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Chapter 932

Chapter 932

"The surgery center experienced a sudden cardiac arrest, and we did everything we could to savehim, but he didn't make it. The time of death was 11:20," Alondra replied with a heavy heart to Mrs.Ritter.

"He's dead? My husband is dead?" Mrs. Ritter's body slumped as she sat on the ground andcouldn't get up.

"My dad is dead? Didn't you say before the surgery that it would definitely be successful? How didhe die now?" Ashlyn rushed over, her sharp nails grabbing onto Alondra's arm. "You incompetentdoctor!"

Alondra's mind was in chaos; she couldn't figure out why his heart had stopped beating. Where didthings go wrong? But her surgical method was flawless! Everything was correct!

Why wasn't it effective?

She wasn't afraid of the Ritter family's anger; she was more afraid of what lay ahead for herself! Thefuture was too terrifying - she would lose all her honors and become a doctor with a major medicalaccident.

No one would ever invite her to give lectures again, and she might even be expelled from themedical association!

The more she thought about it, the paler her face became.

What should she do?

If the Ritter family sued again, then at that time, she would be seen as a medical fraud...

She had killed patients on an operating table...

She closed her eyes.

Sylvia looked at Alondra's defeated expression and felt weighed down by it all.

Glancing at Mrs. Ritter and then Ashlyn, Sylvia said, "I'm not Mother Teresa; if I knew beforehandthat Donovan needed surgery, I wouldn't have come here today. But since I'm already here, now letme take a look inside. If there's any chance of saving him, then I will try my best to do so."

"If there's no hope left," Sylvia continued speaking while Samuel helped prepare sterile clothing forher in preparation for entering into surgery room. "Then don't blame me because he wasn't undermy care when he passed away."

With those words spoken aloud, Sylvia entered into Donovan's operating room which slammed shutbehind them both with an audible thud, leaving everyone else outside, waiting anxiously for news orsome sign of hopefulness from within its walls.

Alondra coldly stared at that door, feeling ridiculous. "What can this inexperienced girl do? She'sonly twenty-something years old - how can SHE bring back someone who has already died?"

As soon as these words were spoken aloud by Alondra, they seemed to awaken something insideMrs. Ritter who suddenly lunged forward towards the door leading into Donovan's operating roomwhile repeatedly pounding against its surface shouting out loud.

"Sylvia! You murderous bitch! My husband is already dead - why are you going in there just tohumiliate him further? Open this damn door right now!"

Ashlyn also became furious after hearing these words from Alondra; Her previously lost looktransformed into one filled with rage as well causing Ashlyn herself also began kicking againstDonovan's operating room door shouting.

"All of you are garbage doctors! All liars AND cheats who have killed my father!"

The other relatives of the Ritter family were all discussing what they had just witnessed.

"Isn't that Sylvia girl too young? Wasn't she just playing around? Alondra couldn't do it, but shecould?"

"I never thought Donovan would die so disgracefully."

"It's a shame he used to be such a big shot. I wonder how much longer the Ritter family can stayprosperous."

"I don't think Mrs. Ritter and Miss Ritter can handle it on their own."

"I heard Sylvia has some reputation in Larro and knows some medical skills. Why is she acting soarrogant here?"

Sabrina never expected Alondra to fail in surgery, let alone her involvement in it.

She looked at Alondra, who was standing there motionless with a dead face, and whispered softly,"Teacher, what should we do now?"

A hint of ruthlessness flashed through Alondra's heart. "Since Sylvia has come to us willingly, don'tblame me for being impolite."

Sabrina was stunned. "What do you mean..."

"The patient died because of Sylvia's improper operation," Alondra sneered. "What does that haveto do with us?"

Sabrina swallowed hard and looked at her incredulously. "But there are surgical records..."

Moreover, what if... what if Sylvia really had the ability to save the patient?

But she didn't dare say anything.

Her mind was also confused now as she shook her head vigorously - impossible! If even theteacher couldn't save him then how could Sylvia possibly bring him back? She must be out of hermind!

In the operating room where nurses and assistant physicians were already doing postoperativesuturing work suddenly saw Samuel walking in with a young woman.

They were all startled.

"Dr. Samuel, who is this...?"

"Is this a relative of the patient or...?"

Samuel glanced at his colleagues inside calmly before speaking up. "This is Dr. Sylvia; her medicalskills are better than Ms. Wolfe's, so I invited her privately hoping that maybe she could revive ourpatient."

"How is that possible?" A younger doctor shook his head repeatedly with shock written all over hisface. "We've tried every method during resuscitation; he's already dead! We should hurry upstitching him up properly then send him off to morgue."

