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Chapter 888

Chapter 888

Sylvia raised an eyebrow at him. "Your biggest mistake was hurting our flight attendant and the

passengers around you."

"Respecting others is also respecting yourself."

Sylvia looked at the man expressionlessly.

The middle-aged man regretted his actions, his face ashen and defeated.

If he could turn back time, he would not have done it.


Time can never be turned back.

Franklin held Sylvia's small hand and blew on it gently as if comforting a kindergarten child. "Blow on it,

it won't hurt anymore."

Sylvia was speechless.

Is this man addicted to being childish?

She felt uncomfortable and withdrew her hand while pushing him away. "Go back to work quickly."

Franklin smirked. "Take care of yourself."

The cabin gradually quieted down, with no one daring to cause trouble or even whisper quietly.

The air was eerily silent.

In the lounge, Elsa rubbed ointment on her burned hands.

Darcie walked over with a drink for her. "Drink some water."

"Thank you." Elsa sighed as she took the drink from Darcie's hand.

Fortunately, Sylvia intervened earlier; she looked so cool when she did that!

Her heart almost stopped beating then and there...

"That group of people just now were really weird." Darcie sat next to Elsa. "They have no manners

whatsoever! Are your hands okay?"

"Luckily they didn't blister," Elsa glanced at her bandaged hands before continuing," If Miss Andrewsnovelbin

hadn't intimidated them earlier I think they would still be causing trouble now..."

"Don't forget about Mr. Maskelyne though? He has more power than Miss Andrews does." Darcie said

disdainfully; although she wasn't happy that Sylvia had stolen all the limelight again but there was no

way she could deny how awesome Sylvia was!

"Miss Andrews is still very powerful," Elsa patted Darcie's shoulder reassuringly before adding, "But

that gentleman had already filed a complaint so we might need to write up a report later..."

"Mr. Maskelyne said that all those who caused trouble will be blacklisted... so it's not our fault anyway!"

Darcie grumbled under her breath for a bit longer before falling silent again

Elsa smiled without saying anything else

It took another half an hour before the plane finally took off...

"Hello everyone! Welcome aboard SouthStar Airlines' flight today! I am Captain Franklin flying from

Lleilaga to Larro which will take approximately eight hours in total..."

At 6:30 in the evening, after serving dinner to the cockpit captain and co-pilot, Darcie and Elsa

distributed dinner to the passengers.

As night fell, everything outside was pitch black and nothing could be seen. Sitting near the wing,

Sylvia took a bite of her dinner while watching the flashing navigation lights outside. Only during takeoff

and landing could she see scattered lights below.

SouthStar Airlines' airplane food tasted pretty good; it wasn't just hastily made with bad taste. After

dark, the entire cabin became very quiet but Sylvia wasn't sleepy at all.

Two hours away from Larro, suddenly turbulence shook the plane. Although Sylvia didn't fall asleep

yet, she quickly put on an eye mask for a brief moment of rest in darkness.

Jasper sat next to her reading an aviation magazine without disturbing her; his responsibility was to

follow her and protect her. Suddenly Sylvia felt intense shaking all around her body; she frowned and

quickly pulled down her eye mask while Jasper stretched his neck towards the cockpit.

"What's happening? Did we hit turbulence?" Sylvia surveyed around seeing that other passengers

were being shaken by this turbulence too - some had already started screaming but they couldn't curse

loudly due to what they learned from a middle-aged man before takeoff - only able to vent their fear

through fearful screams.

In just a few minutes chaos broke out inside of cabin.

"Maybe we encountered some turbulence or something else happened; it shouldn't be anything

serious," Jasper quickly spoke up although he felt anxious inside his heart.

Elsa began calming down passengers at this time. "Hello everyone! The latest weather report shows

that Larro as well as nearby cities are experiencing level six winds which is causing strong air currents

in high altitude areas. Don't panic! We still have one hour forty minutes until we reach Larro so we will

urgently contact Larro Tower for safe landing."

By now all passengers were dizzy from being shaken by this air current - no one dared move because

of how dangerous it was - some children had even started vomiting at this point.

