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Chapter 920

Chapter 920

"Did our family's child grow up smoothly and have such an excellent daughter? And what about her mother?" Jasmine looked atQueena with tears in her eyes. "Where is she? Can | see her? | really want to see her!"

Queena saw her tears and felt a pang of sourness in her nose. She turned away before speaking, taking a moment to composeherself. "She passed away, in a car accident. Sylvia's sister was also in the car, and they both... passed away.”

Jasmine froze, transparent tears streaming down her face like broken beads. "How could that be possible? She was still soyoung..."

She choked up as she looked at Queena, eyelashes trembling uncontrollably. "Sister-in-law, it's my fault; everything is my fault! If| had stayed with her back then, she wouldn't have left our family."

"Jasmine ," Queena said softly as she tried to console Jasmine while wiping the tears from her own face with one hand."It has been so many years since then; why do you keep bringing it up?" Her nose reddened slightly as she spoke."| don't have any wishes or desires; all | want is for Sylvia and Clare to be well taken care of," Queena continued.

“As for Madeleine... it has been so many years now that | no longer think about her anymore." She suppressed the pain deepwithin herself but every word felt like a knife twisting inside of her heart.

It was as if someone were holding a knife and stabbing repeatedly into the depths of heartache that couldn't be released orvented out.

"Our Hipps family hasn't done anything wrong but God took away my beloved Madeleine," Queena said firmly while looking atJasmine through tear-filled eyes.

"So many people wanted us Hipps family to fall apart; so many people wanted us destroyed but no matter what they do we willnever fall!"

At this moment, it seemed like nothing had changed from when she was on the battlefield - an iron lady who stood alone againstall odds!

"Sister-in-law!" Jasmine finally couldn't hold back any longer and burst into painful sobs without caring about maintaining anygrace or composure.

It seemed like all these years of homesickness had finally caught up with them - wanting to cry out all their pain, regret andlonging for home altogether.

"Sylvia is our only comfort. All we can do is protect her and Clare, and not give those people any opportunity. The first timecaught us off guard, but the second time would be foolish. So | don't want a repeat of the Hipps family disaster like last time,"Queena said as she wiped away tears with a tissue and handed two to Yetan.

"Stop crying, we're not dead yet! We still have to protect our children," she continued.

“My sister-in-law is right, we're not dead yet! If those people want to target Hipps family again, they'll have to step over our deadbodies!" Giancarlo lay on his hospital bed staring at the ceiling with hatred in his eyes. "They want to destroy us Hipps family?Not a chance!"

"If they find out that we've found Sylvia, they'll definitely come up with other plans. When there was only Clare as the heir ofHipps family, they wanted us dead; now there's Sylvia who's such an excellent granddaughter - who knows what crazy thingsthey might do?" Old Mr. Hipps' hair was white against his temples but his eyes were full of spirit as if he had suddenly regainedfighting spirit. "I will do everything in my power to protect these children!"

He swore!The largest conference room at SouthStar Airlines.

Ten tall men dressed in SouthStar Airlines pilot uniforms stood side by side with their hands holding their caps while theirSouthStar Airlines badges shone under the lights; all of them looked serious as they gazed at a handsome man standing beforethem.

Franklin scanned these ten neatly arranged men and spoke solemnly. "You are all chosen from among the best pilots atSouthStar Airlines; you must perform exceptionally well in this international pilot knowledge competition."

All ten replied loudly. "We will definitely do so!"Franklin narrowed his eyes slightly and said. "Let's go!"

Today was just a preliminary round for an international pilot knowledge competition consisting of three rounds. preliminaries,semi-finals and finals - followed by elimination rounds until one winner remained.

In Franklin's view, written exams were relatively simple compared to finals which were much more difficult; however he still hadsome confidence in his team members.

After leaving the meeting room via elevator down into parking lot where everyone got into internal specialized cars markedclearly with SouthStar Airline logo on top

Jasper and Franklin got into a black car and headed towards the competition venue. The competition was set in Larro's largestsports stadium, where flight elites from all over the world were waiting to enter.

Almost every participating pilot wore a uniform representing their identity and airline company.

