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Chapter 926

Chapter 926

Almost everyone in the audience held their breath, looking up towards the stage. Five or six judges sat in a row on the judgingpanel, each in their own designated seat.

At that moment, an artificial intelligence robot slowly glided onto the stage. It was cute and adorable, standing at about 1.2meters tall with a round head and a pleasant voice.

It sounded like a teenage boy going through puberty with a hint of innocence mixed with some magnetic charm."Hello everyone, | am your good friend Niamh. Please listen to the first question,” it said.“When was the International Air Transport Association established?"

Many aviation enthusiasts in attendance couldn't help but think that this was such an easy question to answer. But this was abuzzer round competition - just because you knew didn't mean you could buzz first and answer correctly.

So... the robot's round head turned towards the first contestant who pressed their buzzer button. "Please answer."Brogan stood up and confidently replied. "1905."

Niamh nodded its head approvingly, "Correct! Please listen to question two."

"On November 10th 1988, what was officially unveiled as the world's first stealth military aircraft?"

Brian thought to himself that his people should be able to get this one right? But once again it was Brogan who buzzed in!He watched as Brogan answered. "F-117."


How come so many idiots couldn't beat Brogan?

Several questions went by where SouthStar Airlines pilots were always buzzing in before anyone else - not just Brogan but alsoother pilots from different airlines too!

Whenever Niamh asked questions they were all like lightning fast reflexes answering correctly every time without fail; they mightas well have been clones of Niamh itself!

The audience watching on were stunned while even some of judges looked shocked too! Except for Franklin...If they can't even win at something as simple as this buzzer game, then what kind of pilot are they?

Brian shook with anger; how could there be such stupid things out there?!

Why is it that no matter how hard he tries he still gets left behind by Franklin's people?

Meanwhile back at Brian Aviation Company HQ several pilots almost broke down into tears...

It wasn't because their reaction times weren't fast enough; sometimes they hadn't even finished processing what had been askedbefore someone else had already hit their button and answered correctly!

They only just started thinking about what answers might be possible when someone else had already given theirs!Answering questions is torture.

Not only were they all struggling, but the other airline competitors were no better off.

They were all dumbfounded, and even when they managed to answer a question, it was only worth one point.Compared to the five from SouthStar Airlines, their scores were nothing more than garbage.

But... it seemed like nobody was scoring at all.

As time went on, SouthStar Airlines' scores continued to rise higher and higher while the other airlines remained stagnant orbarely improved at all.

The rankings on the big screen hardly changed with SouthStar Airlines in first place by a wide margin followed by NorthWindAirlines in second and Brian's company in third with only five points. The number "five" was like a slap in Brian's face making himturn pale with anger as if he was about to explode any moment now.

With each passing question came greater difficulty and fiercer competition for answering them. However, Brogan Mullins's teamremained calm without showing any signs of panic or nervousness unlike Brian who looked ready to burst into flames just sittingthere looking indifferent like Franklin beside him.

As they approached the final question which was worth ten points instead of one like before, Brian became increasingly anxiousscreaming inside his head for someone to answer it already before it's too late!

Just as Robot Niamh finished reading out loud the final question that everyone had been waiting for so anxiously; one pilot fromBrian's company finally managed to hit the button first!

Brian breathed a sigh of relief seeing that someone from his team had finally answered but then suddenly realized thateverything around him had gone quiet except for this pilot who stood there looking completely clueless not knowing how torespond despite having won this opportunity fair and square.

Everyone else looked confused too wondering what could be wrong? Why wasn't he answering? Could he really not know how?

Brogan Mullins looked over at the foreign pilot, whom he recognized as Michel, the ace pilot of Brian Corporation. He was youngand talented with a tall and typical Evodroupolian-Aettosan appearance.

However...Why did he answer without knowing the question?

Michel didn't even know what came over him when he snatched the chance to answer as soon as Niamh finished speaking.When he stood up, his mind went blank. He didn't even hear clearly what Niamh said.

