All Her Secrets

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120

At the end of the school day, Catherine woke up and grabbed her backpack to leave. Bryan quicklycaught up, not noticing a figure rushing towards them even faster. The figure bumped into him andsqueezed next to Catherine. Bryan was furious, thinking, “This little brat has got some nerve!”

Ronin felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart. Catherine would always be his, and no one could takeher away.

“Boss, let’s have a barbecue together tonight. I’ll cook for you. I’ve developed a new barbecue saucethat tastes amazing,” Ronin said.

Besides studying computers, Ronin loved cooking. Making Catherine happy with his cooking was themost important thing to him. He couldn’t compete with Catherine on computers. After all, Catherine washis teacher. But having culinary skills that impressed her was also a kind of ability.

It had been a while since Catherine had tasted the food Ronin cooked, and she missed it a bit. Therose liqueur today awakened her taste buds. The food she had been eating recently was adisappointment, so it would be a good idea to try some Ronin’s food.

Catherine nodded in agreement, and Bryan quickly caught up and said, 11 Boss, I found an amazingchef. Can I treat you to a meal?”

Ronin thought Bryan was so shameless that he tried acting cute to steal Catherine’s attention. “Actcute, huh?” Ronin complained inwardly. “I thought you were a tough guy. Shame on you, bastard!”

While the two were in a tense competition, Catherine noticed a sound coming from the side. Shefrowned and walked towards it with a cold face. Bryan was the first to notice Catherine’s action. Hewanted to call out to her but was quickly silenced by Ronin’s hand.

Ronin glared at Bryan, looking at him as if he were an idiot. Bryan realized what was happening andblinked at Ronin. Only then did Ronin let him go, and the two followed Catherine’s direction.

Catherine leaned against the corner of the corridor, watching the violent scene inside. George wassurrounded by several boys from Class 5, definitely at a disadvantage. George stood among them,trying to please the others. his eves somewhat cautious.

“Hey guys, we are schoolmates. There’s no need for this, right? How about I treat you all to a mealtoday?” George said.

A boy stood at the forefront, provocatively slapping George’s face with a smirk. “Meal? Kid, are youtrying to bribe us? How dare you come to our class and cause trouble? You’ve got some nerve,” hesarcastically taunted.

These boys were extremely rude. However, George could only show weakness at the moment. “It’s amisunderstanding, I swear,” he pleaded.

“Don’t deny it, boy. I think you’re asking for trouble!” One of the boys from Class 5 grabbed George bythe collar, threatening, “Are you sneaking around our class trying to find out about our talent shows forthe school anniversary?”

“Class 8 is so despicable. You have no skills of your own, yet you try to steal from others? Justbecause you have better grades doesn’t mean you’re superior to us. Who knows if you cheated, ha!”

Mocking voices continued, filled with insulting words. George couldn’t take it anymore. He felt his bloodboiling, causing him to forget that he was still in a weaker position. He yelled furiously, “You’re talkingnonsense!”

The air fell silent for a moment, and then the leader of Class 5 showed a wicked grin, his fierce gazefixed on George. “You’re asking for trouble, brat! Hey, guys, let’s teach him a lesson!”

George covered his head, preparing himself for the punches and kicks, but the expected pain didn’tcome. He slowly opened his eyes and was shocked by the scene before him. Bryan and Ronin quicklysubdued several boys from Class 5 who were about to attack him.novelbin

Leaning lazily against the wall with her hands in her pockets, Catherine exuded an extraordinary aura.Despite her relaxed posture, she emitted an intimidating presence that made her seem incrediblypowerful.

At that moment, George finally understood why someone like Bryan, who was usually so powerful, waswilling to call Catherine “Boss.” She looked truly intimidating!

Bryan held the leader of Class 5 by the neck, positioning his head under his armpit. Then, he stared atthat boy with a sinister smile. Bryan’s voice was icy cold as he said, “Kid, you’ve got some guts to bullyGeorge, huh?”

That boy trembled in fear, knowing Bryan’s reputation. They dared to bully George but wouldn’t daremess with Bryan. Bryan’s title wasn’t given for nothing. Everyone feared him.

Bryan looked up at Catherine. Since she was his “boss,” he was supposed to listen to her. “Boss,should I teach this guy a lesson? He really deserves it.”

Catherine didn’t respond. Instead, she looked at George. George was terrified when he felt Catherine’scold gaze on him. He asked in a trembling voice, “Catherine, do you have any orders for me?”

Catherine pointed at the several boys from Class 5 and said coldly to George, You decide how tohandle them.”

This decision caught George off guard. He didn’t expect Catherine to do this. Bryan understoodCatherine’s intention. It was George’s right to deal with those who bullied him. Thinking about taking

Catherine out for a barbecue, Bryan impatiently said to George, “Hurry up!”

Startled by the shout, George trembled and stammered. “We’re schoolmates. We shouldn’t fight andruin our friendship!”

After he finished speaking, Bryan released the person he held captive. The people from Class 5 didn’texpect to escape unscathed. It seemed that the rumors were true. The leader of Class 8 was this girlnamed Catherine, not Bryan anymore.

Before walking away, those boys cautiously looked around to confirm what George said was true. Justas they took a few steps, they heard Bryan’s voice from behind, almost causing them to stumble. Theleader of Class 5 turned around carefully and asked Bryan, “Bryan, do you have any orders?”

Bryan looked at them with a cold face and said domineeringly, “Kids, focus. on studying and stopcausing trouble. If I catch you bullying any other students, I’ll beat the crap out of you. Got it?”

These boys nodded quickly, continuously bowing. “Yes, we will remember that!”

Bryan waved his hand, allowing them to leave. At that moment, Bryan’s image in George’s mindinstantly improved. Bryan was such a positive and loving person!

George’s thoughts became active. He didn’t ask for Bryan’s help before, but now he had found a newtarget- Catherine! As long as Catherine agreed to help, all the problems would be solved.

George carefully approached Catherine and rehearsed countless times in his mind before saying,“Catherine, can I ask you for a favor?”

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