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Chapter 941

Chapter 941

Sylvia cleared her throat, trying to hide the image that made her blush and heart race. She turned tothe mirror to tie up her hair, but instead... she saw his perfectly proportioned body reflected in it.

The alluring lines of his abs were taut and smooth, rivaling those of a supermodel. He roughed uphis hair with a wild sexiness that was driving Sylvia crazy.

How could she handle this kind of man candy so early in the morning? Even though she had beenmarried for years... why did he still make her feel like a seventeen-year-old girl experiencing firstlove?

She scolded herself for being so weak-willed and quickly looked away from him. Unbeknownst toSylvia, Franklin's lips curled slightly as he watched her retreat. His eyes were dark and mysterious,revealing a hint of satisfaction and interest.

He did it on purpose - showing off his body since he couldn't express himself with words? Seeinghow much Sylvia wanted him satisfied him both physically and emotionally.

If they weren't pressed for time right now, Franklin would have pinned Sylvia against the sink rightthen and there...

Ahem! Ahem!

After hanging up his towel on the rack, he left without another word. As soon as he stepped outsidethough, raindrops started pouring down heavily from above.

The weather forecast was spot-on; what started out as light rain had escalated into something moreserious. Hopefully it wouldn't turn into a full-blown storm later on when Payton's competition


Franklin quickly got dressed while waiting for Sylvia who emerged from their room blushing slightlyafter checking out the window. "Looks like it's really coming down."

"Yeah," Franklin agreed before hurrying out. "I need to head over to my company first; thiscompetition is no small matter."

Sylvia didn't follow immediately; she too was worried about Payton's upcoming event even if shewould be going there herself later on.

With a sigh, she called Evie. "Evie, are you going to today's competition too?"

"Yes, I am," Evie replied before suddenly stopping mid-sentence, wishing she could bite off her owntongue at that moment.

As expected by Sylvia who teased. "Are you afraid Jasper will be bored without you?"

"Mrs. Maskelyne, please don't tease me!" Evie grumbled twice before adding sarcastically. "You'realready married yet won't let me date anyone?"

She grumbled again twice more before ending their conversation abruptly with an 'I'll see you at thevenue.'

After finishing the call, she hung up and patted her rosy cheeks. "My skin seems to have gottenthinner lately," she said.

Sylvia laughed as she looked at her phone. Had this girl turned into a little pig? All she did wasgrunt.

Shaking her head in resignation, Sylvia went downstairs to have breakfast. It was simple. A milksandwich and a ham leg.

Looking at the heavy rain outside, she frowned and headed to the garage where Franklin's redPorsche sat untouched since their divorce. He had bought it for her when he tried to win her backwith diamonds, luxury cars, and 999 roses.

She had never driven it before; this would be the first time.

The red car moved slowly through the pouring rain as Sylvia used the wipers while frowning slightly.This kind of weather...

Physical competition is almost like challenging one's physical limits for any participant because ittakes place outdoors rather than indoors where there are no fears about how things will go down incomparison.

Outdoor competitions are very challenging tests of endurance that require both mental strength andphysical stamina while also being highly entertaining for spectators.

But... this rain is just too much! Just thinking about it makes me feel miserable!

Lost in thought like this, Sylvia arrived at the entrance gate of the competition venue where sheparked directly in front of Jasper and Evie who were already seated holding popcorn buckets withtea cups nestled on their laps looking like they were watching a movie instead!

Seeing Sylvia approach them, Evie waved enthusiastically before stuffing some popcorn into hermouth then said to Jasper, "Give Mrs. Maskelyne that cup of tea."

Jasper immediately handed Sylvia a cup of tea along with another bucket full of popcorn saying."Mrs. Maskelyne these are yours."

Sylvia didn't really care for these kinds of snacks but still accepted them graciously saying. "Thankyou."

This was turning out to be quite an outing for their trio!

On the surface, everything seemed relaxed. But as the start of the competition drew near,spectators filed in one by one and took their seats. The staff also began to prepare busily, includingfilling up the judges' seats with judges. Franklin sat with Brian and others on the judges' panel.

