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Bab 104

Bab 104 “Kamu ingin menghancurkan botol bir di kepalanya hanya karena dia memarahimu? Apakah Andatahu apa yang akan terjadi jika Anda melakukan itu? Terkadang, Anda tidak harus menggunakankekerasan untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Letakkan botolnya sekarang.” “Oh.” Sandy meletakkan botol itu dengan enggan. “Juga, jangan datang ke tempat seperti ini selama jam sekolah. Lihat kamu. Apakah Anda bahkanterlihat seperti seorang siswa? Jika melihatmu berpakaian seperti ini lain kali, aku akan memberimupelajaran atas nama saudaramu.” David merasa tidak nyaman melihat pakaian Sandy. Dia adalah seorang siswa namun dia selaluberpakaian seperti ini. Itu adalah pemandangan yang menyakitkan. Jika saudara perempuannya seperti ini, dia akan memberinya pelajaran sejak dini. Dia bertanya-tanya bagaimana Charles bisa membiarkannya begitu saja. Setelah David mengatakan itu, semua orang di tempat kejadian memandangnya dengan kaget dantakjub. Leo masih berlutut di tanah setelah dia mengatakan dia ingin mengajar Sandy atas nama orangtuanya.

Dan barusan, David berkata dia akan memberi Sandy pelajaran atas nama kakaknya.

Even Sandy’s friends were looking at David with contempt. Why did so many people want to teach Sandy a lesson today? They were waiting for Sandy to blow a gasket. However, Sandy only lowered her head and said in an aggrieved tone, “Oh, I got it, Dave.” At this moment, all of their expressions turned from ridicule to shock. When did Sandy, the fiend in the human form of the Luther family, become such a good girl? Sandy never even obeyed anyone in her family.Even though Sandy sounded a little aggrieved right now, she was feeling happy inside.

Ever since David appeared next to her and used his fingers to stop Zachary’s sword that was aboutto stab into her heart, David’s place in her heart had upgraded immensely. David even surpassedher brother Charles’ position in her heart now. A figure that suddenly appeared when you were feeling hopeless would usually be the one that youwould remember the easiest. Moreover, as a member of SCC, she naturally knew the weight of the eight great fighters in TFaction, and recognized that even her brother Charles was not their opponent. Since David coulddefeat Zachary, then he was truly a powerful person. She, Sandy Luther, worshiped powerful people. This was a powerful person who saved her life before. So, she felt happy when David said that to her because it meant that David cared about her.Then, Sandy asked, “Um, Dave, can I come during the holidays?” novelbin

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