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Chapter 911

Chapter 911

"Damn it! Wasn't he just a weak pianist? How can he drive so well?" A man in black inside the car behind couldn't help but curseas he watched the silver sports car desperately speeding away. "Move aside, let me handle this!"

Remembering what had just happened, the man in the driver's seat got out of his position with lingering fear and made way forhim. "Be careful, Tiger.”

Tiger stepped on the gas pedal and rushed towards Clare's sports car like crazy.

"Dare to race with me? Do you think you're Car God S?" Tiger gritted his teeth at the thought of their own car being rear-endedearlier. He exuded a dangerous and gloomy aura all over his body, quickly doubling their speed.

Clare's eyes were deep and piercing, emitting a strong sense of terror. He firmly pressed down on the accelerator underfoot andfelt more calm as they crazily chased after them from behind.

Seeing that black vehicle about to catch up with them from behind, Clare suddenly slowed down. The black vehicle was movingtoo fast and soon passed by Clare's sports car. Clare looked at other two cars following closely in his rearview mirror beforeturning his steering wheel sharply to collide with that passing black vehicle which brushed past its side.


The two vehicles collided heavily; then silver sports car plunged into a roadside barrier while that black vehicle spun rapidlyacross road flying off both those other two dark-colored cars aside.

Just then, Clare quickly started up his car engine again and drove off in opposite direction leaving those people far behind whothey were exactly remained unknown until now...

“What? Did he jump into sea?"

“Are you kidding me?"

"Can any one of us swim?"

Several men dressed in black looked at each other helplessly before shaking their heads resignedly as they drove away.

The rain became heavier by each passing moment; light drizzle turned into heavy rainfall pouring onto sea surface.

Clare didn't know how long he had been swimming. He was exhausted, but he held onto the plastic file folder tightly in his arms.The folder was sealed, but after being soaked in seawater for so long, it was likely that water had seeped inside.

He couldn't worry about that now. All he wanted was to get closer to the shore.

His entire body was soaked through with icy seawater that clung to him like a vice. Suddenly, a wave crashed over him and thewater went over his head. He almost drowned.

His head spun and salty water kept pouring into his nose and mouth. His consciousness began to fade away as he thoughtdesperately. No... | don't want to die yet! | haven't even reunited with Sylvia yet...

He shook his head trying to clear it and continue swimming forward, but his body felt heavy as if tied down by countless largestones; he was so tired that there wasn't an ounce of strength left in him.

Just then!Suddenly, a pair of arms supported him around the waist.

He instantly became alert again and slowly opened his eyes only to see a familiar beautiful face staring back at him - Mollie! Sheheld onto Clare's waist with both hands while kicking her legs hard in the water trying her best to pull him up above sea level sothat he could breathe fresh air again.

Mollie? What is she doing here?Am | dreaming?Mollie struggled for breath while holding Clare tightly as they swam forward together.

Luckily she wasn't a weak woman; she had trained with Clare at Air Force Base for more than a year which made her strongerthan most women out there.

She frowned when she saw Clare clutching onto the file folder tightly because without it, Clare would have been able to swimmore easily.

"Miss!" A man's voice came from afar causing Mollie not caring about wiping off all of the water on her face before shoutingloudly. "Come help us!"novelbin

Several men jumped off their speedboat into the sea immediately upon hearing Mollie's call for help; they swam towards themquickly until they reached their location where everyone worked together tirelessly until finally pulling Clare out of danger's wayback up on board.

Clare lay weakly on deck gasping heavily for air, while Mollie knelt beside him saying. "Let me help you get rid of all this saltwaterfrom your lungs first, it might hurt a bit."

She started pressing hard on Clare's chest, forcing all remaining saltwater out.

His chest felt much more comfortable now as he took in a deep breath of fresh air, sitting up from the deck.The rain continued to pour down relentlessly, soaking Mollie through and through.

She wore a white shirt and black pants that clung tightly to her curves, making it hard for Clare to look away.

Clare's throat tightened as he felt a burning sensation in his stomach. His cold and wet body was suddenly set ablaze withdesire.

He couldn't keep staring at her like this. His voice hoarse, he asked, "What are you doing here?"

"| was driving by the beach when | saw your car parked there," Mollie explained with lingering fear in her voice. "| noticed somemen dressed in black lurking around searching for something or someone. | thought you might be in danger so | brought somepeople along just to check it out.”

Thank goodness she had followed her instincts and come over.Thinking back on what she had seen earlier on the speedboat made her heart skip a beat again.

She had spotted a dark figure floating helplessly on the water's surface from afar but upon closer inspection realized it wasactually a man - Clare!

Without hesitation, she jumped into the water to save him.

Now holding onto Clare's icy hand tightly while they were both wrapped up in one large towel aboard, an empty speedboat withonly basic first aid supplies available; Mollie knew that if only they could get their hands on some hot ginger soup right now,things would be much better off for them both.

Mollie immediately contacted home, asking their kitchen staff to prepare ginger soup, along with dinner as soon as possible,since nightfall had already descended upon them, all leaving behind nothing but darkness and coldness everywhere aroundthem.

Even now, Clare held the three folders tightly in his arms, as if he was holding onto his most precious possession and wouldn'tlet go.

Mollie looked at him curiously. "What's in there? Why are those people chasing you?"

"It's a long story," Clare said, his arms stiff from holding onto the folders.

He released them and flexed his arms. "It's a paternity test."

“What did you say?" Mollie widened her eyes suddenly. "Why would you do that for no reason? Aren't you part of the Hippsfamily?"

Clare was defeated by her wild imagination and poked her forehead with his finger. "What are you thinking? It's my paternity testwith Sylvia."

"Miss Andrews?" Mollie blinked herwatery eyes and said mysteniousiyy |think Mis AndrewalGaks a tit likeRateciite exactly identical but justthat feeling... | can't quite put myfinger on it." Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"Jenna looks like you too. Especially when all three of you laugh together or have that certain vibe," she continued.

"Jenna?" Clare recalled Jenna's cute little face in his mind - she was talented at playing the piano and could be considered amusical prodigy.

His attention had been focused on Sylvia before this moment so he hadn't thought about any possible connection betweenJenna and the Hipps family.

Moreover, didn't the Evans family say that Sylvia's mother and sister died together in a car accident?He sighed deeply; therefore, Jenna couldn't be part of the Hipps family.

Now that he knew there was blood relation between him and Sylvia, he wanted to fly to her side immediately to tell her this goodnews.

But on one hand, he hesitated. What if Sylvia didn't like having an unexpected uncle suddenly appearing out of nowhere? What ifshe didn't want anything to do with their Hipps family?

As if sensing his hesitation, Mollie took hold of his large hand. "If Miss Andrews knows that you two are related by blood, thenshe should be very happy."

"Do you think so?" Clare regretted more as he thought about it. They had mistaken Skyla's mother-daughter duo for being afterthem all along.

"Good things come to those whowait," Mollie comforted him withsmile. "Let's a9 Fes SabotDasyaas Va e ginger soup. You gotake a shower, change into cleanclothes, then we go find her, okay?"Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Clare hesitated for a moment. "Let's just go to the hotel. It's not appropriate for me to go to your house looking like this."

"That's no problem, Clare," he said firmly. "Listen, | like you. | want to marry you and you like me too. We're about to getengaged."

Mollie looked at him with affectionateeyes and said, "Why do you valesaamuch ab usif seoanbedptiats or not?Voila ost lost your life at sea.Nothing matters more than your life."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

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