Abusive Wife

Chapter 170
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Abusive Wife Chapter 170

Chapter 170

“Mrs. Quincy’s location has disappeared. Did she realize she was being followed?” Wayne asked as hehad been driving based on the GPS location displayed on the screen. Despite having only a fewinteractions with Madeline, he could tell she was not easily duped.

Noah looked at the map and instructed, “Find out where the last known location is and drive there,fast.”

After Wayne restarted the system, he was surprised to see the last known location at Blue Sky MentalHospital. Surprised, he asked, “What’s Mrs. Grant doing at a mental hospital?”

Noah fought a rising panic when he saw the location. This is not a dating site. Why did Madeline endup in a mental institution? Did she make a discovery?

Fear crossed his face as he considered the worst-case scenario. He hurriedly dialed Dylan’s number,who answered in a matter of seconds. “I was about to call you, Noah. Maddie might be in trouble!” Theman was already driving to Madeline’s last known location.

A few minutes ago, Dylan walked into a pub, ready to have a great time with the ladies. However, henoticed an anomaly in Madeline’s monitoring data before the celebration started. Her heart rate spikedbriefly before decreasing to an abnormally low level. In disbelief, he leaped from the sofa, grabbed hisphone, and dashed to the car without waiting to collect his jacket. He had planned to call Noah after hegot on the road. To his astonishment, the man approached him first.

“Calm down, what’s going on?” Noah kept his cool and asked Dylan.

“I noticed Maddie’s heart rate was extremely low. Her other vitals were unstable too. It seems like she’seither unconscious or on the brink of death.” Dylan pressed the accelerator, and the automobile

accelerated to 200 km/h.

Noah was in a complete state of panic when he heard the news. “Where’s she now?” he asked tersely.He deduced the bracelet that Dylan gave Madeline had a location tracker.

Dylan replied, “According to the GPS, she’s at Blue Sky Mental Hospital. I’ll meet you there. Let meknow if there are any updates.”

“Okay!” Noah said before hanging up the phone.

Even though Wayne could not hear the phone conversation, he could tell something was wrong whenNoah’s

expression worsened. “Did something happen to Mrs. Quincy?”

Noah did not respond but instead instructed, “Send the special force to the northern suburbs.”

“Yes, Sir!” Wayne recognized the gravity of the situation and instantly relayed his instructions to thespecial forces.

“Please be all right, Madeline,” Noah muttered as he looked at the sunflowers

next to him.

They had been following the woman’s location until they realized something was wrong. Hence, theyarrived at Blue Sky Mental Hospital in less than ten minutes.

There was no one in sight at the hospital’s entrance. It seemed strangely silent as if it had beenvacated. Even innovelbin

the parking lot, just Madeline’s car was there.

When Noah noticed no one was nearby, he exited the vehicle and made his way to the main building.

“This is so strange, Sir. It’s too quiet,” Wayne uttered. He accompanied Noah while keeping a close eyeon his surroundings. “It’s far too silent. I’m afraid something is amiss.”

“Let’s split up and investigate. Be

careful,” Noah replied.

Meanwhile, Madeline regained

consciousness and found herself in the

laboratory, lying on a sofa. She discovered a laptop on the coffee table in front of her; it was a livevideo streaming of a surveillance camera in the hospital. She felt limp when she tried to sit up, as if allher energy had

been sapped from her. Her head was drowsy, and she was worried she would pass out.

Madeline struggled to stand, her eyes stinging from sweat, but her attempts were futile. Just then, shesaw a familiar figure on screen.

Noah? Why is he here? Her first instinct was to warn him of an immediate danger. However, before shecould speak, the screen switched to show Lone Wolf.

“You are awake, pretty lady,” he cackled before continuing, “Let me tell you a secret. The prey hasfinally arrived. So, let the hunt begin! It’s been a long time since I met such a challenging prey. I’m soexcited! Haha!”

Lone Wolf’s laughter reverberated throughout the room, a laughter that

sounded demented. Madeline wanted to protest, but the harder she tried to talk, the more her throathurt. She could only observe as he sped through the building, drawing closer to Noah.

Panic surged through Madeline as she thought, Lone Wolf intended to exploit me to threaten Noah. Ican’t just sit here and do nothing.

The woman clenched her teeth and reached for the fire alarm button with all her might. She hopedNoah would realize something was wrong when the fire alarm went off. Madeline struggled as shegripped the end of the sofa to keep herself from falling. Unfortunately, she lost her strength when shewas inches away from the button and fell back onto the sofa.

Why do I feel so weak? A faint dizzy spell shot through her head as dark

motes began to appear. She sank on the sofa from sheer exhaustion. Moments later, Madelineregained her consciousness. She observed Noah inspecting the building frantically through the monitor.The wards and offices had all been deserted; it was clearly a trap. Lone Wolf was hiding in a corner,waiting for the chance to spring a surprise attack on Noah.

Madeline’s body went cold with dread as she thought, Noah must be in a state of panic as a result ofmy

disappearance. What if Lone Wolf seizes the opportunity to attack him? He could…

The thought of Lone Wolf getting his way gave her the fortitude she needed to grab for the red alarmbutton once


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