Abusive Wife

Chapter 265
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Abusive Wife Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Mackenzie escaped from the toilet window, but she did not leave the amusement park immediately.Instead, she called Rowan on the phone, not far from the amusement park.

“Uncle Rowan, I’m lost. Can you come and save me?”

Rowan was in a meeting with the top executives of the company. His facial expression changed uponanswering the call, and he hurriedly got up and walked out.

“Stay where you are and don’t move. Do not talk to strangers. I’ll pick you up soon.”

“Okay, uncle, I’ll wait for you here.”

Mackenzie’s voice was soft and innocent, but in fact, her face was expressionless.

She was abroad when she found out Annalise was targeting her mommy. She was even moreconvinced of the fact that her mommy was being bullied after Thomas showed her the posts on theinternet.

Coincidentally, she got to know Annalise’s brother during the fire outbreak. He’s weird, but I can stilluse him to avenge Mommy.

Twenty minutes later, an Aston Martin pulled up to the side of the road.

Rowan saw a small figure squatting on the side of the road from afar; she was on high alert whenever acar drove by. Rowan felt bad and pitied her.

The more I look at her, the more she resembles someone I knew.

Rowan got out of the car anxiously, and he asked, “Zeke, is there anything wrong?”

Mackenzie seemed upset, and she asked for a hug, saying, “Uncle, I’m scared.”

He quickly picked her up, and although he blamed Noah for not taking good care of her, he could notmake much comment about it.

“I’ll take you back to your mommy, okay?”

Mackenzie shook her head vigorously, with tears streaming down her face.

“What’s wrong, Zeke?”

Rowan felt that he had some sort of connection with Zeke, just like Madeline.

“Uncle, don’t send me home; I don’t want to go back.”

Rowan carried her back into the car, and he told the driver to go back to the Sunshine Villa.

He asked Zeke gently about what happened, he thought that she fought with her family. She refused totell him. He coaxed her for a while before she finally spoke. Her voice was trembling, and her body wasshaking.

She even made the driver feel distressed for her.

“I was playing with Colt. Uncle Noah blamed me for losing Colt. Uncle Noah was fierce to me,Mommy… Mommy still wanted me to accept him… I don’t like him.”

Rowan wiped off her tears as she sobbed, and he patted her on the back to calm her down.

“Uncle Rowan, my family is taken away by Uncle Noah. Mommy and Thomas are becoming his family;they don’t want me anymore. I don’t want to go back.”

Mackenzie’s acting skill was marvelous, she was being recognized by most of the internationaldirectors. She had won various awards at a young age, so she could perform easily.

Feelings of abandonment and pitifulness. She could control every expression, including her tears.Rowan’s heart was broken, and he sympathized with her a lot.

He was angry, and he wiped off her tears even more gently than before. He said, “Zeke, do you want tostay over at my place? I’ll talk to you, Mommy.”

“Uncle, please don’t blame Mommy; she’s a good mother. She’s just too busy to take care of me.”

“Yes, I know.”

Rowan believed in her not only because of her words but also because of the current situation.

He knew that Colt was raised personally by Noah, so it was understandable that he loved him the most.Whereas Madeline and Thomas were in Imperia for quite some time, they were both familiar with Noahby now.

Mackenzie just arrived in Imperia not long ago, so she was not familiar with Noah. She might need totake time to blend in with them, so it was normal for her to feel left out.

But he never thought that Noah would be so unfair to her. How could he scold such a cute little girl?

He remembered that Noah had openly admitted Thomas’s identity as his child in the live broadcast; itseemed that he cherished him a lot. Zeke is also his child, so why does he not like her?

Could it be that Noah favors boys over girls?novelbin

At the same time, Noah was slamming his cup against the table when he was told his preciousdaughter had gone missing.

“Find her! If you all can’t find her in half an hour, all of you can fuck off!”

He could not bear the thought of Zeke facing potential threats. She might be crying helplessly by theroadside, or she might even be kidnapped!

“Sir, T-Thomas went missing too!” The bodyguard reported in fear.

Thomas was right there just now; how did he disappear all of a sudden?

“You all can’t even look after a child; what are you guys doing?” Wayne was enraged too.

The bodyguards lowered their heads, not daring to say a word.

They did not expect Mr. Noah’s children to disappear in the thin air.

“Find them! Find them now!” Noah yelled furiously as he walked out.

Wayne reminded Noah about his work; he said, “Sir, the members of the board of directors are stillwaiting for you in the meeting room.”

“Let Lucas preside over the meeting, and leave the rest to him.”

“Sir, do we have to inform Mrs. Quincy?”

“She’s busy with the boutique incident; let’s not bother her.” He could only believe that he would beable to reach their children soon.

What if Madeline loses her trust in me if I tell her about this?

After Noah left, a slim man wearing gold-rimmed glasses came out of the office with a document.

“Wayne, the meeting is about to start; why did Mr. Quincy leave?”

“Thomas and Mackenzie went missing; he’s busy looking for them. Mr. Lucas, please take over themeeting from here onward.”

Lucas was puzzled and displeasing hearing it.

Lucas was great and skilled in everything. The downsides of him were being overly logical andstubborn. He refused to work for Noah when he first graduated; he wanted to achieve a great career byhimself.

Finally, he was convinced to work for Noah’s company, but he treated himself strictly as a worker.Barely anyone knew that the two of them were relatives. Lucas also always addressed Noah formallyand professionally in the company.

Lucas was a workaholic; all he did was work. So, he could not understand Noah’s behavior at themoment. How could he leave work for his kids?

He’s so irresponsible. I’m certainly dissatisfied about it.

“Mr. Lucas, Sir, was separated from Thomas and Mackenzie for five years; please try to understandtheir feelings.” He entrusted you with the work, which meant that he trusted you very much. Waynetried to explain.

Lucas became sullen after hearing his explanation; he questioned, “If everyone in the company leavesjust because of family affairs like him, the company might as well close down.”

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