A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3168 All At Once
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Chapter 3168 All At Once

Right then, Feenix came in and said, "Yuven, leave this to me. I'll talk to the few old men and have them mobilize the soldiers.”

Yuven looked uncertain. “In the past, it would have been fine for you to intervene. However, given your current capabilities, I don't think you can leaveImperial Beast City either.”

Undoubtedly, Feenix had been formidable in the past. However, her powers had significantly diminished after she was thrown into the mundaneworld. Currently, she possessed only the strength of a Body Fusion Realm cultivator. There was no chance that Lucian would allow her to leaveImperial Beast City.

“Don't worry. King Lucian is a paranoid man. He wouldn't immediately intercept me if he saw me. I mean, how long can Imperial Beast City defenditself? The rest of the old ones are on different continents. They're far from this place. I'll need some time for my trip,” Feenix said

"I still have a hundred thousand soldiers in Imperial Beast City. Along with the arcane arrays around the city, defending the city for around half amonth won't be a problem,” Yuven said

"Very well. Wait for my good news.” With that, Feenix transformed into a phoenix and flew toward the outside of the city.When lvasha saw Feenix turning into a phoenix, she widened her eyes and gasped. “Dad, isn't that... isn't that the—"

‘Indeed, she's the phoenix. I haven't seen her for many years. I didn't expect her to have been thrown into the mundane world. Now, Mr. Chance isFeenix's master,” Yuven said with a bob of his head before Ivasha could finish her sentence.

“Jared is Feenix's master?” lvasha was even more taken aback.

In the meantime, Feenix had soared into the air, flapping her flaming wings.

Cn the top of the mountain miles away from Imperial Beast City, Xandros was grinning as he gazed at the city.Soon, Imperial Beast City would be taken over by Norwal City's army and become his

He would even get his hands on Ivasha.

That was the reason Xandros hadrefrained froin taking any actionwhen Tigers assumed control ofImperial Beast City. He had intendedto allqw Tigerus to eliminate theobstinate figures within the city andthose who remained loyal ti to Yuven.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Xandros would then eliminate Tigerus himself and seize control of Imperial Beast City without having to personally engage in the grim task

However, events did not unfold as he had envisioned. He had never anticipated that Yuven would act so swiftly in reclaiming Imperial Beast City,killing Tigerus, and taking back his authority.

At that moment, a general from Norwal City approached Xandros and whispered, “The members of Emerald Cauldron Sect have brought Princesslvasha into the city. I've directed my subordinates to feign ignorance.”Contents belong to NovelDrama.Org

"Hahaha! With.the disciples ofEmerald Cauldron Sect and Ivashain Imperial Beast City, we'll ~apprehefid them all at once. Theyprobably believe they've gone oYunnaticed in their entry. Littledidthey know I had let them nso that I¢suld kill two birds with gre stone.”

Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Xandros started chortling.

“Xandros, what's making you so happy?” Lucian emerged from a tent with Hosen behind him

“Dad, most of Emerald Cauldron Sect’s disciples have escorted Ivasha into the city. We can attack at any time now,” Xandros reported.

“So Emerald Cauldron Sect hasEY comeZtucian sneered. Hethen turned to Hosen and said, ‘MeHolt, youcan now go to EmeraldCauldron Sect and take over it withease. However, please do keep I inmind what you've promised-me.”Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

“Don't worry, King Lucian. Once I take over Emerald Cauldron Sect, I'll definitely obey your commands. The resources of the sect are yours to take atHosen quickly promised.

any time as well,"Hahaha!" Lucian waved his hand. "Go now. I'll send a hundred guards to go with you.”

After expressing his gratitude, Hosen left.

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