However, Samuel remained firm. "If you guys don't want to help here, you may leave."

Sylvia didn't waste any time and went straight to Donovan. Instead of picking up a surgical knife,she took out a set of acupuncture needles and began piercing various acupoints on his body. Thepatient was almost covered in acupuncture.

Everyone was getting impatient and thought it was ridiculous. How could someone who had beendeclared dead by Ms. Wolfe be brought back to life with just a few needle pricks?

"Dr. Sylvia, are you some kind of quack? Using acupuncture like this is really funny," someone said.

"Yeah, I thought you were acting in a TV drama!" another added.

"Let's just finish up and go home," others chimed in with mocking tones.

Just as they finished speaking, there was suddenly the sound of "drip!" from the instrument whichsounded particularly clear in the quiet operating room.

Everyone stared at the instrument incredulously - it was... a heartbeat?

"A very weak heartbeat..."

"But he's really alive?"

"No way!"

Samuel glared at them all before saying, "What are you all standing around for? Come over hereand help with the surgery!"

Sylvia first checked Donovan's physical condition before taking up her surgical knife again. "WhenMs. Wolfe operated on him earlier, she accidentally touched one small nerve which caused him tofall into a false death state that requires extreme external stimulation to revive from."

"No other stimulation is stronger than traditional medicine acupuncture."

"After Ms. Wolfe failed surgery where she didn't completely remove his tumor or handle intracranialbleeding properly before announcing an end to surgery; what we need now is repairing her failure."

"And I hope everyone can testify that Ms. Wolfe's failure has nothing to do with me; any after-effectsexperienced by the patient are due solely to her operational mistakes."

She really didn't want any trouble later on, so it would be better if everything were made clearupfront about Alondra's character flaws since Sylvia had seen through them long ago.

Samuel frowned slightly as he asked. "Are you saying there will be after-effects?"

Sylvia gave him a cold glance before replying, "I'm not God; saving his life alone is already goodenough, but he'll spend his entire life unconscious becoming nothing more than a vegetable."

"Ugh," Samuel thought, "being a vegetable is worse than death." But he swallowed the words andfocused on the surgery at hand.

An hour passed...

An hour and a half passed...

The people outside the operating room were getting restless. Alondra had finished her meal andreturned to find that the surgery was still ongoing. She sneered, "Mrs. Ritter, do you really believeSylvia can save Mr. Ritter? If it were me, I would have stormed in already! I wouldn't let my family beguinea pigs for someone else's surgery!"

Mrs. Ritter was anxious and angry, especially since Alondra had been responsible for Donovan'sdeath. Now she heard her making snide remarks again and couldn't take it anymore.

She slapped Alondra across the face without thinking twice about it - she was furious! Alondrawasn't expecting such a strong hit from Mrs. Ritter; she froze for a moment before yelling back, "You

bitch! How dare you hit me!" She didn't care about her own pain as she lunged at Mrs. Ritter to clawat her face.

Two high-society ladies who usually held themselves above others were now fighting like twocountry bumpkins in the hallway.

Ashlyn screamed out of fear. "Mom, Ms. Wolfe, stop fighting!"

Sabrina was also startled by this sudden turn of events; she quickly called hospital security. "Hurryup! Someone is fighting here!"

The hallway became chaotic as members of the Ritter family mixed with hospital security guards inan all-out brawl.

Just when things seemed impossible to resolve peacefully, the door of the operating room slammedopen!

A tall woman dressed in sterile clothing walked out calmly while removing her gloves; there wasexhaustion etched into every feature on her delicate face as she looked over at all those peoplebickering outside, furrowing her brows slightly before turning around to leave.

Upon hearing the door open, Mrs. Ritter pushed aside Alondra and rushed towards Sylvia shouting,"Sylvia!" She couldn't bring herself to say 'Dr. Sylvia' but grabbed onto Sylvia's arm with hope-filledeyes asking, "How is my husband? Is he really dead?"

Sylvia remained calm with no expression on her face, "He survived but will remain vegetative fromnow on. Maybe one day he'll wake up."


"Alive?" The once noisy hallway suddenly fell silent.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, staring in disbelief at the cool figure before them.

Alondra was the first to react, her hair wild as she screamed, "How is this possible? He was dead!No amount of resuscitation could bring him back!"

"Just because you couldn't save him doesn't mean others can't," Sylvia's gaze shifted to her, still icy."If I had performed the surgery from the beginning, he wouldn't be a vegetable. It was your mistakethat caused him to become one. You hit a very small nerve."novelbin

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