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Chapter 883

Chapter 883

The legendary youth of that year disappeared without a trace.

After returning to her room, Sylvia went straight into the bathroom. She was exhausted and feeling

drained. As she reached for the bathroom door, her feet slipped from under her and she almost fell

forward uncontrollably. Just as she was about to hit the ground, she felt a pair of warm hands wrapnovelbin

around her waist and lift her up.

Sylvia found herself in Franklin's arms, wearing nothing but a white bathrobe that showed off her

slender neck and shoulders.

Franklin felt something soft and warm nestling against him as Sylvia's curves pressed tightly against

his body. He tightened his grip on her waist as he tried to maintain his composure.

"I'm going to take a shower," he said hoarsely before rushing into the bathroom for a quick hot shower.

When he emerged from the bathroom, Franklin found Sylvia fast asleep on the bed with an angelic

expression on her face. He couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she looked while sleeping.

But why did she have to be so sweet?

Sylvia woke up feeling groggy after being disturbed by someone kissing lightly along her collarbone.

"Stop it," she murmured sleepily as she wrapped one arm around Franklin's muscular waist.

However, Franklin rolled over onto Sylvia until he was looming over top of her with an intense look in

his eyes that made it clear what he wanted next...

The night was long; stars shone brightly overhead; everything seemed just perfect...

The next morning at five o'clock sharp when dawn had barely broken out yet, Franklin woke Sylvia up,

saying, "I want you to see sunrise." She yawned sleepily while looking at him through bleary eyes

before getting ready for their trip outside.

She put on some harem pants with sneakers paired with simple T-shirt underneath black jacket which

looked very casual yet perfect for traveling purposes. Once they got into car together, Franklin handed

over sandwich along with milk box saying, "We might get stuck in traffic if we leave too late, so let's

have breakfast in car."

The man's magnetic voice rang out, and Sylvia smiled at him. "Sounds good!" She lowered her head to

eat her sandwich, watching the foggy sky outside the window.

The car raced towards Stonehenge, and because they arrived early, they could step inside the

monument and admire those magnificent mysterious ruins up close.

"On June 21st every year, on the eve of the summer solstice, many Emkathish travel long distances to

gather at Stonehenge to celebrate. Here you can watch the sunrise, drumming and dancing to

welcome the arrival of summer solstice," Franklin said as he held Sylvia's hand and walked forward.

"The sunrise here is beautiful." He pointed to the sun rising slowly behind Stonehenge.

Even though it wasn't summer solstice yet but only March or April when they visited, there were still

many people coming to watch sunrise. There were locals around as well as tourists from other places.

Sylvia's pretty face was bathed in golden light from the morning sun. Looking around them, she saw

that bit by bit; sunshine climbed up from behind Stonehenge until it flooded everything with its brilliance

- a magnificent scene.

After spending some time at Stonehenge admiring its grandeur and mystery; they went on their way

towards nearby Lacock Village which is one of Emkathi's most beautiful villages.

Lacock was an old-fashioned "exquisite town". The charming architecture along with a rural feel

remains unspoiled - no new buildings have been built for nearly 200 years! Almost all buildings in town

can be traced back to or even earlier than 18th century.

The entire Lacock village looks like a carefully painted oil painting that seems lost in time but has been

perfectly preserved over time.

With winding paths through town mixed with wooden stone-style architecture unique slate roofs make it

one of Britain's most picturesque towns.

Franklin held her hand while strolling through this peaceful little town enjoying its scenery.

A breeze blew by carrying an air of tranquility along with it making everything seem so serene.

They had lunch under a tree shade in town where Jasper brought plenty of food including burgers,

fries, fruit salad, even frying pan where he cooked some steak right then and there!

"Picnic feels great," Sylvia said, blowing gently into wind, eating freshly cooked steak while looking at

the handsome man lifting his glass filled with red wine.

"If you like, we can go on picnics in the countryside often," Franklin's gaze drifted to her as he picked

up a napkin and gently wiped the wine stain from the corner of her lips.

