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Bab 837

Chapter 837 How could it be a mere visit? They were here to test Somerland. They were here to see if they could take over Somerland. That was when the penny dropped. No wonder Mason asked them to bring their strongest members. The idea was to gather Somerland’s forces to defend against the enemy, not to allocate resources. Before anyone could speak, Mason went on to say, “You must know their purpose. I asked you to bringyour best to help Somerland fend off enemies and deter criminals. No one can escape unscathed whenthe nation is breached. Everyone’s going to have a hard time if Somerland is attacked. We can onlyprotect our homes if we work together.” Mason said and bowed to everyone again. “Help Somerland fend off enemies and deter criminals!”Other Somerland officials also bent forward. They made a deep bow to all the forces. It was no exaggeration to say that Mason alone supported Somerland.

If you exclude Mason, Somerland officials were not worth mentioning in the face of the major forces. They were too different in terms of strength and numbers. However, with Mason here, Somerland would be one of the world’s five major forces. “Old Master Stefani , I’m impressed with your plan, but now that the King family is here, we’ll work withSomerland to get through this. After all, Somerland’s our home. The King family has no reason to backdown when others are bullying us,” Delmont said with a wry smile. He knew something was wrong from the start. However, he had no idea what exactly it was. Therefore, he brought two-thirds of the family’s fighters with him. He kept a third at home just in case. Something really did end up happening. However, it was just like what he said.

The King family were here now. It did not make sense to return. If so, how were they going maintain their respectful status in Somerland? Besides, even if the Chris family came with the other three major forces, Delmont did not thinkSomerland would lose. After all, Somerland had two peak God Rankers. Silver Face could injure Marlon seriously. His strengthwent without saying. Mason was a veteran too.He worked his way up from the lowest level. He was experienced in combat. Although they were outnumbered , having two peak God Rankers fight four peak God Ranker was notimpossible. Besides, there were hundreds of them from various forces! The other party might not strike.Once they did, it was hard to say if they would even win. Foreign peak God Rankers were famous forcherishing their lives and shutting themselves off all year round. They did this to live a little longer. They were unwilling to trade life for victory. “Old Master Stefani, you’re still so wise after all these years.You’ve done everything you can for Somerland. The Krums has no reason to back down and will doeverything they can to help you protect Somerland and our home,” the head of the Krums-Ted said. He probably had the same idea as Delmont. Everyone who became the heads of forces and patriarchs was cunning If Delmont could think of it, so would everyone else. Seeing the King family and the Krums expressing their support, the other forces began to weigh in. They would do everything they could to help Somerland and protect their home. They had no choice even if they refused to do so deep down. It was too late to back out now. This was unless they did not want to stay in Somerland anymore.

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