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Chapter 697

At that moment, the lady had already made it in front of Jared. She was obviously surprised to see how

quickly he had reacted to her attacks.

However, that didn't stop her assault. She kept swinging her dagger and aimed for Jared's neck.

“I can't believe you're immune to my Seduction Technique. Are you even a man?” The lady was so

angry that she was turning pale, and her gaze on Jared was turning cruel as well.

“Wait, do you find that strange? But... don't you already know all that?” asked Jared. He caught the

dagger and gripped it to snap it in half. The blade fell onto the floor immediately after.

At the very next second, the negative energy within the lady burst out. Black aura flushed up to reach

for the sky.

It happened in a blink of an eye and the black aura engulfed Jared.

The sudden emergence of the black aura, the way the lady moved when she attacked... All that told

Jared something crucial.

“Y-You're not Melanie?”

Jared's gaze brimmed with surprise because the lady standing in front of him looked identical to

Melanie. On top of that, they were both great at using the Seduction Technique.

He would've kept mistaking her as Melanie if she hadn’t attacked and used the poisonous gas. They

look way, way so much alike.

He recalled every detail and noticed that the two ladies were nothing alike despite having similar

appearances. For instance, the lady standing in front of him had a negative energy that Melanie didn't.

“I've never said I was. You're the one who mistook me for that Melanie lady.”

After saying that, she threw a punch at Jared.

The way she analyzed the situation was simple. The black poisonous gas had already engulfed Jared,

so he would feel dizzy once the poison's effect kicked in. Hence, there was no way he could block her


Things didn't work out the way she anticipated. Jared easily moved away from her attack. He even

inhaled deeply and absorbed every bit of the poison into his system.

“Who are you? Why do you look exactly like my friend?”

Jared didn’t attack the lady. He simply stared at her curiously.

He had no idea why the lady and Melanie looked that much alike, but he believed they had to benovelbin

related by blood. It was even possible that they were twins.

Jared knew that Rayleigh adopted Melanie, so it was possible that a family was blessed with twins but

could only afford to raise one child. The overwhelming financial pressure eventually forced them to

abandon one of their kids.

That was a time when the cost of raising a kid was rather high, so many would abandon their kid

because they couldn't afford it.

“Who am I? I am the person sent to capture you!”

After saying that, the lady attacked once more. The problem was Jared kept avoiding her attacks. She

had made over ten moves in that short while; however, none of them got him, and the effort left her


Jared could tell how tired she was, so he calmly stated, “Okay, that's enough. You're not a match

against me, so you can't possibly capture me.

I just want to know who you are because you look exactly like one of my friends.”

The lady glared at Jared, who was standing right in front of her at the time. She seemed displeased.

“Oh, I should stop? Why? Just because you think you're better than me?”

“I only held back because you look like a friend of mine. If I hadn't, you’d already be dead. Don't

assume I'm the pretentious chivalry type who wouldn't hurt a woman. Your Seduction Technique has no

impact on me, so your only option is to answer my question. Tell me who you are and why you're trying

to capture


Jared glared as the aura within him became more intense.

He had already learned all about what the lady was truly capable of, but a martial artist that had just

reached the Senior Grandmaster level couldn't possibly capture him.

“Hah, you arrogant punk!”

The girl had an evil expression on.

She never gave Jared's words much of a thought. She jumped to the sky and danced in the most

peculiar way to summon several bright lights and they flew to Jared to attack him.

“Seven Star Strike!”

The lady shouted furiously. Countless daggers rained down from the sky and caged Jared in, making it

impossible for him to escape.

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