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Chapter 890

Chapter 890

After hanging up the phone, Sylvia returned to her room where Franklin was still sound asleep. She too

was tired, having only dozed off for a short while on the plane last night and not slept well at all.

She quickly fell back into a deep sleep but was awakened by someone kissing her. Slowly opening her

eyes, she met the gaze of a man with captivating black eyes that shone like obsidian.

"Honey..." The man's magnetic voice rang in her ears as his muscular chest came into view. Sylvia's

eyes flickered lazily over his tempting figure as she asked him what time it was.

"You guess," Franklin whispered hotly in her ear, his breath sending shivers down Sylvia's spine and

making her ears turn red.

What is this guy trying to do?

"Not gonna tell me?" She pouted and glanced outside where it was very dark except for the moon

hanging high in the sky near their window. It must have been around eight or nine o'clock at least.

"Still mad?" Franklin smirked, looking handsome with a smile that lit up his face.

He gently lifted Sylvia's slender waist with one hand and suggested they do something naughty to

lighten up their mood instead.

Sylvia looked at him speechlessly but didn't resist.

She wrapped her arms around his neck instead. "Honey... what should we do?"

Her enchanting gaze made it seem like she was some kind of fairy under the bright moonlight outside

their window.

Seeing this made Franklin feel an intense heat rising inside him.

Early the next morning, a gentle drizzle started to fall from the sky. The strong winds from the previous

day hadn't brought any storms; it was just a light rain.

The rustling sound of rain echoed in Sylvia's ears as she slowly opened her eyes, gazing at the

meandering raindrops on the glass window.

Larro had mild weather all year round unlike Urgford which served as center of power amidst its fast-

paced city life filled with temptations, desires clashing against each other while power struggles

continued endlessly...

Sylvia shook off these thoughts before getting ready for another day ahead of them both...

The familiar bedroom, the familiar furnishings, the familiar bathroom - everything was so familiar. Even

the skincare products were her usual brand. It was as if everything was just like it was before she got


She walked calmly to the closet and gently opened its doors. As she had suspected, all of her clothes

were still there - in styles that she usually wore, with color combinations and designs that matched her


Tears began to well up in her eyes.

Should she say he was affectionate or sentimental?

It would be a lie to say that her heart wasn't moved by this gesture. Fortunately, she also had feelings

for him; otherwise...

Thinking about how disappointed Franklin would be if things didn't work out made her heart ache.novelbin

She went back into the bathroom to freshen up before putting on some comfortable home clothes.

When they left earlier, in order to play their roles convincingly, Sylvia packed many of her own clothes

into their luggage almost emptying out Franklin's closet.

Now it was filled with items in Sylvia's size and style...

There are some jokes on video apps like this.

"I don't know what my girlfriend likes; I'm just an unromantic guy."

It's not that you don't know what your girlfriend likes; it's just that you haven't put any effort into getting

to know or care for them... so how could you possibly know what they like?

"You wonder why girls are never satisfied? I said I'll buy it for her next time."

"I said I'll introduce her to my parents next time."

Haha... being in love isn't about talking big game but rather taking action!

As Sylvia applied skincare products onto face, she couldn't help but laugh softly at herself.

Wasn't this admitting that Franklin did an excellent job?

Women are really easy to please - maybe with a closet full of clothes or bags or even lipstick and high


"What are you laughing about?" A strong arm wrapped around Sylvia from behind while his chin rested

on top of shoulder looking at their reflection in mirror with an amused expression.

Sylvia stood up on tiptoe and planted a kiss on his cheek."Because... I missed you," Her voice sweetly

softening .

Franklin clearly paused for moment, looking somewhat dazed as he stared at Sylvia. In that moment,

he suddenly couldn't tell where or when they were anymore.

It felt like her old self before they got divorced had come back again.

Before, Sylvia used to look at him with a charming smile, soft and delicate.

