A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3206 Hiking Up The Prices
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Chapter 3206 Hiking Up The Prices

"So, you're the one who said you guys are the hand that feeds Behemoth Palace?” the young man asked coldly.

Unable to stand the young man's arrogant behavior, Jared replied disdainfully, “That's right. If we don't pay spirit coins to use the Teleportation Array,then Behemoth Palace would lose its source of income! You should treat the hand that feeds you with respect and gratitude! We might even tip you ifwe like the service!”

The young man's eyes instantly filled with rage when he heard that.

“You insolent b*stard! How dare you talk to Mr. Jonah like that? Do you wish to die that badly?” one of Behemoth Palace's disciples shouted and gotready to attack Jared.

However, the young man stopped him and said with a sneer, “In that case, allow me to show my gratitude to the hand that feeds us.”

He then turned toward the cultivators and said, “The Teleportation Array's ability to transport people is limited, and there are simply too many of youhere. As such, Behemoth Palace has decided to increase the price by one million spirit coins!

Naturally, the young man's words caused a huge commotion.

“That's too much! We've been waiting here for three days! How could you guys just increase the price like that?”“Behemoth Palace has gone too far!”

"We'll fight you if you dare increase the price!”

Not all the cultivators were wealthy enough to afford using a Teleportation Array in the first place. In fact, many had no choice but to walk all the wayto Demonia Mountain.

As such, most of them could not afford to pay for the Teleportation Array due to the sudden increase in price.

The young man was completely unbothered by their protests, though. “If you think this is toc expensive, feel free to walk away. However, no one willactivate the Teleportation Array without Behemoth Palace's permission.”

The young man then turned toward Jared and asked, “Well? How's that for treating you guys better?

No cone dared protest anymore after that. After all, they would have been waiting for nothing if the Teleportation Array wasn't activated.

The cultivators could only let out helpless sighs as they forked out more spirit coins.

Since Behemoth Palace was the only one that could activate the Teleportation Array, they didn't really have much of a choice in that matter.

“You guys have crossed the line!” Feenix shouted furiously at the young man

“You don't have to use theTeleportation Array if you don'tagree with the price. However, I >wouldn'ttnind letting you use it forfree if you spend one night witty me,said the young man with a lecherousgrirras he reached out to tatichFéenix's face. Content belongs toNovelDrama.OrgContents belong to NovelDrama.Org

Infuriated, Feenix slapped the young man across the face and quickly backed away.

Unfortunately for her, the young man was so powerful that her slap didn't even hurt him

Instead of getting angry at Feenix, -.the young man simply caressed hischeek where she had slapped kimand said, “You smell nice. I lovehaving your scent on my face!”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

The members of Behemoth Palace trained in Body Cultivation, so they all had ridiculously tough bodies. Feenix's slap didn't even tickle him in theslightest.

Feenix's face burned bright red when she saw his response, but she was too weak to do anything about it

Jared's eyes were filled with murderous intent as he glared coldly at the young man, but the latter didn't seem to care.Right as Jared balled his fists and was about to attack, a huge commotion broke out behind him.

"Out of the way, all of you!”

Dozens of giants about three meters tall shoved the cultivators aside to clear a path in the middle

An elderly man about two meters tall then walked over with a normal-looking, middle-aged man.

‘I sent you-over I in advance tomaintainorder, Jonah! Look at howchaotic things are right now! Whatare yu doing?” the elderly manshaded at the young man i>displeasure. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org -

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