Abusive Wife

Chapter 42
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Abusive Wife Chapter 42

Chapter 42

“Not necessarily. His face got mutilated. It could be anyone.”

“That’s right. Felix has been on the run for so long. He wouldn’t be so easily killed… Request that ourteam cleans up the mess. We still have a long road ahead of us.”

“Yes, Ms. Madeline.”

As Madeline sat inside, Albert was about to start the car, but Madeline stopped him.

“Hide. Someone is coming.”

Several cars pulled up in front of the villa as soon as Madeline finished


She carefully adjusted the seat’s angle, peered out the window at the people, and at once picked outthe most

notable man in the crowd.


Why is he here?

Fortunately, Madeline asked Albert to park the car in the parking space behind the green belt beforethey entered the villa; otherwise, they would have been found by now.novelbin

It would be difficult to explain their presence if they happened to run into them.

“Ms. Madeline, is that Mr. Quincy? Is it possible that he is also looking into the old man’s death?”

“Perhaps,” Madeline replied somewhat perfunctorily.

She was unable to comprehend how

Noah operated.

Is he also looking into it?


Didn’t he insist she was the murderer?

Her thoughts were a little befuddled.

Noah seemed to have realized that the person inside was dead and soon left with his men.

Madeline and Albert waited for a while before driving away.

Unsurprisingly, they were being followed as soon as they drove out of the villa


Albert’s hand was still bleeding heavily, which was dripping down the steering wheel, and appeared tobe in dire


Two black SUVS followed them the entire way, clearly not intending to let them out of sight.

Madeline studied the electronic map in her hand and devised an escape plan.

“There’s a tunnel one mile ahead, and that’s where we lose them.”


Albert gripped the steering wheel tightly and floored the gas pedal. The car soon entered the tunnel asplanned.

The car’s stealth cloak began to take effect, and when they got back out, their car was completelyinvisible.

The vehicle kept going, but instead of picking up speed as it had before, it

slowed down gradually and made a sharp turn into a side road.

Madeline finally exhaled a sigh of relief as she watched the two SUVS that were pursuing them passby.

The stealth cloak quickly wore off. Their car turned from white to black as the stealth cloak faded.

Andy was waiting there anxiously when they arrived back at Maple Forest Villa.

When he saw they had returned safely, he rushed up to them and exclaimed, “Are you all right, boss?You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“I’m perfectly fine. Albert has been hurt. Help him tend to his wounds.”

“You guys! Take Mr. Wright quickly to bandage up!” Andy quickly took

Madeline’s uninjured arm, turned around, and greeted the doctors and nurses who were waiting withhim.

Madeline struggled to pull her arm free from his embrace and sat on the sofa, exhausted

Andy followed her to the sofa, squatted down, and expertly massaged her legs. “Boss, I just found outyou had a run-in with an assassin in the hospital. Did you see who it was, Boss? Tell me, and I’ll go findhim!”

He was only gone for a short time, and someone dared to act erratically in his territory, even injuring hisboss. That guy must have a death wish!

“I only recently discovered that it was the same person who had tampered with the car. You stay out ofthis. I’ll handle it.”

“Boss!” Andy thought it was a little unfair.

“You just look after Colt. How is he doing today?”

“Colt is fine, but when he awoke, he kept looking around, probably for you, but he went back to sleepwhen he realized you weren’t there. The wound on his body is almost fully healed, but the wound onhis face still requires multiple surgeries to heal completely.”

Colt was a pitiful child. He was thrown off a cliff when he was very young, and his face was disfiguredas a result. He required at least seven grueling surgeries to restore his appearance.

She was distressed just thinking about it!

The person who threw him off the cliff

had no conscience.

“Now that I’m hurt, I won’t go see him. Help me look after him during these few days.”

“Don’t worry, boss. I guarantee to finish the mission!”

Andy promised with a pat on the chest.

Madeline was exhausted. She didn’t even bother changing her clothes. She leaned back on the sofaand dozed off.

She was still dazed when she awoke and noticed a figure.

She wasn’t sure if it was because she was too tired, but her head felt heavy. When she noticedsomeone nearby, she tried hard to open her eyes, but her eyelids were so heavy that she couldn’t fullyawaken.

She didn’t come to it until she heard that

cold, familiar voice.

“Madeline? Madeline! I know you’re awake. Stop pretending to be asleep. Get up!”

She felt someone shaking her body, but her head hurt so much that she couldn’t keep her eyes open.

She wanted to tell that person to stop shaking her because she felt like throwing up. She felt as if shehad opened her mouth but couldn’t make a sound.

The voice could only be heard faintly in her ear.

She only heard someone yelling at her and questioning her. That person’s voice sounded very familiar.It sounded like Noah!


Was she having another nightmare? How else could she have imagined that devil-like jerk being here?

Madeline was thinking erratically, and her head was hurting more and more.

She appeared to see Noah’s face clearly in her daze.

He appeared to be moving her in his


There seemed to be some worry on that delicately sculpted face…

Yes, it had to be a dream; otherwise, why would Noah be concerned about her?

She continued her wishful thinking in her dream.

It was only fitting that she be tortured!

Madeline felt she deserved the hatred

and anxiety. Then she went completely unconscious.

Noah’s deep eyes filled with concern as he watched the feverish Madeline in his arms loseconsciousness. He strode out of Maple Forest Villa and put her in the car.

“Go to Dylan.”

He arrived to look for Madeline ten minutes ago but unexpectedly

discovered that she had a fever and was unresponsive despite his best efforts.

He still had questions for her. He couldn’t just stand by and watch this woman burn to death!

“Yes, sir!”

Wayne was driving, and when he saw Noah carrying Madeline out of the villa, he had a millionquestions he didn’t dare to ask.

Dylan was presently seated in front of the workbench in the ME Biotechnology Laboratory on theeighty-seventh floor of the Golden Dome International District. He was not the least bit sleepy.

He had just completed the DNA comparison for Noah overnight and had reached an inevitableconclusion.

The comparison results revealed a parent-child relationship between the two samples Noah gave him.

At first, he didn’t give a damn about the outcome, but when he told Noah, Noah was completely out ofit.

Dylan’s curiosity was immediately


Whose hair did Noah take to analyze?

What did these two people have to do with him?

He was so curious that he couldn’t sleep!

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