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Chapter 886

Chapter 886

Franklin reached out his long arms and held her tightly in his embrace. "If you're just a little woman,

then there are no big female leads in this world."

Although he didn't watch many online dramas or surf the internet much, he had heard of a genre called

"big female lead." He deeply felt that those fictional big female leads were nothing compared to Sylvia.

"We at NorthWind Airlines have also decided to cancel our partnership," Darius was determined to

support his wife, so he glanced at Brian. "Although your planes are of good quality, they are not the

only option available for NorthWind Airlines."

At this aviation exhibition, there were 1, 500 industry exhibitors present and not just Brian's.

Brian was furious; losing three companies' partnerships was a disaster for him. He still held onto

Amelia's hair and did not let go. His heart surged with anger but dared not lash out at anyone else

except Amelia.

He lifted Amelia's head with one hand and slammed it against the bathroom wall with a loud bang!

Amelia was dizzy from being hit; she felt intense pain in her head as blood flowed down from it. She

screamed and struggled. "Ah! Let go of me, dad!"

But Brian really wanted to explode with anger; he grabbed her head and repeatedly slammed it against

the wall several times until blood gushed out from Amelia's head. She curled up weakly on the ground

without enough strength to make any sound.

Only then did Brian let go of her; he glared at his daughter who lay dying on the floor before shouting

loudly at the bodyguards outside. "Why haven't you taken her to hospital yet?"

The bodyguards were already scared stiff by now; they dared not speak up until they heard him shout

again before rushing over to pick up Amelia and take her away.

The bathroom returned back into silence while Brian spoke apologetically. "I'm sorry everyone... it's my

fault for teaching my daughter poorly... I hope you all can reconsider our cooperation..."

"Business is business. This kind of fighting between women is private matters... so..."

"How can we mix business matters with private affairs? My daughter has already apologized Mrs


"Brian, have you finished speaking?" Franklin looked deep into Sylvia's eyes as he spoke abruptly

which startled Brian who looked up towards him saying, "Franklin... we've known each other for many


"What does it matter? Knowing each other for years doesn't stop your daughter from wanting to harm

my wife," Franklin spoke sharply. "I'm giving you respect by not pursuing this any further. Cooperation

is off the table."

With that, he took Sylvia's hand and left, with Jasper following closely behind. Isabelle and Darius also

bid their farewells and left.

Brian was left alone in the bathroom, his eyes bulging with anger as he watched them leave. "Franklin,

Darius, you are unscrupulous! Don't blame me for being unjust!" He couldn't believe that as a tycoon in

the aviation industry, he could be brought down by them.

Outside of the restaurant, Franklin and Sylvia said their goodbyes to Isabelle and Darius before getting

into their car to head back to their hotel. That same night at the hospital, Amelia slowly regained


She looked at Brian with fear in her eyes; she had never seen her father so angry before - it was

terrifying. She pulled herself closer into her covers and lowered her gaze.

Brian's voice echoed through the room like an ominous whisper. "Don't worry; Daddy will make things

right for you today." If you're angry or upset about anything that happened today - if you hate Franklin

or Sylvia because they caused your injury - then Daddy will be angry too."

Amelia suddenly lifted her head up to meet Brian's sinister gaze; tears filled her eyes as she cried out.

"Daddy... it hurts so much!"

Her forehead was wrapped tightly in thick white bandages which made her look frail even though she

had been given painkillers earlier on. She had always been pampered since childhood; Brian had

always spoiled his little girl.

This was Amelia's first time seeing him lose his temper like this - it scared her deeply.

Although Brian was still furious inside himself over what happened earlier on but now he tried to regain

some sense of rationality after hugging Amelia close. Blood is thicker than water after all... he regretted

hitting his own daughter just because he wanted to save face for business purposes...

He stepped forward towards Amelia again, holding onto his daughter tightly while saying softly. "Daddy

lost control earlier on but if it wasn't for Sylvia and Franklin, none of this would have happened... don't

worry my dear child... I'll make sure they pay."

