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chapter 42 Make you convinced

"Are you threatening me? I am your dad! Why… why would I harm your mom?" Tyrone evaded hisgaze after he finished speaking as he felt guilty.

Olivia leaned against the wall lazily, slightly raising one leg, and a coldness glinted in her narrowedeyes.

She stopped talking and just looked at them frostily. It was as if she was looking at a bunch ofcriminals, which made Tyrone uncomfortable.

Emma shouted unhappily, "Olivia, my parents and I brought chicken soup for your mom early in themorning because we know she is under going a surgery and wanted to give her our well-wishes, sowhat do you mean by your words? What do you mean what we did to her? What can we do to her ina hospital with so many people?"

Mia pretended to be kind as always, pulling Tyrone and Emma back. "That's enough, Tyrone andEmma. You two are not kids anymore. Stop arguing with a youngster like Olivia."

"Olivia must have been shocked because Sofia got sick suddenly, and it so happened we visitedSofia just before that so we can't blame her for overthinking this. It's my fault. I shouldn't haveworried so much. I was afraid that Sofia would become weak after the surgery, so I wanted toprovide with her a nutritious meal before that, and also asking you guys to tag along with me tocheer for her."

"It's all my fault, Olivia. If you must blame anyone, blame it on me. You can say anything about meas long as your mom gets better!"novelbin

As Mia said that, she lowered her head and started wiping away tears as if she had really beenwronged.

Olivia couldn't help but cheer for her, "It's the entertainment world's loss that you didn't get the titleof best actress in The Academy Award."

After saying that, she stood straight, voicing frostily, "I'll give you one last chance. Are you guysgoing to confess or not?"

Tyrone sneered sarcastically. "Olivia, do you really think that because you have studied abroad, youare so great that you don't care about anyone else? We haven't done anything bad, so what is thereto confess?"

Olivia nodded. "Very well. In that case, let me be recount your crimes to you!"

"You know that Zoey was coming to perform an operation on my mom today, so you were worriedthat after she recovered, she would go back to the company and take away everything you havenow. Therefore, you seized the opportunity of my mom's pre-operative checkups and took turns toagitate her, right?"

"My mom's heart is in a poor condition and can't be upset. Otherwise, she will get horribly sick. Thisis why her surgery is so difficult to do. No one except Zoey dares to do it, because once somethingagitated her and makes her sick, it may lead to the failure of the operation. Meanwhile, you guysagitated her using all kinds of despicable methods. As a result, my mom was so angry that sheimmediately had an heart attack. "

Among the three members of the Xia Family, only Tyrone showed a hint of uneasiness and guilt,albeit fleetingly. As for Emma and Mia, they showed no signs of panic.

Olivia had to admire their mental strengths before she continued, "Emma, you must have usedthose indecent photos you posted on the Internet to tell my mom that I am a woman who foolsaround with men, right? What a pity. My mom didn't believe you, ignoring you completely."

"Tyrone, you took a few hospital abortion receipts that you got from somewhere and told my momthat they were evidence that I had a messed-up personal life, aborted babies for men while keepingmy affairs secret, right? But do you know this? Those receipts are not mine. They were fabricatedby Emma secretly while using my identity card."

"Olivia, you are talking nonsense!" Emma shouted as she turned red with frustration.

Tyrone scolded angrily, "You not only slandered me, you also slandered Emma. How did you turnout this way? Do you know how heartbroken your mother would be if she saw you like this? She stillthinks you're the obedient child from back then!"

"You don't have to jump to defense immediately. I'll make sure I convince all of you!"

Olivia said, her face darkening. "Tyrone, you successfully agitated my mom. She was so angry thatshe almost vomited blood because of the receipts, but she suppressed it. However, my mom'sdistress told you guys that she cares about me the most, so you guys continue upsetting her bytalking about my matters."

"Mia..." Olivia cast her gaze on Mia, who was still indifferent and smiled coldly. "Have you gone totell my mom about what happened between you and Tyrone back then? While my mom waspregnant with me, Tyrone used his work as an excuse to not return home and go to your place,right? You told my mom about how tender and affectionate he was toward you and how he caredgreatly about you…"

"But the real reason my mom got agitated was not because of these, but…" Olivia narrowed hereyes and approached Mia. "You told my mom that Tyrone hates her and me, so he drugged myfood since I was young. Then, he got my mom to feed me those medicine that would cause me tobe infertile and that because I aborted my babies, I've lost my ability to bear kids completely, right?"

"Olivia, I've treated you and your mom kindly since I arrived in the Xia residence, and I tried my bestto please you while also ensuring everything in the house runs smoothly. In the past few years, Ihad worked hard for the Xia Family without any credit. You may not thank me, and you may evenhate or blame me, but you cannot slander me in this way."

Mia raised her chin as if she had been greatly wronged. "I understand that you and your momdespise me, but I have never done anything to hurt you, right? How could you, how could you saythat about me?"

With that said, Mia turned around, threw herself into Tyrone's arms, and started crying.

Tyrone was distressed by Mia's reaction. He raised his hand and growled at Olivia, "Olivia, you, yourebellious girl, why would I do that to you? How could you say that? Don't just spew nonsensebecause you want to slander us!"

"What my mother hates is not what you guys did to her, but that you guys used her to harm me inorder to go against her. That was why she got so angry that she puked blood and nearly died!"

Olivia's voice was low yet determined. Every single word she spoke was an accusation to the threefamily members of the Xia Family.

For a moment, the entire ward was so silent that one could hear a pin drop.

"Did you guys know that every single word you utter is slowly killing her?" Olivia asked coldly.

There was a momentary silence before Emma shouted with defiance, "It's your words against us,Olivia. You can doubt us, but you can't impose these charges on us. We haven't done anything, sowhy should we listen to your assumptions and suspicions?"

"You can keep these words for the police." Olivia snorted coldly.

Mia took a deep breath and said aggrievedly, "There's no point in denying our crime to someonethat doesn't believe us. My biggest mistake was showing up at the hospital. I would say the sameeven if the police came."

"Then, please come with me to the police station."

As soon as Mia finished speaking, a joyful voice rang from behind her. Then, two young men inpolice attire strode over.

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