A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3149 Provoke
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Chapter 3149 Provoke

“Jared, if you allow us to go up, I can offer you spirit coins—any amount you desire!” Even Fayzon also lowered his head.

He recognized the inherent danger of the Night Sea and understood that if a demon beast were to suddenly appear, they would be vulnerable andeasily torn apart.

Jared chuckled indifferently. “I'm not in need of money.”

He then had the divine turtle swim toward the spirit ship.

The colossal divine turtle created sizable waves that left Zordey and Fayzon disoriented as they struggled to keep up.

Fayzon's anger swelled as he watched Jared depart. “You'll regret doing this to us when we reach the shore.”

Right after he vented his frustration, he felt a menacing presence approaching.novelbin

He turned his head and spotted a tiger shark beast approaching with its maw wide open.

In a panic, Fayzon and Zordey desperately swam toward the spirit ship.

Jared could not help but burst into laughter as he watched the two men being chased by the tiger shark beast.

Fortunately, the spirit ship in the distance spotted Fayzon and immediately sailed toward them.

At the last moment, Fayzon and Zordey managed to scramble onto the spirit ship, narrowly escaping the attack of the tiger shark beast.

They were soaking wet and in a pitiable state.

Meanwhile, Jared also helped the other cultivators onto the spirit ship.

Fayzon and Zordey stared at Jared with cold, resentful eyes

If they were not concerned about damaging the spirit ship. they would have already taught Jared a lesson.

“Just you wait, Jared Chance. I'm not done with you yet.” Fayzon gritted his teeth, emphasizing each word with anger.

“So what if you're not done with me? Come and take me on if you dare,” Jared provoked him.

Now that he had reached Eight Level Body Fusion Realm, advancing to the ninth level would be an easy task. He was not afraid of Fayzon at all.“You don't need to act tough on the spirit ship. You'll pay the price when we reach the shore.” Fayzon threatened with a murderous expression.Jared sneered, "I'll wait. Even if you don't come looking for me, I'll still settle scores with you.”

With that, he leaped down from the spirit ship. With the divine turtle at his disposal, he no longer needed to ride the vessel.

Quinley, Cloud, Renault, Montane Daemon, Dalton, and Rosetta followed him. They hopped onto the divine turtle and set off toward the shore.Suddenly, Renault, who was riding on the divine turtle, let out a sigh.

Stellaris Sect had suffered devastating losses. They had lost over half of their airships, and a significant portion of their disciples had perished.It would likely take a substantial amount of time to recover from this setback.

Renault had worked tirelessly to build up the Stellaris Sect's meager assets, only to see it all crumble within a matter of days.

What frustrated him the most was that they had not even avenged their grievances.

Not only did they let Cosmic Sect slip through their fingers, but they also came close to losing their lives in the Night Sea.

This was the most infuriating part of it all.

“Dad, there's no need to be toodisheartened. I'm sure Stellaris Sectwill eventually regain its former gloryas long as we work hard.” Cloudoffered words of consolatiomtoResault, attempting to lift his spirits.Céntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Glancing at Cloud, Renault felt asense of pride i in how much his sonhad grewn. Despite the significantlosses-suffered by Stellaris Sect,seelig his son's personal growthwas a source of comfort for him.Céntent belongs to NovelDrama.Org

Cloud's remarkable transformationwas undoubtedly attributed toJared. Siacé he began following >Jared, Claud had matured mentallyand developed a stronger sense-ofresponsibility. He was no onger thefrizelous young man he haedbeenbéfore. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

“Look! What's that?” Dalton exclaimed all of a sudden.He seemed to have noticed something from a stone's throw away.Jared and the others gazed into the distance and spotted tiny dots moving through the Night Sea about a dozen miles away.

As Jared examined them closely, he quickly realized that those moving dots were actually people riding on the backs of divine turtles, navigatingthrough the Night Sea.

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