Abusive Wife

Chapter 12
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Abusive Wife Chapter 12

Chapter 12 She Is the Chairman

Inside the meeting room, Madeline sat down in the chairman’s seat. She removed her sunglasses andstroked her hair. Her actions charmed a few people in the room.

Asher could no longer care about Angie. He kneeled in front of Madeline without looking at her,“Chairman, I didn’t know whom I was talking to. Please be the bigger person and forgive me.”

Everyone who did charity knew the Global Philanthropy Committee’s chairman was very elusive. Alowly director like Asher wouldn’t have the chance to meet her.

Rumors had it that the chairman had enormous wealth and many connections. She had many rich andinfluential families from around the world supporting her. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able tocontrol such a huge charity organization.

However, Asher couldn’t imagine the chairman to be such a beautiful woman.

Madeline looked at him and asked, “Mr. Walter, what are you doing? Didn’t you ask me to kneel andapologize to Ms. Angie just now? Why are you kneeling before I do?”

Asher slapped himself and said, “It’s my fault for not recognizing you. I shouldn’t be disrespectfultowards you because of Ms. Angie!”

“Ms. Angie? She is the famous charitable princess in Imperial. How can you compare her to someonelike me?”

Asher’s face went pale. He only cared about protecting his job right now, “Chairman! I made a mistake!Ms. Angie is no longer the charitable princess. I shouldn’t be protecting her. However, I couldn’t offendher because she has the Quincy family and the Grant family supporting her!”

Angie didn’t expect Asher to throw her under the bus. She scolded angrily, “Asher, what nonsense areyou saying?”

Asher dared not look at Angie, “I’m not saying nonsense. Ms. Angie, please don’t put me on the spot.The chairman knows everything you did. Besides, our committee investigated what the Grant family didfor you. I can’t help you at all.

“Asher, I’ll rip your mouth off your face if you dare say another word!”

Asher kept quiet. He couldn’t afford to offend them both.

Angie was so angry. She didn’t expect the committee to find out what she did. If her wrongdoing hasbeen exposed, the character she did so much to build would vanish. It would also make Noah hate herfor all the fake charities she did in the past.

She could no longer stand straight when she thought about that.

Thankfully, Ronald was beside her and caught her, “Ms. Angie, do you need me to inform the family orMr. Quincy?” Ronald whispered.

Ronald was worried when he saw Angie’s face.

“No. Noah can never find out about this. You better keep this a secret! Understand?”

“These people are going to treat you badly.”

“I can deal with it on my own. Go and wait for me outside!”

“Ms. Angie.”


Ronald had no choice but to wait outside the meeting room.

Angie regained her composure and looked at Asher, “Mr. Walter, please go out for a while. I haveimportant business to discuss with your chairman.”

Asher knew he offended Angie. He looked at Madeline with his pitiful eyes, “Chairman…”

Offending Angie means offending the Quincy family and the Grant family. He could only make up for itlater.

Madeline ordered Albert to take Asher away.

There were only Madeline and Angie left in the meeting room.

Angie went straight to the point, “Name your price. How much do you want for the title of GlobalAmbassador for Philanthropy?”

“Ms. Angie, are you trying to bribe me openly?”

“There’s no one else here. I believe the chairman of the charity association still needs to eat. No onewill say no to money.”

“Ms. Angie, how much do you think the title is worth then?”

“10 million dollars. I’m worthy of the title anyway. You can’t find another candidate in Imperia who ismore suitable to hold this title than me. You’ll get the money, and I’ll get the glory. It’s a win-winsituation. What do you think?”

The scandal on Facebook had mostly been removed. She was just trying to put things back on tracksince she was supposed to be the Global Charity Banquet’s only candidate.

Madeline chuckled as if she had heard a joke, “I see. The glory that helps you break into the Quincyfamily is only worth this much to you, Ms. Angie…”

Angie clenched her fists and asked, “Are you trying to take advantage of me?”

Madeline only smiled. It sent chills down Angie’s spine. It was obvious that this woman was trying toruin her. Angie wondered if this woman was trying to take revenge for Mr. Gordon since she appearedin the cemetery as well.

Angie became alert, “It was you! You were the one who exposed everything, right? You’ve been actingsneakily since the cemetery. What do you want? Who are you? What is your relationship with that oldman and Madeline Grant?”

Looking at the agitated and hysterical Angie, Madeline said casually, “Ms. Angie, you think too highly ofyourself. I’m just… using my power as chairman. What? Do you think I said that because I’m againstyou?”

Angie didn’t know what this woman wanted, but she had no choice but to listen to her. She dared notexasperate her because she was afraid that she might really be here to avenge Mr. Gordon.

She could only go with what Madeline wanted, “What about 30 million dollars? This is more thanenough! Don’t be greedy!”

“100 million dollars. Transfer the money today. Otherwise, don’t even think about it.”

“This is daylight robbery! Aren’t you afraid of being exposed?”

“Sorry. I’m not afraid. You can give it a try, but if you do, your scandal of faking your donations will beknown to everyone.”novelbin

Angie endured her anger and humiliation, “Fine. 100 million dollars.”

“Ms. Angie is such a decisive person.”

“Don’t try to flatter me. I’ll remember this!”

Angie took her handbag and tried to leave. She would get revenge when she married Noah.

However, she was stopped by Albert when she turned around.

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