Franklin's stern gaze swept over everyone present, finally pausing on Sylvia for a moment.

Popcorn? Bubble tea?

When did she start liking these things?

The thought flashed through his mind, but soon enough, the contestants had come to the stage andconducted an interview before the competition.

The host asked some rather stupid questions like "Are you afraid of this terrible weather?" or "Doyou want to say anything to your opponent?"

Especially when it came to the contestant Michaelis, he simply raised his her arm and flexed hissturdy muscles. "I will definitely succeed because some people are always just sickly!"

Brogan sneered. "I don't have any other problems except for my strong national pride. See you onthe field."

It was boring listening to them boast before they even started competing.

A cold chill flashed in his eyes; don't think they didn't know that Mr. Maskelyne had alreadyinvestigated and found out that Brian's people were responsible for giving them diarrhea!

Their goal was to make them lose their eligibility for competing.

But luckily they had Mrs. Maskelyne; otherwise...

Brogan didn't continue thinking about it but instead focused all his energy on the competition.

What's so great about rain?

He believed that his brothers could overcome it!

The host even specially invited two sports commentators from a sports channel who sat at theircommentary booth after arriving there; then after looking at time he announced that competitionofficially begins now.

Contestants lined up at the venue of competition.

The first event was shot put.

Michaelis wiped off rainwater from his face arrogantly since he had strong arms so throwing shotput wasn't difficult for him at all which made him look very arrogant as he challenged Brogannakedly with a glance full of provocation.

Brogan looked relaxed without any sense of pressure whatsoever

Michaelis's eyes flashed with anger. How could Brogan be so relaxed? He must be pretending to becalm and collected. Michaelis sneered, knowing that Easterners couldn't compare to Westerners interms of size and physique.

"If it doesn't rain, it's hard to throw the shot put far. With the rain, there will be resistance, making iteven harder to throw far," Michaelis taunted harshly.

Brogan didn't get angry. "Yes, so you have to do your best!"

Michaelis felt like he was punching cotton as his anger Briand over. Last time they had a quizcompetition, he lost to Brogan. This time he had to win.

"The competition starts now! The first contestant please take the ball!" A referee under a largeumbrella announced loudly through a microphone.

The first contestant walked up - an athlete from NorthWind Airlines - and picked up a 5kg shot putwith one hand before walking onto the throwing line after giving it a squeeze in his hand.novelbin

"Please throw the shot put!" The referee instructed him through the microphone.

The athlete held the ball on one side of his jaw before shouting angrily into the pouring rain andthrowing along a straight line with all his might!

With a loud bang!

As soon as the shot stopped spinning on impact with ground level, several staff membersimmediately measured its distance using rulers. "17. 2 meters!"

Because electronic distance measuring instruments could not function outdoors during rainyweather conditions; only manual methods were used instead.

Starting off at just over 17 meters was enough pressure for some of those who followed behind himsince many people's records were around 16 meters...

Randy Barnes is still recognized as holding both male world records for indoor (22m66) and outdoor(23m12) Shot Put events since May 20th 1990 when he broke them during World AthleticsChampionships- no one has been able to break this record until today despite many years passingby...

When everyone else felt pressured by their performance thus far; Michaelis coldly laughed out loud."Only 17. 2 meters?"

Saying that much, he walked towards where they were competing then grabbed hold of anothershot put directly without hesitation or delay whatsoever...

As soon as they heard their cue from referees' voice dropping down low again; Michaelis threw outall his strength in one swift motion. "21 meters!"

Everyone was stunned into silence at once! All eyes turned towards him in disbelief...

"He's too strong!" Not only did this shock everyone present but also those watching from insidestadium seats too...

They couldn't believe what they were seeing coming from Michaelis!

He glanced triumphantly at Brogan, convinced that this weakling could never surpass him. Thecompetition continued to be tense, with almost none of the remaining contestants able to surpassMichaelis.

His expression grew increasingly smug as he realized his superior strength - after all, it was justthrowing a shot put. As several SouthStar Airlines competitors began their turn in the competition,some throwing 18 meters and others 19 meters, none were able to surpass Michaelis's distance.

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