After Flash Marriage, I Found That My Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 95 Are you still making excuses?
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chapter 95 Are you still making excuses?

"Sister Fei, there is a very good private restaurant nearby. Let's go there to eat."

Being led by Xia Fei into the snack street, Zhang Ziluo pulled Xia Fei's hand anxiously and said in a soft voice, “There is nothing delicious in thesnack street here, and it is messy. Let's go to a private restaurant, where we can have a good chat. .

"It's okay.” Xia Fei said calmly, "It's been a long time since I went out to eat snacks from a roadside stall. It's rare to come to your school today. Areyou sure you don't want to take me to try it?"

Zhang Ziluo bit her lip, "But it's a mess here, and it's not too clean..."

The economic conditions of the Zhang family are average, especially since Zhang Ziluo's father failed in business and broke his leg a few years ago.The whele family is now supported by her aunt alone. The tuition for Zhang Ziluo's music major is expensive, and she also has a younger brother. Tostudy, this situation can be said to be very difficult.

Zhang Ziluo’s father once did quite well in the capital, but all the money was used to treat his legs.

Now, the family has returned to their hometown in Jianglin and can barely make ends meet.

However, Zhang Ziluo knew that Xia Fei grew up in a very good environment.

In her eyes, Xia Fei is a little fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world.

Even if she eats instant noodles for a month, she still has to save money to take Xia Fei to eat good onesLet the little fairy eat in a messy snack street? First website:

Zhang Ziluo will feel that he is very stingy.

"I just like eating authentic snacks like this." Xia Fei said, already dragging Zhang Ziluo to a kebab shop with a long queue, and smiled, "There are somany people queuing here, it must taste good.”

What Old Man Yao said is right. Xia Fei is really not too picky about food. She can eat delicacies in exquisite high-end restaurants and also enjoyordinary snacks from roadside stalls.

Therefore, in order to save money for my cousin, it is also important that she wants to eat these roadside snacks.After all. she hasn't eaten it since she went abroad.Zhang Ziluo wanted to say something else, but when he saw Xia Fei’s excited look, he shut his mouth

“You queue here, I'll buy two cups of milk tea over there." Xia Fei saw that the queue was a bit long. so she asked Zhang Ziluo to wait in line whileshe went to buy milk tea.

Seeing that Xia Fei was still as unassuming as she was when she was a child, Zhang Ziluo couldn't help but smile brightly.She knew that Cousin Fei Fei and Xia Yingying were different.Thinking of the last time he had dinner with Xia Yingying, Zhang Ziluo's eyes darkened and he secretly vowed to work harder in the future.

Xia Fei's refreshing dress, beautiful face, and elegant yet cool temperament are like a breath of fresh air in this snack street. attracting the attention ofa group of people wherever she goes.

During this period, several boys came up to her and asked for their contact information. After Xia Fei refused two of them, she simply set the photo ofher marriage certificate as her phone screen saver.

Later, when someone asked her for her contact information, she calmly handed the screen to them to look at.

The boys' chins dropped to the ground one by one, and they were all looking at her like monsters. Their eyes seemed to say: Why are you soreluctant to get married at such a young age? Why don't you give any chance to others?

Xia Fei just twitched her lips and gave the other party a kind smile politely.They quickly bought milk tea, and Zhang Ziluo also bought skewers.

The two of them found a casserole noodle shop and sat down. Each ordered a casserole noodle and chatted while eating skewers and drinking milktea.

Night falls.

The snack street next to the school is brightly lit, and the people coming and going are all young people near the school, making this snack street abeautiful scenery.novelbin

"Sister, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you are still so beautiful." Seeing that the passers-by kept peeking at Xia Fei, Zhang Ziluo smiledsecretly and leaned next to Xia Fei, laughing at her in a low voice, "I watched the boys coming and going. Everyone is looking at you."

Xia Fei raised her eyebrows, "They no longer have the chance to be my boyfriend, so there's no harm in taking a look."Hearing this, Zhang Ziluo frowned and hesitated to speak.

Xia Fei smiled, "Have you met Xia Yingying a few days ago?"

Zhang Ziluo nodded, "Well, we had dinner together last night.”

After saying that, she hesitated for a moment and then said, "Lu Anyang is here too."

Xia Fei smiled, "Yeah."

"Sister, you, are you really married?” Zhang Ziluo seemed to have mustered up a lot of courage and asked after a while.Xia Fei lighted up the phone screen happily, “Yeah.”

When Zhang Ziluo saw the three words on the marriage certificate, his heart dropped

Her little fairy cousin actually married her as scon as she returned to China as Xia Yingying said?

Still married...

When his eyes fell on Si Chen in the photo, Zhang Ziluo's eyes lit up.

Her face was full of heartache just a moment ago, and she immediately hugged Xia Fei's cell phone excitedly and shouted, "Sister, is this person,cousin-in-law, named Si?"

Xia Fei took a sip of the fan and raised her eyes, "Do you know him?"

Zhang Ziluo shook his head, “It's not me, it's my classmate. He looks like my good classmate's uncle. She said her uncle is from the Si family inBeijing.”

Xia Fei:.....

"Maybe they just look alike.” Xia Fei put away her phone.

"Maybe." Zhang Ziluo also thought it was unlikely. What kind of existence was the Si family in the capital?

Xia Fei is indeed very powerful, but she doesn't seem to have anything to do with the Si family.

However, after seeing the good looks of the brother-in-law, Zhang Ziluo suddenly became enlightened

Her fairy cousin's taste is still as good as ever, so she also believes that this brother-in-law must be a very good person.Her sister Fei’s vision is definitely not wrong.

After eating and drinking, the two of them took a walk in the snack street.

Suddenly, several girls with trendy clothes and dyed hair rushed to Xia Fei and Zhang Ziluo and surrounded them.

"Bing'er, that's her. She openlyseduced the Faurth Young Master,and deliberately threw herself intothe Fourth Young Master's arms afew times. We all saw it." A girl withred highlights, looked very oOuncgvent ional, and wore a blackmicriff-baring outfit. The girtpointedatZhang Ziluo and said tothe girlnext to her who was wearing a whiteslim skirt, a high ponytail, and heavymakeup that was not for her age.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"I, I didn't..." Zhang Ziluo shook his head in fear. He wanted to escape but found that he was surrounded. He could only hold Xia Fei's arm tightly. Hewas obviously afraid, but he protected Xia Fei, for fear that Xia Fei would be affected. .

"No?" Hu Bing’er looked at Zhang Ziluo coldly, “Stop pretending, you look like green tea. You dare not admit that you seduced our Fourth YoungMaster?”

As she said that, she steppedforward and grabbed Zhang Ziluo'scollar, "I remember I warned you, theFourth Yoting Master is mine, andsno one-ean covet it except me. “Youhave Heliberately appeared infrontof thé Fourth Young Masteragainanc again, and you still Are you

saying it’s not seduc ion?” Conten

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"That, that's a coincidence.” Zhang Ziluo bit his lip and replied stubbornly.

"Ha, haha...coincidence?" Hu Bing'erlaughed twicé-suddenly narrowedher eyes, raised her hand andSlapped Zhang Ziluo hard on theface, “The whole school is spreadingthat you have a crush on the FourthYoung Master, and you secretlygave him a Love letter, are yOu stiquibbling? If I don’t teackxyou alesson, you don't even know why theflowers are so red!” Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org


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