Abusive Wife

Chapter 142
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Abusive Wife Chapter 142

Chapter 142

“Why are you in such a hurry? I haven’t even finished!” Thomas felt as if he had

his head in the sand. He couldn’t hear a single word.

It was frustrating.

“Aren’t there several surveillance cameras in the building, Uncle Dylan?” Colt hadn’t been interested ineavesdropping at first but when he found that nothing could be heard, he began to work at debuggingthe smart chair.

He was freely moving around in the chair after fiddling with the controls for a short while.

Both Thomas and Dylan were still empty-handed when he returned, driving him to offer them areminder.

“Huh? You’re right. How could I have

forgotten?” It was only then that Dylan came to a realization.

He immediately switched on the giant screen hanging on the wall to check the surveillance footage.

Everything seemed normal.

Noah was making omelets while Madeline enjoyed snacks as she watched television.

Dylan was in disbelief at the sight.

Was he a babysitter for the duo upstairs?

Hmph, I better get an omelet too!

Dylan muttered angrily to himself and made plans to head upstairs to be a third wheel the moment theomelets were done cooking!

Before his temper could settle, he noticed something off with the footage.

The dishware in Noah’s hand was a celadon.

Huh?! That’s mine!

It took me eight million to have it restored!

He was screaming internally as he hurried out with the two children on his tail. The trio filed into theelevator in unison!

Within an airy terrace house outside the Fifth Ring Road, energy was rife within its walls.

James Lowe was going at it hard. He was completely drenched in sweat with

Suzette under him overtaken by bliss.

Just when James was ready to change positions, the woman’s cell phone started to ring from besidethe bed.

The intoxicated Suzette immediately sobered up and lazily grabbed her phone.

The man leaned in to press a kiss against her neck when he found the rose under him so distracted bythe insistent ringing. “Answer it later, okay? We’re not done.”

She smiled wickedly at his hoarse demands and proceeded to roll over to switch their positions tocontinue their merrymaking.

She then hit the answer button.

“Mom? Save me. Please save me!”

“Angie? Angie, where are you? I’ve been looking everywhere for you. They all said you fell off a cliff…”Suzette was ecstatic when she heard Angie’s voice and immediately got up to answer the call in a quietenvironment.

“I don’t know. It’s really dark here. I’m scared, Mom. Save me. Save me! Argh!”

Angie sounded upset. The call seemed to have also been made in secret and was cut before the girlcould finish. There was also a blood-curdling scream at the end.

This made Suzette both elated and miserable.

The good news was that her beloved daughter was still alive!

The bad news was that she was in danger.

She trembled nervously as she clutched onto her phone screaming for Angie to no avail.

James could read the shift in the air and came to drape a blanket over her.

It was only then that she came to. “James, Angie is still alive. She called me!”

“Are you hallucinating again? The cops called yesterday to inform you that she had fallen off a cliff. Yousaw that video for yourself, didn’t you?”

James glanced at the woman with distressed eyes and wanted to hug her, but was pushed awaybefore he could get close.

“Please believe me, James. It really was Angie who called me just now. She’s still alive. I need to saveher. Please help

She doesn’t sound like she’s doing well!”

She grabbed his arm and begged bitterly.

Ever since Suzette found out that her daughter had gone missing, she had lost her light.

The only way her life could improve was all dependent on Angie, her baby daughter.

There was no hope for her without Angie. She drowned herself with alcohol and indulged in a drunkenfantasy with James.

She believed that this would be the rest of her life!

Angie’s call, however, rekindled her hope.

She had to find her!

“Suzy, are you sure you didn’t hallucinate her voice? It’s not like we didn’t try the last time…” There wasnot a single clue to be found despite all the money spent.

He spoke softly and chose not to continue.

“I wasn’t imagining it. This is the number. You’ll definitely find something if you check. Please, I’mbegging you. You know she’s my one and only daughter…”

Suzette frantically rummaged around the room to find pens and paper, copied the phone numberreceived the call from and stuffed it into James’ hand.

“Alright, I’ll look into it. You don’t have to worry.” He glanced at the phone number in his hand anddragged Suzette to the


“I know I’ve been troubling you over and over again, James, but you’ll find her for me, won’t you?”

“I will. Believe me.” He thoughtfully filled the tub with water.

“I believe you.” She was giving him uneasy looks before she firmly nodded.

After settling the frazzled woman, James lit a cigarette and went to the small courtyard outside to makea phone call.

He hesitated again after punching in the numbers. If Angie returned, all she would give her mother wasworry.

That girl who sees everyone as stepping stones is better off dead. Why did she have to appear again?If Suzy likes

children so much, we can have one together. She’s only forty and is healthy. It wouldn’t be hard for herto conceive.

Wouldn’t it be better for their family of three to live a simple and happy life?

James made his choice and deleted the number.

He also burned the piece of paper with his lighter and watched as it crumbled into nothing but ashes.

It was as if he saw Angie’s shadow in the flickering embers and started to stomp on it until he wassatisfied.

The weather was cold outside. Suzette should be done with her bath by now. Just the thought of abeautiful woman coming out of the bath had him going back inside.

Hearing the sound of splashing water inside, he excitedly walked in…

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