Abusive Wife

Chapter 276
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Abusive Wife Chapter 276

Chapter 276

“Have you found those gangsters who went to Elise’s store to make trouble?” Madeline propped herforehead.

Albert quickly replied, “I have found them. They are Asher’s men.”

“Let them know that Joseph wants to kill them as he worries they may leak the truth.”

Doesn’t Joseph like to alienate us? I can also use the same trick on him.

“They’re just incompetent gangsters. They can’t make big trouble for Joseph.”

“Albert, although they don’t have much power, they still can become Joseph’s hindrance.” Madelineknew those gangsters could not do much, but they could add trouble to Joseph.

“You’re wise.” Albert looked at Madeline through the rearview mirror while driving. When Madeline leftthe private kitchen restaurant, her mood became strange. Albert was worried that she would get sick.

Madeline was aware of his concern. She comforted Albert, “I’m fine. Don’t worry. Let’s talk about Ms.Parker. How did the investigation go?”

“This is Ms. Parker’s information.” Albert handed Madeline a portfolio.

Madeline took out the information and read it. Mia Parker was born and raised in Imperia, and herfamily relationship was simple. The only strange thing was that her family seemed to have made afortune in the year Mia was born.

And the scar on Mia’s arm was scalded in the hospital when Mia was born.

It was no coincidence that Madeline and Mia had the same burns. It was very likely that Madeline wasborn in this hospital as well.

“Ask someone to check the information of all newborns in this hospital on the day Ms. Parker wasborn.”

“Do you suspect that you and Ms. Parker…” Albert hesitated to speak.

“I just want to know who is my biological mother.” Madeline was curious, but she did not have to knowabout it. It happened to come across such a clue, so she decided to investigate it.

Albert nodded and immediately arranged for the people below to investigate the information.

Madeline stopped talking and leaned against the seat with her eyes closed to rest. The car becamequiet, but Albert still looked back worriedly to check Madeline’s condition.

When the car arrived at the entrance of James’ apartment, Madeline spoke again with a tremblingvoice.

“Albert, Trenton is coming.”

Albert’s back stiffened. He held the steering wheel hard, and his veins bulged.

Trenton never came forward to do anything in person, but as long as the people in the underworldheard his name, they would all be frightened.

Unfortunately, Madeline had provoked Trenton, and more than half of her hardships in the past fiveyears were because of him. So, Madeline had a deep-seated fear of Trenton.

“Trenton still doesn’t want to let go of me.” Madeline took a deep breath.

“Have you found those gangsters who went to Elise’s store to make trouble?” Madeline propped herforehead.

Albert looked at Madeline firmly and said, “Don’t worry. We’ll protect you.”

“Albert, I’m afraid of Trenton. He is always trying to grab my children away.”

Madeline even trembled slightly all over. If Noah was her nightmare for the past five years, Trenton wasthe devil who tortured her non-stop during these five years.

“Ms. Madeline, now that you have Mr. Quincy, even Trenton can’t make trouble of you easily.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not what I used to be. Even if Trenton comes, I won’t be afraid of him. It’s just thatI may die.” Madeline rubbed her face. Then, she opened the car door and got out.

The bodyguards also happened to drag Suzette out of another car.

Seeing Madeline, Suzette shouted ferociously, “B*tch! What did you do to me?!”

Thinking of the punishment she might suffer for betraying her master, Suzette wished she could cutMadeline in pieces.

“Suzette, if you can survive this time, remember to dodge me when you see me in the future.” Madelinestepped on Suzette’s chest like crushing an ant.

Suzette subconsciously wanted to hold Madeline’s foot, but the bodyguards quickly pressed Suzette’shands down.

“Madeline, I’ll hit you to death! How dare you do this to me! Do you dare to kill me? Someone is goingto deal with you. You’ll get in trouble if you dare to do anything to me!”

“Don’t worry. I won’t do so. I don’t have to dirty my hands. But there is someone who wants to deal withyou.” Madeline signaled her bodyguards to throw Suzette toward the entrance of the community.

When Suzette looked up and saw James walking toward her, she was overjoyed. “James, save me!This b*tch Madeline has hit me! You must avenge me!”

But Suzette did not expect James to walk over and step on her face. “B*tch! You made me miserable!How dare you still appear in front of me!”

Only then did Suzette realize that James was no longer her obedient lover. The last time she humiliatedhim, he gritted his teeth and said he would avenge her.

“Madeline, don’t leave me here! Take me away!” Suzette turned around and asked Madeline for help.

However, Madeline had already boarded the car with bodyguards.

Before leaving, Madeline saw James dragging Suzette into the community through the rearview mirror.

After Noah left the hotel, he immediately ordered Wayne to investigate Trenton.

It was because Noah found that when Madeline heard Trenton’s name, a trace of fear flashed acrossher face.

He wanted to know what Trenton had done to Madeline, which could make her afraid.

“Sir, I only know that this Trenton has underworld connections, and the Braulia underworld respectshim. If we investigate him, we may get in trouble,” Wayne replied hesitantly.

“We can secretly investigate his relationship with Madeline.”

Noah had heard about Trenton. Although Noah did not know Trenton’s appearance or real name, heheard about the things Trenton had done, such as blood-bathing a well-known family or suppressingsome influential people.

Even so, Noah was not afraid of Trenton.

No matter how powerful Trenton was, as long as Trenton hurt Madeline, Noah would make Trentonkneel and admit his mistakes.

“Sir, where are we going now?” Wayne knew Noah had made up his mind, and nobody could stopNoah, so Wayne did not persuade Noah much.

“You just said Madeline came to the hotel from a private kitchen restaurant? We can go there.”novelbin

Half an hour later, Noah arrived at the entrance of an unremarkable private kitchen restaurant.

“Are you here for a meal? Sorry, we’re closed now.”

The gray-haired restaurant owner came out and greeted Noah with a smile.

“Excuse me, have you ever seen this person?” Noah directly took out Madeline’s photo.

The restaurant owner glanced at it and smiled. “She used to be my regular customer, and she alsolearned cooking from me for a month a few years ago. She was my short-term apprentice. It was justthat she was not very talented. Her husband did not like to eat her dishes. She has cried severaltimes.”

A memory suddenly flooded Noah’s mind.

One day, Noah negotiated a big deal and was in a good mood. When he went home for a meal, hecasually praised that the dishes tasted good. He did not remember Madeline’s expression after she

heard this, but he remembered that in the following days, Madeline often made dishes and waited forhim to go home.

But even though Madeline did this, Noah still did not want to go home. He even reprimanded herseveral times. He said the dishes were unpalatable and told her not to make them again.

Noah felt pain in his heart. He could imagine Madeline crying in front of the restaurant owner with anaggrieved face.

“You are her husband? She has packed a meal today. Have you eaten it? Don’t blame me for talkingtoo much. You should be satisfied that you have a good wife who treats you well. Although she doesn’tgood at cooking, you can’t dislike her. ”

Although Madeline learned to cook from the restaurant owner and burned down the kitchen severaltimes, the restaurant owner felt moved by Madeline’s sincerity.

In his heart, the restaurant owner thought Noah was a heartless man. As the restaurant owner did notwant to talk with Noah anymore, he urged Noah to leave quickly and then locked the restaurant.

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