A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3129 Laying A Finger
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Chapter 3129 Laying A Finger


All of a sudden, the giant egg began to tremor, a phenomenon that triggered an anxious look in the middle-aged man's eyes.At the same time, Jared could see massive waves outside the egg.

It was clear that someone was approaching them rapidly after breaking through the spatial dimension

“Someone's coming. No matter what, don't move.” the middle-aged man instructed Jared.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Jared had no choice but to quietly look outside through the eggshell.

Soon, a giant demon beast emerged, its body drenched in blood.

It was one that Jared had never seen before. The sharp beak it possessed was similar to that of an eagle.

However, the sight of the demon beast brought a sense of relief to the middle-aged man, whose tensed brow gradually eased.Upon arriving in front of the middle-aged man, the demon beast morphed into the shape of a man!

“You, silverfeather hawk, you're nothing but a mount. Now that your master is dead, how dare you covet this giant egg?” the middle-aged man askedin disdain.

“Even a soul remnant like you is coveting it, so why can’t I?” the silverfeather hawk sneered.

“Bullsh*t. Who do you think you are to dare compare yourself to the Draconians? Don't think that the human blood coursing through you can hideyour inferior bloodline. Your species is only worthy of serving as a mount. The giant egg is a product nurtured by the heavens and the earth. Itisn'tsomething lowly beings like you can lay your fingers upon. Besides, you're already too late. This egg is now in the possession of the Draconians. Ifyou don't believe me, you can see for yourself,” the middle-aged man asserted with a smirk

The middle-aged man's disparagement infuriated the silverfeather hawk. However, the sight of Jared in the giant egg astounded it.“Someone is trying to amalgamate with the egg? I won't let him succeed!

While speaking, the silverfeather hawk transformed back into a giant hawk that let out a thundering screech.

Nevertheless, the middle-aged man remained unfazed despite the fact that the silverfeather hawk was about to attack him.

All of a sudden, the silverfeather hawk swung its wing forward and smacked the middle-aged man, sending him flyingSubsequently, the middle-aged man's body gradually dissipated in midair.

Meanwhile, Jared, who was inside the egg, was instantly outraged by the turn of events

“Don't move. As a soul remnant, Idon't have mGch time left. Even ifthe silverfeather hawk hadn't struck,~me, I'm qué to disappear soon. Catmdown and take your time to fusewith the egg. I'm afraid the fate oftheDraconians lies in your f handsnaw,” the middle-aged man’s voiceechoed in Jared's ear. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org

As for his body, it grew fainter by the second before disappearing completely.After smacking the middle-aged man out of the way. the silverfeather hawk attempted to grab the egg with its talons.

It wanted to capture Jared by crushing the egg.

Even though Jared had absorbed -most of the power within the giantegg, the silverfeather hawk figurédthatdt could still obtain that powerby. Swallowing Jared. Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ~~

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The silverfeather hawk brought its talons down upon the eggshell relentlessly.

Despite looking fragile, the eggshell didn't show any damage from the silverfeather hawk's attacks.

The silverféather hawk’s inability to,penetrate “the shell brought Jared’sense of relief as he continuedfusing himself with the egg: Contentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org =

Nevertheless, the raging silverfeather hawk intensified its efforts but quickly exerted all its strength

By then, all it could do was stare intently at Jared through the egg's translucent shell.novelbin

While it did so, the piercing glint in its eyes was unmistakable.

It was waiting for the moment when Jared would emerge from the egg, allowing it the opportunity to swallow the latter.Crack...

A crisp sound abruptly heralded the appearance of a hairline crack on the previously hardy eggshell

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