Meanwhile near the hotel where they were staying.

The night sky resembled a navy blue curtain adorned with twinkling stars that cast an enchanting spell

over anyone who gazed upon it deeply enough...

Due to the wind, Sylvia wore a windbreaker and a mask when she went out. Hand in hand, Franklin led

her towards the hotel. As they passed by a bubble tea shop, Franklin bought her a cup of bubble tea.

He held the drink while Sylvia occasionally lowered her mask to take a sip. She didn't really like sweet

things, but since he bought it for her, she thought it was okay to have it once in awhile.

As they neared the hotel entrance, he said, "Take another sip."

She shook her head and replied, "No more. It's too sweet."

He lifted up his cup and said with insistence, "Just one sip."

Sylvia sighed helplessly and said, "Okay fine. Just one small sip."

As she lowered her mask again to take another sip from the cup, suddenly Franklin leaned in with fresh

breath covering his lips as he gently kissed hers.

It wasn't deep or long but rather quick as he pulled away with an indulgent gaze on his face saying,

"That was really sweet."

Sylvia was left speechless, wondering why this man would be so playful all of sudden? This kind of

cutesy first love stuff is only played by couples who are still new at dating.

But looking at him now made Sylvia smile inwardly, realizing that there aren't many beautiful things in

this world but night winds blowing through your hair while being loved by an adoring man like him is

definitely one of them.

She knew that she might never forget this kiss under the night sky for as long as she lived.

However... at this moment, she had no idea what lay ahead because life has too many uncertainties

just like a giant vortex heading straight towards both herself and Franklin.

The next morning, the sky began drizzling tiny droplets of rain which fell onto the ground like silk


Sylvia dressed herself up in white shirt along with black pencil pants. She gazed outside watching

raindrops falling down while memories from last night flashed back into mind.

This man was extremely gentle yet passionate, his strong masculine scent enveloped around them

making Sylvia feel exhausted enough that when she woke up early morning, it was already past seven


Looking at Franklin who still slept soundly, Sylvia couldn't help admiring his chiseled features whichnovelbin

were almost perfect. Her lips curved upwards slightly as if smiling unconsciously.

Suddenly, Franklin opened his eyes wide. Sylvia reached out and pinched his cheek saying, "We have

12. 30 flight. Get up quickly!"

Franklin grabbed her hand and chuckled, stealing a kiss on her smooth cheek. "It's still early, not even

eight yet," he said.

"So we're getting up for breakfast?" Sylvia blinked her clear eyes, gazing at his handsome face.

Franklin wrapped his arms around her slender waist and pinched her face in retaliation for the earlier

pinch. "Or... we could get some exercise first?"

Sylvia didn't respond but gave him a glare. How could this man have so much energy?

Before she knew it, Franklin had already flipped over to come on top of her. Sylvia quickly put both

hands against his broad chest. "I'm hungry, really hungry."

But it was too late.

Their flight was at 12. 30 pm and they only arrived at the airport by 10 am without having breakfast.

After checking in hastily, they had a meeting followed by an urgent check on their flight status.

Sylvia pouted in the waiting area; if only she knew beforehand! Luckily nothing went wrong this time.

Once everything was in order, Sylvia and Jasper listened to the announcement from the airport

lounge's speakers. They joined the queue with the rest of the passengers, waiting to board the plane.

Sylvia checked the time and realized they were just five minutes away from takeoff.

It seemed that they wouldn't be able to depart as indicated.

True to her prediction, five minutes later, Elsa's sweet voice announced another delay in the flight


Darcie and the others sat in the lounge, gazing at the rain outside.

"This is so annoying!"

"Who knows when we'll be able to fly."

Half an hour passed quickly.

The plane remained motionless.

Some passengers grew impatient, and a few started to raise their voices, expressing their frustration

and complaining loudly.

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