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Bab 846

Chapter 846 Bourne frowned. His energy that was about to peak had been interrupted! Initially, his idea was to use his partial Super-God energy to suppress Mason and quickly end thebattle. He would not give Mason any chance to resist at all. Even if he was a super strong partial Super-God, he was still someone from centuries ago. He was nearly two hundred years old before he fell asleep. Now, he had not recovered to his peak yet. He did not want to fight a war of attrition with Mason. Naturally he could not afford to do so. Mason was fighting with his life, and so was he. Unless he broke through the realm again and injected new energy into his body, his life would soonreach its limit.

The loud explosion attracted the attention of everyone around Dark Cape Peak. They were all lookingin the direction of the sound. They then saw a bright spot that looked like a shooting star flying towards Dark Cape Peak at lightning speed from the direction of Somerland. A sudden accident temporarily interrupted Mason and Bourne’s battle, so they also wanted to see whatwas happening David was very anxious on the way. He was afraid that Mason would have already been killed by the time he arrived. Not only would the Somerlanders not forgive him, but he would also not forgive himself. Hence, he used his partial Super -God’s extreme speed throughout the entire journey, and at the sametime, he wrapped himself with materialized mind power, forming a protective shield around the body.This would prevent his body from rubbing directly against the air. Otherwise, at this extreme speed, the high temperature caused by friction with air molecules would

burn all his clothes instantly. However, the materialized mind power and the friction of the air would also generate an extremely hightemperature. It made David feel like he was being wrapped in a fireball at that moment. In addition to the extreme speed, he now looked like a shooting star. ‘I’m here! David saw the scene on Dark Cape Peak from a distance. His sight, smell, and hearing were all very powerful when he was in this realm. When he saw Mason and a thin old man standing face to face, David’s heart tightened. If the opponentacted now, he would be unable to stop him in time. He gritted his teeth. ‘I’m going all out!’ David took a deep breath. The strength in his whole body skyrocketed to the extremes. His speed also increased a lot. However, this would not last long. Once he exhaled , his speed would decrease quickly. Boom! After David’s speed increased, the sound of the explosion also became louder. It caused the hearts ofeveryone around Dark Cape Peak to skip a beat. ‘W-What the hell was that? ‘Ameteor? ‘Or a meteorite? ‘And it seems to be aiming for Dark Cape Peak.’ Everyone began to become alert. If a meteor hit them, they would be in huge trouble. The aftermath of this impact was no worse than thedamage from a super-peak God Ranker. Bourne narrowed his eyes and watched the thing that wasrushing toward him. He and David were the only two powerful partial Super Gods on the planet. Therefore, his eyesight was naturally not bad.

As David got closer to them, Bourne saw what it was. It was a flaming fireball and inside the fireball was… a person?

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