Abusive Wife

Chapter 154
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Abusive Wife Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Elise felt as if Madeline had given her a physical slap with her words.

“You girls keep chatting, I’m going to look for Dylan. I’ll come visit you again at night,” Noah said as henoticed his cue to leave. He was secretly pleased to find out that Madeline had been vying for hisconcern, as revealed by Elise just moments ago.

Of course, his self-satisfied smirk did not go unnoticed by Madeline. She knew the douchebag wasprobably having some delusional, narcissistic thought about himself once again. Then again, there wasno harm in letting him know how she felt. She had once loved him so much that it ended up costing alife. It was only natural that she had her guards up now, she told herself.

Wayne quickly approached Noah as soon as he saw his boss leaving Madeline’s room. “Sir, youguessed right. There was indeed a secret path at the bottom of the mountain lake. Lone Wolf musthave used that path to escape!” he informed Noah.

“Get the special forces to search the city thoroughly. I want him alive,” Noah instructed.

“Yes, Sir. I’ll get on it! But Sir, didn’t you say that the Lone Wolf will come for us himself if he was stillalive? Why do we have to search him out?” Wayne asked out of curiosity. After all, the Quincy’s specialforces was a secret operation. The Quincys never mobilized them unless it was absolutely necessary.For Noah to request their services, something big must have happened.

“He has something I need. Just do as I

say,” Noah responded curtly. Noticing Noah’s solemn expression, Wayne did not dare to poke anyfurther. He quickly left to carry out Noah’s orders.

Once Wayne had left, Noah took the elevator up to the top floor, where the hospital’s director’s officewas situated. This hospital was a branch of the Imperia Community Hospital. It was a public medicalresearch hospital but privately funded by affluent benefactors. Most of the patients who came herewere either from wealthy families or had a complicated disease. Apart from the director’s office and aresting lounge, the rest of the top floor was occupied by sophisticated medical labs almost like the onethat Dylan Felch ran.

Andy Jones was as passionate about medicine as Dylan Felch was, but Andy was much better atmanagement and

innovation. Under Andy’s care, his medical labs had produced many medical prodigies. He was acapable doctor himself but building an entire army of doctors who each had their own strengths was amuch more impressive achievement. He could utilize any one of these doctors in different situations,and they could band together when a situation demanded for it.

Dylan was a little envious of Andy when he first visited Andy’s lab and noticed the teamwork betweenhis doctors, unlike Dylan who had always worked solo. However, he was not in the mood to dwell onhis insecurities today as he had just gotten hold of Madeline’s lab report. Together with Andy, theyholed up in Andy’s office as they pored through the results of the report. As Noah entered Andy’s office,the two men were sitting quietly in front of a

computer, looking through a screen filled with indecipherable numbers.

“Dylan, any update?” Noah’s voice cut through Dylan’s thoughts.

“Yes, uhh, no… Not really…” Dylan mumbled dazedly as he nodded his head one moment and shook itthe


“Yes or no?” Noah huffed impatiently. “Andy, you tell me then,” he turned his head to the other man infront of the


“Hmm, yes and no,” Andy replied hesitantly, sharing the same opinion with Dylan.novelbin

Noah’s expression only got darker by the minute. Noticing this, Dylan quickly snapped out of his stupor.

“Noah, don’t be too worried. For now, we can at least confirm that Madeline is fine,” Dylan made hisdiagnosis, but he was not speaking with his usual relaxed flair.

“Yes, Noah. There’s nothing wrong with Madeline as of now,” Andy agreed, nodding his head.

“As of now? What does that mean?” Noah pressed.

“According to her lab results, Madeline seems to be suffering from some kind of post-traumatic sideeffect that causes intermittent seizures. She had experienced one of these severe seizure attacksrecently. In most cases, it would have been fatal, but her body had trace quantities of a type of drugthat relieved the seizure,” Andy explained. “However, this drug can only be taken in small doses, and itonly serves to relieve the

seizure effects, not cure it. Once the effect of the drug wears off, the post- traumatic side effects willonly come back stronger. That’s why Madeline was bleeding from her nose and mouth, and how sheended up unconscious.

“Post traumatic side effects? A recent seizure attack…?” Noah grew more confused and agitated as helistened to Andy’s explanation. Was it the time when he took Thomas away? They had been talkingthrough the phone, and he had thought she finally conceded that he was right when she went silent on

the phone. However, when he rushed over, he found himself at the scene of a car accident, withMadeline nowhere in sight as she was captured by Lone Wolf.

It was him who caused Madeline to seize up while she was driving! It was him who caused her to getkidnapped! It

was him who gave Lone Wolf the opportunity to inject her with a drug that made her condition worse!His heart raced as he realized the gravity of his actions, and he felt something bubbling in his throat.Without warning, he

heaved and coughed out a huge amount of blood on the floor.

“Noah!” Dylan exclaimed in shock.

“Sir!” Andy echoed.

Dylan rushed over to support Noah who had almost fallen over. “Noah, don’t worry. I promise you we’lltreat Madeline back to health no matter what it takes!” he reassured Noah out of desperation.

Andy quickly came to their aid too. The both of them sat Noah down on the sofa and gave him somebreathing space. Slowly, the redness in his eyes and the angry veins in his neck began to

subside. Andy went out to the lab to get some medication for Noah while Dylan stayed behind, notdaring to leave his side.

“Dylan, it was all my fault. I tried to scare her by taking Thomas away. I caused her seizure, allowingLone Wolf to take her away! It was all me! I promised to make it up to her and treat her well, but Iended up hurting her the most…” Noah was a blustering mess. “It’s all my fault!!” he cried out, his eyeswelling with hot tears.

Dylan Felch had only seen Noah this weak and dejected once in his life. That was the day he thoughtMadeline had died. Noah had gone through plenty of tribulations as a child, going up against hisscheming uncles. As a result, it had hardened and detached him from most things and people.However, on that day five years ago, that same man had

stood on the ledge of the top floor of the Golden Dome building, ready to meet his wife in the afterlife. Ifit was not for Colton’s cries, Dylan was certain Noah would have made the jump. Today was thesecond time in his memory that Dylan saw Noah in such a state. Dylan held on to his arms as he sankinto a pit of worry.

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