A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3201 Training
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Chapter 3201 Training


Both of them screamed in agony before the black fog corroded their bodies completely, reducing them to a puddle of blood that seeped into theground.

The Demonic Cultivators, who were living underground, used that blood for their cultivation"What should we do about Jared, Mr. Lefterov?” Zayan asked.

“Inform all subbranches to kill Jared on sight! Alsc, have the Demonic Cultivators from Soulless Hall track Jared down. They've been living under ourprotection for a very long time, so it's about time they returned the favor by contributing a little,” Talcott ordered.

"Got it! I'l inform them right away!” the middle-aged man repliedHe was about to leave when Talcott called out to him again, “Held on.”“Yes? What is it, Mr. Lefterov?” Zayan asked

“Demonic Cultivators have been rampant in Demonia Mountain lately. I also heard that a new celestial battlefield has been discovered there, so thereshould be a lot of magical items lying around. Lots of cultivators and some of the elders from the beast race have headed over to Demonia Mountain,so I want you to bring Salvatore there for some training,” Talcott said

Zayan frowned slightly as he replied, "Mr. Lefterov, Demonia Mountain is very far away, and the situation there is quite chaotic. I'm worried that it maybe unsafe for Mr. Salvatore.

"What are you afraid of? Demon Seal Alliance's reputation alone is enough to keep people from attacking us. Besides, I only want you guys tocapture some Demonic Cultivators from Demonia Mountain. I'm not asking you to fight for the magical items, so it'll be fine.”

Talcott then turned around and called out to Salvatore, “Come on out, Salvatore.

Seconds later, a young man in a white robe stepped into view and bowed at Zayan. “Greetings, Mr. Cabeza.”

"Since you have decided on this, I shall bring Mr. Salvatore there after I've made the arrangements,” Zayan said helplessly.“Good.” Talcott dismissed them with a wave.

Meanwhile, at the Nesser residence in the northern region, Cameron was packing some stuff while making detailed arrangements for the family'saffairs.

“All the arrangements have beenmade, Elder Nesser. However, I stilladvise against going to DemoniaMountain. Not only is it incrediblyfar, but pany cultivators have heardabout the newly discovered ce estialbatt efield there and are headirgovers we speak. You have yet torake a full recovery, Elder Nesser.Given the Nesser family's’currentcapabilities, I'm afraid we may notbe able to gain much by goingthere,” Cameron said in an attemptto talk Skylar out of it. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

Skylar hadn't walked in a long time, ever since he entered Ethereal Realm and attached himself to Eamon’s body.

He had been focused on restoring Eamon's strength this whole time, but the Nesser family’s resources were rather limited.

Realizing thatit- would take foreverto reach Toptevel, Skylar decided tohead out and familiarize himself °owith Ethereal Realm. Neither his >ambition nor his hatred for Jaredhad-decreased simply becayse hehadrentered Ethereal Realm: Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

He was determined to obtain more information on Jared.

Unbeknownst to Skylar, Cameron and Jared were incredibly close and had once fought alongside each other.

“I told you to go to Demonia Mountain with me. I'm not asking for your opinicn. Do you understand?” Skylar responded coldly.Having familiarized himself with his identity during his time in the Nesser residence, Skylar had the entire Nesser family at his beck and call.Cameron didn't dare say anything further after that. He quickly picked a few of the Nesser family's disciples to accompany Skylar on this journey.

Cameron knew full well that the Nesser family wasn't exactly considered powerful in the northern region.Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

On top of thatrthe journey toDemonia Metintain would requirethem to ge through the central ooregion. Even if they did make it torDemania Mountain, they wouldmostlikelyonly be scavenging the:scrapslefEbehi nd by others. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ?

However, Skylar was adamant about going there, and Cameron didn't dare disobey his orders. After all, the Nesser family was dependent on Skylarto flourish and prosper.

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