Darcie and the other flight attendants began distributing disposable vomit bags to the passengers, who

were stumbling and falling one by one. Elsa, on the other hand, was constantly calming down the

passengers by broadcasting various reminders and safety precautions.

After about ten minutes, the strong turbulence finally passed, and the plane resumed its smooth flight.

However, Sylvia still felt a faint sense of unease.

Time flew by quickly as they approached Larro. Suddenly, another violent shaking began - even more

intense than before. Some timid passengers had already started crying.

"What's going on?"

"Why is this plane shaking so much?"

"Mommy, I'm so scared."

It was almost dawn outside with poor visibility due to heavy fog. The plane kept swaying in mid-air.

Elsa's voice came through again from the intercom. "Hello everyone! We are about to land soon and

are very close to ground level now. Please do not move around carelessly..."

She continued repeating various reminders regarding safety matters.

Sylvia looked out of her window as they descended towards ground level - almost at a height similar to

that of a terminal building when suddenly there was a huge jolt that shook everything inside followed by

an abrupt ascent –the plane took off again!

Accompanied by crazy turbulence and violent shaking sounds in cabin; vomiting sounds filled up air

with pungent smell.

The windstorm was extremely strong; it kicked up sand making it almost impossible for people to open

their eyes.

Larro usually had pleasant weather being located in southern region hence such heavy windstorm was

rare occurrence.

Sylvia's pretty face hidden under dim light of dawn kept feeling how wildly airplane circled in mid-air

accompanied with whistling sound of fierce winds along with severe tremors but still unable make safe


Meanwhile inside cockpit, Franklin's handsome face tensed up while his long powerful hands controlled

aircraft; his perfect profile reflected on co-pilot's eyes.

He swallowed hard looking at sky outside which had low visibility due heavy fog along with wild sand

storm. "Mr. Maskelyne, what should we do now?"

Franklin narrowed his sharp eyes "Contact tower- we can't land."

Even though he didn't ask directly given such hurricane-like conditions, he could guess what situation

must be happening inside cabin right now.

During landing, if an airplane encounters strong winds or turbulence, it is highly likely that the plane will

experience a descent malfunction and deviate from its original glide path, or even experience a

phenomenon of low altitude and cause safety accidents. With hundreds of passengers on board, the

risk is extremely high and can only result in an emergency landing at a nearby city airport.

Five minutes later, Elsa's sweet yet slightly tired voice came through the cabin again. "Hello

passengers, due to Larro's strong wind encountered during this flight, we can only choose to make an

emergency landing in nearby Frusall. We apologize deeply for any inconvenience caused." Frusall was

far away from Larro - about five to six hundred kilometers.

Upon hearing Elsa's announcement, chaos erupted once again in the cabin.

"I came to Larro just for my friend's wedding!"

"I'm visiting family in Larro!"

"If I don't sign this contract now, what am I going to do next year? Go bankrupt?"

"If I knew the plane was so unstable I would have taken a high-speed train instead! Why did I even

bother taking this flight?"

"This is so damn frustrating."

"Such bad luck."

Passengers were extremely agitated as they began complaining while accompanied by vomiting


After circling over Larro for approximately twenty minutes, the plane finally made a turn towards Frusall.

Once the flight became stable, the airplane's lavatories were finally reopened.

Instantly, a dozen people formed a queue.

Darcie and the others walked up and down the aisle, carrying trays and distributing vomit bags.

Elsa felt a bit overwhelmed; the supply of vomit bags was running critically low.

What would they do if they ran out of vomit bags?

She couldn't even bear to imagine the scene.

"We'll make an emergency landing in Adawood. If Adawood isn't feasible, then I'll fly to Frusall,"

Franklin decisively made his decision.

His handsome face was serious, his gaze determined.

The co-pilot nodded quickly, "Alright, I'll contact the control tower right away."

Ten minutes later, Elsa's head was on the verge of exploding.

"Adawood is much closer to Larro!"

"Frusall is really too far away!"

After hearing the latest arrangement, the passengers' impatience and anger were finally temporarily


After all, Frusall was really too far away.

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