All that was in his mind was that he couldn't lose this only chance to turn things around. He just couldn't lose it!

So... his hand moved faster than his brain and snatched the opportunity.

But... he had no idea how to answer it.

He looked around bewilderedly at the audience and then at other contestants who were competing with him on stage.Niamh began counting down, "Please answer immediately. Five seconds left. Five, four, three, two... one!"

When it finally reached one second left on its countdown timer, there was an uproar in the audience.

Michel felt a burning sensation on his face like firecrackers exploding all over it. He answered incorrectly, lost another point dueto his mistake. Now they had only four points remaining!

Brian almost fainted from anger and embarrassment; everyone seemed to be laughing at him or mocking him with their eyesfixed upon him alone.

Niamh repeated its previous question again,"Please grab your chance."

Without suspense or hesitation this time Brogan Mullins grabbed hold of this opportunity once again.

Standing up confidently with a powerful voice answering accurately without any hesitation whatsoever made SouthStar Airlinesgain ten more points which brought them up to sixty-two points total score making everyone cheer loudly for them!

The host held a microphone excitedly announcing, "Congratulations! The following pilots have successfully advanced into finals.""SouthStar Airlines, NorthWind Airlines... AA airlines, Wilderness Airlines..."

There were six airline companies entering into finals which consisted of thirty-two pilots out of hundreds who competed earlierproving how intense competition can get in these kinds of events!

“After the competition, please actively prepare for the final and physical fitness test. See you on Sunday,” the host said beforeending the event.

As everyone was getting ready to leave, one of the judges, Brian, marched over to Michel with a look of anger on his face.Michel looked ashamed as he faced him.

"Sir..." he began to say before he interrupted him and slapped him hard across the face with a loud "smack!" that echoedthroughout the venue.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and turned around in shock at what they had just witnessed. Brian was seething with rage andcould barely control his emotions as he glared at Michel.

"You're useless! A fool!” he yelled at him while he held his swollen cheek from where he had hit him. "If you get another garbagescore like this again, then get out!"

Michel felt humiliated as all of theirfellow competitors watched onhelplessly while their boss beratand insulted hi dinpeblic red aHuye Blow his dignity andself-respect but he couldn't evenexpress his anger because he wastoo afraid to do so; all he could dowas hang his head low and quicklyleave hoping no one would see him.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

After leaving the venue, Franklin tookPayton along with him back tohospital where they visited their otherfive colleagues who were thansytinrecoverin welf after el Sarrtheatre for injuries sustainedduring an earlier accident involvingSouthStar Airlines’ plane crashlanding. Upon hearing that SouthStarAirlines had advanced further intocompetition rounds everyone feltrelieved knowing that they still havechance despite everything else goingwrong lately. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Franklin checked time realizing it's already evening when Jasper called him saying some single men and women from companyare already heading towards Golden Restaurant so let's go there too!

Franklin started calling Sylvia asking where she currently was. She replied lazily, "I'm taking doctors and nurses along with metowards Golden Restaurant right now."

Franklin chuckled softly, "Why didn't you wait for me? I'm still at hospital.”“Hurry up then! Don't be late." Sylvia yawned feeling sleepy due long car ride ahead. "See you soon.”

Not long after hanging up phone call, Sylvia's car pulled up outside Golden Restaurant's entrance gate waiting for them eagerlyinside restaurant premises

For safety and convenience of theteam, Sylvia and the dean arrangedfor two tour buses to bring alLtBasingle me ang wornéa from thereabial OSbe the buses wereparked, doctors and nurses shedtheir usual uniforms for carefullychosen outfits - men in suits andwomen looking elegant and beautiful.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Dozens of young men and women flooded into Golden Restaurant's first floor lobby, where they were greeted by an excitedmanager. "Hospital staff, please follow me. This is our area," he said.novelbin

As he led them to their designated space, a perfectly synchronized sound of footsteps caught everyone's attention. It was as if aspecially trained army was marching towards them - two rows of pilots in uniform walking with purposeful strides entered theroom in perfect formation.

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