Abusive Wife

Chapter 94
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Abusive Wife Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Leaning on the sofa, Madeline felt inexplicably relieved when her blood flowed slowly into Noah’s body.

She owed him her life.

Madeline felt sleepy, not knowing if it was because of the loss of blood. She closed her eyes, and soon,her memory flashed back to many years ago.

It was raining heavily that day, and a young man met with an accident.

The young man was dying, and the doctor said he would die if there were no suitable donors for hisunusual blood type.

That year, Madeline was only eight years old but she was exceptionally brave. She volunteered todonate her blood as her blood type matched the young man. It was a secret that no one



Madeline gradually lost consciousness after the doctor inserted a needle into her vein and drew out alot of blood. When she woke up, the young man was gone.

After many years when she met the young man again, she recognized him at once. However, theyoung man did not remember her at all.

The video of Angie and Sam was leaked on the internet. It was the top story all of a sudden.

“Angie is such a slut!”

“Poor guy. His woman

had cuckolded him!”

“She became a widow and now a slut?


Toxic comments were all over the internet.

Once again, Angie made the headlines of Imperia, and the most innocent person implicated in theincident apart from Angie and Sam, was Bruno.

“I’m very sorry to inform you, Mr. Grant. But I’m afraid that you can’t attend the dinner due to somepersonal reasons.”

Holding the phone, Bruno’s face darkened. He threw the phone away and stomped straight to Angie’sroom.

“You shameless bitch! You’re ruining my plan! Do you know how hard it took me to get invited to thatdinner? I can’t go to the dinner now because of you! I worked everything for it, and you ruined them all!Why do I have such a shameless daughter like you? Except for making a fool of yourself and

seducing men, what else can you do? Why don’t you go to hell?”

Bruno cursed. He then dragged and threw Angie to the floor. His face turned pale, and his eyesbloodshot. He was so angry that he was shortness of breath and almost fainted.

“What’s wrong with me seducing men? It’s all because of you. You’re incompetent. You can’t evenprotect the company…”

Angie was demented because of her leaked video on the internet. She could no longer hold her anger.She refuted back when Bruno came to reprimand her.novelbin


However, before Angie could finish her words, she was slapped on her face.

Bruno slapped Angie so hard that she staggered a few steps backward.

“Damn it! How dare you refute me back? Who ruined Grant Corporation in the first place? Believe it ornot, I’ll beat you to death today! You’re such a

shameless bitch!”

Bruno was so angry that he did not stop beating Angie. He continued to kick her to vent his anger. Hewas beating her so hard that it was as if he was going to beat her to death.

Lying on the ground, Angie felt pain all over her body. She felt she was dying. She struggled andbegged for mercy. “Dad, I’m sorry. Please stop beating me!”

“Stop! What are you doing? Are you going to beat her to death?”

Suzette stopped Bruno when she saw him beating Angie. She just came back from James’ house.

“Yes! I’m going to beat her to death. I don’t have such a shameless daughter!”

With bloodshot eyes, Bruno glared at Angie and wanted to stomp forward to hit Angie again.

“Go! Go back to your room now!”

Unable to stop Bruno, Suzette turned around and yelled at Angie.

It was only a moment later that Angie realized what Suzette meant. She was too shocked by herfather’s beating. She quickly got up and limped back into her


Back in the room, Angie sagged on the bed. Looking at herself in the mirror, she

could not help but yell, “Madeline, just wait and see! I will send you to hell!”

Right then in Lowe’s villa, Jerry finally got out after being grounded.

The moment he got back his phone, he could not wait to call Angie right away. However, as soon as heswitched on the phone, the video of Angie and Sam popped up.

“Damn it, Angie. How could you do this to me?”

Jerry was so angry that he could not help shivering madly. He smashed his fist on the table and wentout with a group of bodyguards at once.

In less than ten minutes, Jerry and his men arrived at the Grant residence.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After dealing with Bruno, Suzette heard a loud bang on the door.

“Angie, son of the bitch! Get out now! Do you hear me? Are you a coward? All right. Smash the dooropen now!”

Jerry gradually lost his patience and asked his bodyguards to smash the door open.

“Where is Angie? Ask her to come out now!”

Jerry rushed into the living room with a group of bodyguards. He pointed at Suzette and yelled.

“She…” Suzette was shocked. Unconsciously, she glanced at Angie’s


However, before Suzette could finish her words, Jerry stomped into Angie’s room

with his bodyguards.

“Jerry… what brings you here?”

Angie heard the noise and turned around. She met Jerry’s glare and was shocked.

“What brings me here? To see how you seduce men!” Jerry gritted his teeth. He was so angry that hisface turned red.

He slapped Angie’s face mercilessly.

Angie cried as she curled into a ball in a corner. “Jerry, listen to me. I can explain. My dad forced me,and Sam. He forced me…”

“He forced you? Cut the bullshit! Stop lying to me. You seduced him!”

Jerry was mad. He did not believe what Angie said.

“I’m telling you the truth! He drugged me. I thought it was you, so… I swear with my life. I don’t wantyou to misunderstand me.”

Tears welled up in Angie’s eyes. She looked at Jerry miserably. After a moment, she ran to the windowand was about to jump down.

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