The uniform styles varied, but it was well known that pilots had to be physically fit, so this time's knowledge contest even added aphysical fitness competition.

There were not only blonde-haired and blue-eyed pilots but also pilots from various airlines in the East. All you could see wereone handsome guy after another, which was simply a feast for uniform enthusiasts.

The atmosphere on-site exuded solemnity everywhere with monitoring equipment everywhere. T

here were also large screens above the audience seats outside of the venue that clearly showed everything inside the examroom; any movement could be seen clearly.

After getting off the car, staff immediately greeted them and helped SouthStar Airlines’ participants complete their entryprocedures into the exam room.

After completing everything at exactly nine o'clock sharp, it was time for opening ceremony. Franklin raised his eyebrows as hesaw an old acquaintance appear on stage - Brian.

He vaguely guessed that Brian would come but did not expect him to be invited again as an opening speech speaker this timearound.

"The Flight Knowledge Contest with World-Class Standards. Eastern Charm & Safe Flying" begins today!

"This contest is not only intended to test global flight teams’ knowledge skills level but more importantly aims to cultivateknowledgeable employees and build learning-oriented teams,” Brian said in his speech.

"| hope all global pilots can establish safety development concepts, enhance safety production awareness, improve professionalquality of flight teams while promoting safe development and high-quality development of aviation."

After speaking for about ten minutes or so, Brian ended his speech announcing that half an hour later; official matches wouldbegin.

Franklin took one last deep look at his subordinates before saying. "Waiting for your good news."

"Yes," everyone replied unanimously as they lined up to enter the written test examination hall.

Brian walked up to Franklin with narrowed eyes smiling. "Franklin, we meet again."

Franklin nodded distantly towards him. "Hope you're doing well.”novelbin

They had quarreled very unpleasantly at last year's air show; now Brian unexpectedly came over proactively greeting him again.

Franklin had no interest in interacting with him and felt nothing towards him. However, Brian's smile became more meaningful ashe said, "Brian, our company has also sent ten pilots over this time. Who do you think will be the champion in the end?"

His words were full of naked provocation and disdain.

Franklin stared at Brian's disgusting old face like a cold star. "So it was you who decided to add a physical fitness competition atthe last minute?"

"Franklin, you're still so smart," Brian laughed arrogantly. "We Evodroupolians and Aettosans are naturally taller and stronger interms of physical fitness."

His face was everywhere begging for a beating.


Franklin smiled instead of getting angry. "Let's wait and see."He didn't believe that his people would lose.

After Darius escorted his NorthWind Airlines pilots into the exam room, he walked towards Franklin just in time to hear whatBrian said clearly.

He looked at Brian with disgust. "Everything is just beginning now."

"So what?" Brian sneered triumphantly.

Both he and Franklin were judges. As Franklin watched his back slightly frown, he felt that something was wrong.

But by then, staff members had come to urge them on. "Mr Maskelyne, please take your seat on the judging panel.”Franklin held onto his judge's certificate before saying to Darius next to him. "I'm going inside; be careful with this boy.""Okay," Darius nodded at him.

Once inside the exam room, Franklin sat down on the judging panel seat.

Since it was a written test after all, after preparation bell rang out there were staff members distributing question papers andanswer sheets.

The content of each sectionappeared on everyone's Sarenaaltogethe Hite parts.peta n skills questions; languagesection; theoretical knowledgesection. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

Five minutes later, when official examination answering time began, every contestant started answering seriously.

Each person had their own monitor which monitored their answers real-time so their scores immediately appeared on-screenalong with real-time ranking information too.

While sitting on the judge's panelseat throughout this process,Franklin occasionally giagoed 6p btis big.gereen Where contestantsfrom Brian's company wearing theiruniforms could be seen earnestlytaking part in answering questionstoo. Please read the original contentat NovelDrama.Org.

He sat next to Franklin, watching theSouthStar Airlines contestants wwere not rank wey igh inCOregnticne! hig face overflowing withpride. "Franklin, your people don'tseem to be very strong!" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Franklin smiled faintly. "It's just the preliminaries. As long as we don't get eliminated, it doesn't matter if we don't get a perfectscore.”

A perfect score is 100 points and anything above 95 points qualifies for advancement into the finals.

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