Abusive Wife

Chapter 200
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Abusive Wife Chapter 200

Chapter 200

Dylan felt aggrieved but soon realized that something was wrong. He took out his phone and openedthe data of the detection app. Then, he retrieved a time and let it analyze the data automatically.

It’s strange! Dylan looked at the data of Madeline’s fluctuating heartbeat and fell into deep thought.

Maddie’s peak heart rate just maintained for a short time. Could it be that Noah really hurt his waist?Hmm, it’s time for me to do something for their happiness!

After thinking about it, Dylan threw his pillow onto the bed and excitedly ran out of the bedroombarefooted. He was about to go to the laboratory to prepare some supplements for Noah. It was alsonecessary to give Madeline some medicines, which could delay the arrival of her body’s dormantperiod.

While thinking about it, Dylan ran toward the elevator entrance. Unexpectedly, when he ran into theliving room, he saw a gleam of light from the desk lamp from a distance.

Colton was sitting on the chair. He leaned over the desk and seriously looked at the computer screen infront of him. His serious appearance was like a miniature version of Noah. Dylan turned on the light inthe living room and trotted over.novelbin

“Colt, why don’t you go to sleep? It’s midnight now. What are you doing?” Dylan asked.

“I’m looking at foreign stock markets.” Colton did not look up but stared at the screen. He respondedindifferently. Seeing the data keep rising and reaching an inflection point, Colton clicked lightly on thekeyboard a few times before turning around.

“Uncle Dylan, why don’t you go to sleep?”

“Uh… I’m hungry now. Are you hungry? We can order takeaway.” Dylan casually lied as he spoke.

While talking, Dylan touched his stomach and acted seriously. He could not say that he did not sleep inthe middle of the night because he was going to the laboratory to prepare supplements for Noah toensure Noah’s happiness for the rest of his life! This topic was not suitable for children.

“Mommy said eating takeaway isn’t good for our health. Why don’t we make meals ourselves?”

“Make meals ourselves? Colt, which one of us seems to be able to cook?”

“Uncle Dylan, I’m a patient. Only you can make the meal.” Colton looked at Dylan


“Alright.” Dylan kad no choice. Even though he did not know how to cook, he had to make it for Cotton.

I can’t leave Colt hungry! I can do it well! Dylan secretly cheered himself up in his heart.

However, even though Dylan knew all the ingredients in the refrigerator, he had no idea how to makethe meal. He was getting into a tangle while standing in front of the reingerator.

*Uncle Dylan, for the sake of making me a meal, how about I help you earn some money?”

“Oh, you’re so kind to me! But you don’t need to do so. Your daddy will help me earn money. I’m notshort of money.”

When Dylan heard what Colton said, he was overjoyed. Dylan leaned over enthusiastically and wantedto kiss Colton, but Colton cleverly dodged the kiss.

“Uncle Dylan, Mommy said a man can only kiss the woman he likes.”

“Uh… Okay, your mommy is right. Colt, do you like your mommy very much?”

“Of course! Look, this is the money I earned for Mommy. I want to make Mommy the richest person inthe world!” Colton did not hide from Dylan. He took his computer and proudly showed Dylan hisachievements of these days.

Before leaning over to Colton, Dylan was picking the ingredients. Dylan still held a tomato in his hand.He prepared to boast a few perfunctory words to cheer Colton up. Dylan thought that Colton neededsome encouragement to grow better. However, Dylan was startled when he saw the numbers on thecomputer screen.

Eight billion?! A five-year-old kid with eight billion in a stock account? It’s more than the money I saved!

*Colt, did you earn all of this?” Dylan leaned on the desk with a tomato in his hand. He counted thenumber carefully and felt like his eyes were blurred.

The number above is indeed eight billion, It’s incredible!

Dylan had seen Colton watching the stock market all the time. At that time, Dylan thought Colton wasfond of mathematics, the stock market, and finance because Colton was more clever than ordinarychildren. Dylan never expected Colton to be 8

stock genius!

“Yes, they’re all for Mommy!” Colton nodded seriously.

“Colt, how long did you take to earn this money?” Dylan looked at Colton curiously.

“Mommy gave me the principal. It was 1 million dollars. The cycle is seven days, and the profit rate…

Colton explained to Dylan in earnest. He was speaking some technical terms that Dylan could notunderstand at all. At this moment, Dylan looked at Colton excitedly.

Haha, I’ll be rich!

*Colt, did you just say you want to help me earn money? I thought about it just now. The more money,the better! I’ll give you one billion principal. Is it okay?”

‘Sure. But although the principal is yours, you cannot interfere with my decision on the stock.”

“Of course, everything is up to you!” Dylan cheerfully transferred one billion to Colton.

Dylan could not understand stocks at all. He had no way to intervene in Colton’s decision, even if hewanted to. Dylan felt glad as Colton was about to earn him a lot of money. Without paying attention, hetook a bite of the tomato he was holding in his hand. Well, it’s pretty sweet.

“Uncle Dylan, don’t tell me we’re going to eat raw tomatoes. Colton was in a tangle when he looked atDylan’s action.

“Huh? Of course not! I’ll show you my cooking skills. And I’ll let you know what a genius is”

Dylan was in a good mood and became full of confidence in cooking. Before entering the kitchen, heheld up a tomato to make a pose.

Colton just looked at Dylan quietly and did not speak. Colton expressed deep doubts about the qualityof the meal tonight, but he did not say anything to Dylan.

An hour later. 200 feet near Golden Dome International District, in a 24-hour restaurant

Dylan and Colton were both wearing dinosaur home clothes. Dylan carried Colton helplessly andwalked into the restaurant.

“Colt, choose what you want to eat. I’ll pay for the meal today!” Dylan was holding the menu. He triedhard to hide his embarrassment as he had damaged a frying pan.

Dylan just wanted to make a tomato-fried egg, but he did not expect he would fail.

Hmm! A genius also makes mistakes sometimes. It can’t blame me.

Colton glanced at the empty restaurant and said nothing He just wanted to be quiet


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