence, it immediately stirred up the anger in Korbin’s heart. His face instantly darkened,and he glared at Catherine with an ashen complexion, struggling to control his raging temper as heslammed the table and shouted angrily. “You ungrateful child, are you ignoring me when I speak toyou?

“I spoke to you nicely, but you didn’t listen. You’re forcing me to get angry. Let me tell you, if you don’tgo to school tomorrow and handle the matter, I’ll…”novelbin

Before he could finish, Catherine cut him off coldly, saying, “You’ll what?” Korbin was infuriated by herand was about to speak up, but he found nothing that could threaten Catherine.

In his silence, Catherine spoke on his behalf. “All you can do is drive me out of the Swanns, but don’tforget who the real owner of the Swanns is now.”

With just a simple sentence, Korbin almost passed out from infuriation. As she watched Korbinexaggeratedly gasp for air, Catherine didn’t feel any sympathy for him. She initially didn’t want to makeKorbin angry like this. But it served him right for pushing his luck too far.

“Then don’t blame me for being ruthless with my words,” said Catherine inwardly. “I will withdraw myaccusations against Nash Wale if two conditions are met!” she added.

Korbin gradually calmed down and took deep breaths to adjust his pace before eventually speakingup.” Alright, tell me the conditions!!”

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