But back then, she was just a trophy wife in his eyes. His heart skipped a beat and his throat began to

tighten. "Honey... it's been a while since you called me honey." This house was filled with their four-year

marriage and all their memories. Suddenly, an indescribable emotion surged within him. "I love you," he


Sylvia chuckled at his confession. "Why are you being so cheesy this early in the morning?" She raised

her hand to playfully hit his chest but he caught her small hand firmly in his own.

"I'm serious about my confession, Mrs. Maskelyne," he said with conviction. "Let's go get our marriage

license today."

He pulled out two identical white shirts from the closet - one for himself and one for Sylvia - saying that

wearing matching outfits would make it more ceremonial.

Sylvia looked at the two shirts that were practically couple outfits and asked incredulously, "You've

already prepared everything?"

"I've been preparing every minute of every day," Franklin replied before giving her another kiss on the


"Wait until I freshen up first before we leave," he added cheerfully as Sylvia nodded in agreement

before heading downstairs.

The butler had gone to the market early that morning to buy some fresh ingredients for breakfast when

Sylvia arrived downstairs.

"Look here, missus! The fish is so fresh today! And these mushrooms... not to mention these oilseed

rape greens!" The butler eagerly showed off what he had bought as soon as she came down.

Sylvia smiled at him warmly before suggesting they have some plain congee along with stir-fried garlic

oilseed rape greens and vinegar-braised bean sprouts for breakfast.

"Okay then! I'll start cooking right away!" The butler happily turned around and headed towards the

kitchen muttering under his breath how wonderful it was having the missus home again!

As Franklin came down stairs ready to leave, he saw Sylvia cooking breakfast which made him

impatiently say. "We can eat later after we come back."

Sylvia gave him an indifferent glance which made Franklin nervous enough that he grabbed her wrist

tightly asking anxiously. "Do you not want to go? Do you not want us together?"

He couldn't help but begin thinking irrationally. "Have I been behaving badly lately? Am I annoying?

Have I gotten ugly or old?"

"Or maybe... you've fallen for someone else?"

Franklin was being driven crazy by Sylvia's attitude. She glanced at the man with red eyes and couldn't

stand it, so she raised her hand and knocked on his forehead. "If you're so good at thinking, why don't

you go write some web novels? What are you doing standing here?"

Franklin was stunned. "What?"

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Holding a plate, she walked out.

Seeing this, Franklin quickly picked up another dish and followed her out.

The butler had bought some small steamed buns and some pies.

Although there were only two dishes, all three of them were satisfied after eating breakfast. After

finishing their meal, Franklin took Sylvia's hand and walked out of the villa directly to get into his car.

He sat in the passenger seat himself after starting up the car.

His palms holding onto the steering wheel were slightly sweaty; his throat felt dry as he asked

nervously. "Did we bring our IDs? Did we bring our household registration books?"

Now he seemed like a nervous little boy or an old man who wouldn't stop talking incessantly.

Sylvia didn't know how many times she had answered him already. "Yes, we brought everything. Both

yours and mine."

"That's good then," Franklin took a deep breath before continuing. "Today isn't Sunday right? They

don't take breaks, do they?"

Sylvia rubbed her forehead; where was that domineering CEO aura of his? Where was that high cold

restraint? He just kept rambling on endlessly.

However, looking at him like this made Sylvia feel sweet ripples in her heart instead of annoyance or


When they reached an intersection though, their car got stuck in traffic jammed with cars and people

crowding around, making it impassable.

Franklin became irritated immediately, honking loudly and asking what happened causing such


Sylvia tried to calm him down by patting his hand back and saying, "Don't worry about it too much,

dearie! This intersection is usually very smooth flowing but looks like there's been an accident."

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In other words, they were stuck right in middle of road, unable to move forward nor backward until

traffic cleared up.

"The road to happiness is strewn with setbacks," smiled Sylvia reassuringly while getting off from car

door opening wide enough for her to step outside completely before adding, "I'll go see what


She stepped out of the car, immediately attracting the attention of many onlookers. She walked towards

the area surrounded by the most people.

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"My child!" A mournful cry reached Sylvia's ears and she frowned before quickly pushing through the

crowd to get closer.

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