A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3215 Better To Be Wronged
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Chapter 3215 Better To Be Wronged

Since Miya had said as much, Livya did not say anything further. Nonetheless, an unshakable sense of uneasiness lingered within her.In no time, Cade came over with their father, Lawrence.

“Dad, I'm sure it must be Uncle Renault's son this time because I've seen the Seizon family's token. It's been so many years without any news aboutUncle Renault. This time, we've finally gotten in touch with him,” Cade said to Lawrence excitedly as they walked.

Similarly, Lawrence wore an expression of delight.

“Yeah. If it's really your Uncle Renault's son this time, we must entertain him properly. But that aside, don’t mention the things in the family to himNow that the Seizon family is in such a situation, I don't want your Uncle Renault and his family to be dragged into the mess as well.”

"Ckay, I got it. I won't run my mouth.” Cade nodded in acknowledgment.

When he hurried into the living room with Lawrence, all he saw was Miya and Livya eating there.Stunned, he asked, “Miya, Livya, I told you both to bring Cade over. Where is he?”

Livya did not dare utter a word, merely glancing at Miva.

Miya, on the other hand, declared, "At first glance, I could tell that those few people were scammers, Cade. We led them into the illusion array so theycouldn't roam around in the Seizon residence.

“What?” Cade's eyes went wide. He promptly reared, “Who told you both to do that? I've already verified the Seizon family's token. How could hepossibly be a scammer? What absurdity!

While he did so, Miya argued with an aggrieved look, "We didn't know you verified it. Besides, there's no danger to them in the illusion array. Why areyou shouting at us?

“You're not young anymore to do such an absurd thing, Miya. Hurry up and lead them out of the illusion array. If he's really your Uncle Renault's sonjust wait for your punishment,” Lawrence also reprimanded with a dark expression on his face.

The instant Miya saw that her father was mad, she knew that she had gone too far. Thus, she quickly went to retrieve Jared and the others with Livya“The two of them are downright troublesome, always up to some trick or other,” Cade lamented with a sigh, his eyes fixed on his sisters’ backs.

"Cade, did you find anything out after secretly following your Uncle Enrique to the northern region this time?” Lawrence asked

“You hit the nail on the head, Dad.Uncle Enrique-didn't search forJubilante. Instead, he went to ~Behemoth Palace. Alas, it was =heavily,guarded, and I couldn't slipin. Therefore, I don't know what hediscussed with the lord of BehemothPalace,” Cade replied. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Oh well, your Uncle Enrique isindeed too petty and ruthless.Otherwise, don't mind giving himthe position-of patriarch. I'm afraidyour grandpa's days are numberednow. {nstead of finding a way tocure-him, your Uncle Enriqueforming alliances everywhere tosteal the position of patriarch. It trulysaddens me,” Lawrence murmuredwith a sigh. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

“If all else fails, Dad, let's make the first move. Otherwise, things will be tricky if Uncle Enrique really joins hands with Behemoth Palace against us,”Cade proposed, a vicious glint flashing across his eyes.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

However, Lawrence shot him an icyglare and rebuked, “Nonsense!That's your uncle. Even if he intendsto seize the position of patriarch andhas joined hénds with other forces,the truth Trerhains that he hasn't >taken action. How could we make"the first 1 move? We're the only ¢ onesleft 8f*the Seizon family. If we weretofig ht each other at that time,someone else would be reaping thebenefits, and we'd be aaughingstock to others. You're anhonest man, Cade. Let me tell youthis. It's better for your UncleEnrique to wrong us than for us towrong him. We can't ever betarnished by infamy. Do youunderstand that?” Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

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