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Chapter 955

Quito pliantly relinquished his grip on Lyanna while his eyes remained transfixed upon her.

“Do you fancy me?” Lyanna asked as she cast a furtive look in Quito's way.

“Yes...” The mesmerized Quito nodded his head dully.

“If you do, then listen up. Go and kill the one who had captured my friend,” said Lyanna as she pointed

at Catur.

“Of course!” With that goofy expression seemingly melded onto his face, Quito turned and made his

way toward Catur.

“Quito? Hey, Quito.” Sensing something amiss, Catur called out twice at Quito when the latter came

toward him, but the fifth guardian continued to advance as though oblivious to it.


Suddenly, Quito threw a punch at Catur. The immensity of the power he put behind it raised a billowing

squall that exploded through the air.

Still clutching onto Lizbeth, Catur dodged out of the way of Quito's attack.

“Have you lost your freaking mind, Quito?” Catur cussed aloud.

Quito, however, did not stay his hand and continued to slug away without letup.

Left without a choice, Catur could only cast Lizbeth aside in order to guard himself against Quito's

relentless assault.

“Are you all right, Lizbeth?”

Lyanna went up quickly to help Lizbeth to her feet.

“I'm okay,” replied Lizbeth as she shook her head.

Altan, who was engaged in battle with Josephine, roared in fury in reaction to Catur and Quito getting

into it with each other. “Fighting over women? Have you two bloody lost your minds?”

He was under the impression that the pair had come to blows over a dispute over their spoils.

“I have no idea what's gotten into him, Altan. I don't understand why he's attacking me either!” yelled

Catur as he desperately sought to fend off Quito.

Allan's expression turned grim. With his palm suddenly extended, he sent a torrential wave of martial

energy surging toward Josephine.

Josephine's eyes widened. Although she quickly jumped back, the second guardian did not capitalize

on the opening created. Instead, he flashed out toward Quito and twisted the latter’s wrist behind his

back to restrain him.

Quito's eyes were glazed over. Although held in check, he continued to struggle like a man possessed,

seemingly unable to recognize anyone.

“Do you think Quito has lost his marbles, Allan?” the visibly ticked-off

Catur fumed.

After all, there was no way he wouldn't be pissed off after being attacked by one of his own for no

apparent reason at all.

Allan's brows, too, knotted up in bafflement as he could not quite figure out what was wrong with Quito


“Enoch, would you come over here and have a look at him?” said Altan to their leader.

At the moment, Enoch and Garadin were jousting with the white wolf.

With the aid of its dexterity, the beast weaved in and out, attacking without pause. It was, however,

clearly no match for the might of the two Martial Arts Grandmaster, as the countless wounds that it

borne upon its body would attest.

Blood had already dyed its snow-white coat a deep shade of claret, but the white wolf continued to

persist, regardless; for it knew that should it falter, Rayleigh and the others would surely becomenovelbin


Heeding Altan's beckoning, Enoch drove a palm down toward the wolf s head. After ducking beneath it,

the white wolf went on to swipe at Enoch's calves with its razor-sharp claws.

That sent it stumbling right into Enoch's trap, for the guardian's palm was merely a feint. Right

afterward, the wolf was sent hurtling away by a blistering boot.

The kick slammed unerringly into the white wolf's massive torso, sending it high into the air before it

crashed heavily back down upon the ground.


Josephine and the others all raced over to check on the animal, only to find the white wolf riddled with a

multitude of injuries all over. Their

eyes began to well up at the sight.

Paying no further heed to his fallen opponent, Enoch made his way straight to Quito's side.

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