After a brief half-day trip, the car headed towards Lleilaga. Sylvia was feeling sleepy as they walked

along the road and unknowingly leaned against Franklin's body, falling asleep.

When the car finally came to a stop, she opened her eyes and looked outside at everything around her.

Franklin's gaze fell on her. "Let's get off and check out the aerospace exhibition."

Aerospace exhibition? Sylvia raised an eyebrow slightly. She had been to car shows before but this

would be her first time at an aerospace exhibition.

The man wrapped his arms around her slender waist from behind, looking at her awakened face and

red lips that were alluringly beautiful. "You look so pretty."

But before Sylvia could react, his lips landed on her cheek and his big hand pulled him over to face him

while his thin lips accurately covered hers.

Sylvia pushed him away slightly. They were here for an exhibition not for kissing!

Franklin let go of Sylvia with a smile on his mouth, then put one arm around Sylvia's shoulder as they

walked towards the exhibit hall together.

Lleilaga International Aviation Exhibition is a feast that aviation enthusiasts worldwide cannot miss out

on! The aviation show is divided into professional days and public open days; today and tomorrow are

professional days mainly for negotiations between professionals in industry forums such as enterprise

signing contracts or media releases among other activities.

Starting from day after tomorrow until next week will be public open days where visitors can enjoy cool

flight performances while experiencing deep aviation fun!

The entire airshow is divided into four indoor pavilions plus dozens of corporate VIP rooms inside which

are densely packed with people flowing through them continuously throughout each day!

This year Pavilion 1 has become a permanent building serving also as this year's latest exhibition

center and conference center!

The airshow will welcome more than 70 thousand aerospace professionals globally plus about 1500

companies participating in it!

Franklin brought Sylvia to Pavilion 1 entrance where Jasper immediately handed them their invitation

cards upon arrival; since today and tomorrow are only open for industry insiders so once they received

their invitation card they were ushered directly by welcoming staff members who showed them right

away to their assigned seats without any delay whatsoever...

It wasn't long before AA Group Chairman Brian took stage delivering speech followed by Aerospace

Minister giving speeches too...

Sylvia knew about the AA Group, the conglomerate of the largest aerospace manufacturing company in

Evodroupoli and Aettosa. Their company produces the most popular passenger planes worldwide. Not

only that, but they also have their own airline, earning them the nickname "The Plane Kings."

Surrounded by various media reporters, aiming their cameras and microphones at the leaders

speaking on stage.

Upon seeing Franklin, Brian immediately walked towards him and said, "Franklin, long time no see."

Franklin reached out his hand to shake Brian's, as if he wanted to hug him, but quickly let go. "Long

time no see," he replied.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Brian noticed Sylvia standing beside Franklin, and his eyes lit up.

"And who is this beautiful lady?" he couldn't help but ask.

Franklin smirked and tightened his grip around Sylvia's slender waist. "This is my wife, Sylvia."

"Hello," Brian warmly greeted Sylvia, extending his right hand.

Sylvia smiled lightly and graciously shook his large hand. "Hello."

After chatting with Franklin for a while, Brian headed towards the nearby VIP conference room.

Sylvia, understanding the situation, leisurely strolled through the aviation exhibition with Jasper.

Following the opening ceremony of the aviation exhibition came the aerial performances.

The Royal Air Force's "Red Arrows" aerobatic display team took the center stage, showcasing heart-

pounding, high-maneuver flight performances.

Sylvia didn't expect to encounter familiar faces, as Darius arrived with Isabelle.

She raised an eyebrow and remarked, "Life has its ways of bringing people together."

Isabelle was thrilled to see her. "Miss Andrews, long time no see."

Isabelle had heard of skytyping but didn't know much about it.

"I've heard skytyping is quite difficult!" she commented.

"Furthermore, skytyping tests the team's synchronized cooperation. Some words are particularly

complex, requiring advanced aircraft control skills and years of training."

"But... that young lad trained for only three months and was able to successfully perform various high-

difficulty skytyping maneuvers."

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