All Her Secrets

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14

Catherine knew she should be responsible for knocking down the teacup, so she got up from the chairand prepared to apologize.

However, the woman glared at Catherine. Before Catherine could say something, she bombardedCatherine with curses, “Are you blind? Or is your arm broken? How come you can’t even hold a teacupstill? Do you know how costly my dress is?”

The woman noticed that Catherine dressed more poorly than a maid and thought she was a cleanerhere, so she pushed further.

“You need to get on your knees and apologize to me. Otherwise, I’ll tell the owner here to fire you, andI’ll make sure you don’t get another job in Casier for the rest of your life.”

Some people around them recognized Catherine, but none of them reminded that woman of whoCatherine was.

It would be a good show, and who would want to miss it?

Besides, they were all competitors today. It would be great if they could have one less powerful rival.

Being watched by a crowd of people, the woman whose dress was tainted with tea did not feelembarrassed but instead superior and became even more bossy.

“Did you hear what I said? I asked you to kneel and wipe my dress clean. Are you deaf or what?”

Catherine sneered.

She thought, “You want me to kneel before you?

“Are you daydreaming?

“Let’s see if you can take it if I kneel.”

Seeing that Catherine stayed motionless, the woman could not hold back her rage and reached out todrag Catherine.


“Stop it! No one can touch her!”

A cold and old voice sounded, which drew the crowd’s attention.

The crowd turned around and saw the man who spoke was Mr. David, the host of today’s party. Theyautomatically split up and made way for him, being extremely respectful.

Mr. David had a stick in his hand and strode toward them slowly.

He examined Catherine and the woman with a penetrating gaze. When he stood before them, hepointed at the woman with his finger while displeasure and anger flashed across his solemn face. “Didyou ask her to kneel before you?”

The woman wanted to retort when a middle-aged man dashed over to her and pulled her aside. Helooked daggers at her.

The man turned to face Mr. David and said apologetically, “I’m so sorry, Mr. David. My wife didn’t meanto offend you. Please forgive her for disturbing your party. I’ll ask her to apologize to you right now.”

The middle-aged man was the woman’s husband, the boss of a newly started hi-tech company and afamous member of the nouveau riche.

Having plenty of money to squander, the woman was always overbearing and scolded the others. Shethought it no big deal to teach a cleaner a lesson, but she did not expect to offend Mr. David.

That was why her husband had to stand up to smooth things over. They could not afford to displeasethe big shot.

Mr. David glanced at the couple up and down and said icily with sarcasm and scorn, “I don’t need herapology, but your wife should apologize to her!”

His finger pointed at Catherine, who stood calmly at the side.

The woman had been arrogant. After hearing what Mr. David said, she asked with a hint ofastonishment, “You want me to apologize to a cleaner?”

“A cleaner?” Mr. David said in shock. He looked as if he had heard something astounding. “You saidshe’s a cleaner? That’s ridiculous! You and your husband should be the ones who kneel and beg forher forgiveness, not simply apologize to her orally. What an ignorant and stupid woman!”

Mr. David’s merciless words were like a bucket of ice water poured down from the couple’s heads andembarrassed them.

On the other hand, Catherine was still like an outsider and only observed aside. She did not speak aword since she stood up, but the person who accused her became especially shameful.

Having no response from the couple, Mr. David turned his finger at the hi-tech company boss in a rageand threatened him, “You ruined my party and denigrated my most distinguished guest. I’ve returned toCasier for not long, but I won’t allow you to humiliate me. I’ll fight you to the end.”

Everyone with a brain could tell how harsh Mr. David’s words were.

But Catherine?

The girl who came from a country place. Was she the most distinguished guest of Mr. David?

Everyone there was stunned and wondered what was going on.

The Swanns, who got the news and came back quickly, were full of disbelief on their faces.novelbin

Liana’s face was as horrible as if she was eating mud. She had just laughed at Catherine for being adisgrace, but now, Catherine was the most distinguished guest of this party.

It was a slap in Liana’s face that humiliated her in public.

A cadaverous look appeared on the boss of the hi-tech company. He dragged his wife forward andordered her to apologize to Catherine, begging for forgiveness.

Catherine was the most distinguished guest of Mr. David!

Mr. David said that himself, but the woman saw Catherine as merely a cleaner. Her face was as whiteas a sheet, and she was ashamed. Never had she thought that a distinguished guest would dress socasually.

The thing was getting out of hand, and the woman was scared. She approached Catherine hesitantlyand whispered, “I’m sorry, my lady. I didn’t mean to offend you just now. Could you please forgive me?”

All eyes were focused on Catherine. People were wondering what she would do.

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