A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3210 Yellow Blue City
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Chapter 3210 Yellow Blue City

That's Enrique Seizon, the second son of the Seizon family, buddy. You're lucky. The Seizan family is the biggest family in Yellow Blue City ahead. Ifvou want to go there to rest, don't offend him.” the cultivator murmured to Cloud.

“The Seizon family?” Cloud was taken aback for a moment. On the heels of that, delight showed on his face because his father once said theirhometown was in the central region. Who knows, this Enrique man might be a relative of mine!

At that thought, he made to rush forward to ascertain whether there were familial ties between them, only to be stopped by Jared.“Let these people aboard first,” Jared ordered

Cloud could not quite fathom the man’s intention. Still, he did as instructed and said to the cultivators around them, “Since we're going the same way,go ahead and board the airship.”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

The instant his words rang out, many cultivators thanked him, one after another.

Soan, the airship roared to life and flew toward the city ahead.

Enrique Seizon sat at the very front. Not one person dared to sit near him, all squeezing into the back instead, perhaps afraid of offending him"Why won't you let me approach him and ask him about it, Mr. Chance? He might possibly be my relative,” Cloud questioned in bemusement.

“You'd best keep mum about being part of the Seizon family first and only make further plans when we've arrived in Yellow Blue City and madeinquiries about the Seizon family,” Jared replied.

Cloud had never stayed with the Seizon family since young. As such, the Seizon family knew nothing about him. In fact, they had little fondness forhim. Hence, Jared was worried that something might go wrong if Cloud were to suddenly claim familial ties when they had limited knowledge aboutthe Seizon family.

“If you want to make inquiries about Yellow Blue City, just ask me. I've stayed there for more than ten years.The cultivator who first stopped Cloud from flying into a rage leaned close to them

Jared studied him, noting the gleam in his eyes despite his average height, pointed chin, and sunken cheeks.At a single glance, he could tell that the man was a greedy and lascivious person

Without asking any questions, Jared took out a million spirit coins and tossed them at the cultivator.

Catching the money, the cultivator promptly grinned from ear to ear. He hurriedly started, "Ask me whatever you'd like to know. Nothing is off limits,and I'll tell you everything I know.

"Here's my question. Is the Seizon family the biggest family in Yellow Blue City? And is the city governed by a mayor?” Jared asked.

“Of course, the Seizon family is thebiggest family There's a mayor inYellow Blue City, but he's nothingmore than a puppet. Everyone =~knows-fhat he Seizon family has thefinalsay I in the city. Do you krowhow Yellow Blue City derived itsrane?” Content belongs.1oNovelDrama.Org

The cultivator tossed that question cut mysteriously.In response, Jared shook his head.

“Look there. What color are Mr. Enrigue's clothes?” the cultivator drawled, pointing at Enrique in the front.

Jared cast his gaze in that direction before answering, “He's wearing a light blue robe.”

Exactly. There s another big shot inthe Seizon family, the eldest son.ofthe faraily and its current patriarch.His lineage wears yellow. That's whythe ity was named Yellow Blue Citylater on,” the cultivator explained.Cdntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“You're saying that the Seizon family is managed by the two brothers?’

‘I heard that the Seizon familycomprised ofl hree brothers, but theyoungest left the Seizon family INbecause ofa woman many years.ago, ang there has been no news ofhim ever since. Right now, the. twobrothers are the only ones managingthe Seizon family,” the cuttivatordivulged. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

As soon as Cloud heard that, excitement showed on his face. He's talking about none other than my father, no?

While he was thrilled and wanted to reveal his identity, Jared shot him a cold glare, upon which he swallowed the words that were already on the tipof his tongue.

Unbeknownst to him, a bearded cultivator nearby was staring at them intently.

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