All Her Secrets

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

Rather than making an instant decision, Ronin settled his gaze on Catherine, waiting for her to decide.Catherine knew what Ronin meant. She turned on the clip mic and said coldly, No need. Let’s getstarted!”

Everyone was shocked. Previously, the audio equipment was broken, and they had no other choice butto use the clip mics. However, it had been repaired. Why did Catherine still insist on using the clipmics?

How could she win then? Not only the audience but also the judges looked at Catherine inastonishment..

Faced with others’ confusion, Nash picked up the microphone and said to Catherine, “The equipmenthas been fixed. If you insist on using the self- prepared audio equipment, we’ll still judge you with thefairest standard. Are you sure you still wanna continue?”

It was quite savvy of him to say so. Clearly, what he meant was that even if Catherine and her teamused the clip mic, their performance would be judged with the standard of professional audioequipment.

While Nash was speaking, Catherine didn’t even take a look at him. With her head lowered, she justfocused on fiddling with her loudspeaker as well as Bryan’s and Ronin’s.

Nash was infuriated by her attitude. Originally, he didn’t want to target her team, but he felt that theywere so arrogant that he couldn’t help doing something against them.

“Catherine is fine with this. What about the other two? If you have any problems, you may just say it!”

Ronin arched his brows and looked at the one sitting in the middle with glasses, his face full ofdisgruntlement and disdain.

“Hey! What’s wrong with you? You just want trouble, right?” Nash looked at Ronin in confusion, notunderstanding why Ronin lashed out at him. Before he could speak, what Ronin was gonna say nextwas like a slap in his face.

Ronin snapped, “You know we’re a team. Do you know what team spirit means?”

He pointed at Catherine in an imposing manner. “This is our leader. She just represents the three of us.We’ll stick with the clip mics. Just cut it out and let’s get it over with!”

Bryan said nothing, but his facial expression showed his attitude clearly. That was, he was absolutelyobedient to Catherine. Sitting next to Nash, Elena felt overjoyed.

She had felt how displeased Nash was. She knew that the more arrogant Ronin was, the more peoplewould dislike him.

Elena leaned on Nash and whispered, ” Nash, we all know you have a good heart, but these peopleare not worth it. They’re too arrogant! This is so outrageous.”

Nash agreed with Elena tacitly, put away the microphone, and asked Catherine’s team to startperforming. Catherine turned around, approached Bryan, and said to him in a low voice,” Tune it downby one step. Can you do it?

Normally, people couldn’t accept adjusting the tone of the song at the last minute. However, Bryan wasnot an ordinary person. He was a super-intelligent genius.

It was difficult to some degree, but he believed that he could make it for sure.novelbin

“No worries, Boss!”

The corners of Catherine’s mouth turned up. She gave him an approving look. She was never wrongabout people.

The music came!

Ronin beat a key, followed by Bryan’s guitar sound. Although it sounded a bit weird with a key lowered,it was still fine on the whole. A highchair was placed on the stage. Catherine was sitting on it leisurely.

Now, she didn’t look like a performer on the stage. Instead, she was more like a lady sitting in the bar,swirling the wine in her glass and swinging her body to the music.

At times, Catherine was indifferent, cold, and bossy with a distant air. Meanwhile, she was also asnoble and inviolably beautiful as a goddess.

Nevertheless, at that moment, Catherine was looking down at the audience loftily with her eyes slightlynarrowed. Her eyes were unfocused, which were not fixed on anyone. She just glanced across theaudience without hesitation.

An arrogant and headstrong temperament was discernible throughout her body. Besides, her drop-dead gorgeous face was really heart-stopping.

Before Catherine even started singing, the audience’s questioning and disdainful voices graduallyfaded away as she was brewing her emotions. Catherine covered her ear with one hand so that the clipmic could capture her voice accurately.

Her beautiful voice was clear and ethereal like the drizzling spring in the mountain. It sounded so nicethat everyone got carried away. They were all astounded. Never did they expect Catherine’s voice tobe so beautiful.

Those who meant to give a few negative comments were rendered speechless with reverence forCatherine as soon as she began singing.

Silence reigned on the place at once. Liana, sitting in the judge’s seat, gasped hard at Catherine. Shedidn’t expect Catherine to sing so well.

Catherine turned out to have such an amazing voice. She didn’t even have to use any techniques. Themoment she started singing, her victory was half secured. The music went on, and the soft part wasgone.

As the guitar sound sped up, the tempo became brisk. Sitting behind Catherine, Ronin also beat faster.Meanwhile, Catherine’s singing became cheerful as well. The hall was deadly quiet just now.

Now, it was like the torrential ocean. The audience’s passion was ignited at the moment. Everyonesubconsciously waved the bars in their hands to beat the rhythm for Catherine’s team.

Catherine’s voice was quite brisk, which was totally different from how she seemed at times. Now, shewas like a witch who enchanted everyone present with extremely infectious magic.

The song didn’t last long, but when Catherine stopped, the audience was still immersed in her beautifulsinging. They were still subconsciously twisting their bodies. The audience didn’t come around untilquite a while later.

Those who laughed at Catherine’s team and thought that they would definitely fail were all quiet now.Even some judges didn’t come to their senses until they heard Catherine’s reminder.

“Can you announce the result now?”

Her cold voice jolted Nash back to reality. He stared at Catherine in astonishment and never expectedthat she could sing so well.

Was this the so-called intellectual snobbery? Just because she was too talented, she stood above all?He disliked Catherine’s character, but anyway, Nash had to admit that she sang exceptionally well. He

looked to both sides and then said, ” Guys, do you want to say anything?”

Elena seized the microphone at once. Amazed as she was, she just disliked Catherine and didn’t wantto let the latter advance to the next round.

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