A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3109 Bold Guess
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Chapter 3109 Bold Guess

Now that the sealing arcane array had been inadvertently triggered by Cloud, it produced noticeable spiritual energy fluctuations around the stone.

It was possible that once they departed, the sealing stone might revert to its initial condition. Nonetheless, at this particular moment, it emanatedspiritual energy ripples and gleamed brightly.

‘I'm also quite curious about what is concealed beneath this altar. This is such a formidable sealing formation. If it isn't used to imprison a demonbeast or a Demonic Cultivator, then it could be—"

Jared halted abruptly, his expression darkening.“Mr. Chance, what could it be?” Cloud asked curiously.

Without uttering a word, Jared abruptly ascended into the air. Flying on this small island wasn't impeded. Thus, he rose above and surveyed theentire expanse

After a few minutes, Jared descended with a considerably more solemn expression.

It's possible that what we're looking at here is merely the core of a sealing arcane array. The entire island is actually the real arcane array. and whatit's sealing is beneath it.” Jared speculated aloud.

Cloud was left flabbergasted by the notion. Even though they referred to this island as “small,” it spanned tens of thousands of square kilometers.How could such an immense island serve as the location for a sealing arcane array? Who could have established such an enormous sealing arcanearray? Immortals from the celestial realm?

Renault was also startled by Jared's hypothesis and promptly shook his head, remarking, “Mr. Chance, your conjecture is incredibly audacious. Itcan't be true. How could someone create a sealing arcane array on such a colossal scale? Additionally, if it indeed is an enormous sealing array, theentity sealed within must be unimaginably terrifying.”

“Maybe I'm overthinking it.” Jared smiled faintly when he saw Cloud and Renault's shocked expressions.He wasn't sure about his speculation, but the island was peculiar, especially with the sudden appearance of the altar.

The entire island was filled with an eerie atmosphere, making Jared's imagination go wild.

Cloud inquired, “Mr. Chance, whatshould our next course of action be?Should we a tempt to break thisseal? It's passible that it'snota Idemon beast beneath it but ra her”something like a weapon soul. ‘Thislocation was once an ancient“battlefield, a and numerous spititweapons and sacred items were leftbehind. Even if we can acquire asomewhat damaged ancient divineweapon, it would be of great value. Ifit possesses a weapon soul, thatwould be ideal.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Jared gazed at the sealing stoneand shook his head. “Let's not touchthis seal fornow. If there'ssomethingMerrifying sealed beneath,we'd onlly’be inviting trouble. This>island-must've been here for yéars.There's not a single living creaturebesides the birds flying above. It'stoo eerie, so let's not tak®unnecessary risks.” Content belongsto NovelDrama.Org

Jared was apprehensive about the peculiar island and didn't dare to act rashly.

“Mr. Chance, you're correct. Thisisland gives offan unsettling vibe.t's best notte meddle with .whateverlies beneath. Instead, letSfocus attlocating those missing.individda s. If we can find thentandFigure’ out a way to leave this-islandswiftly, that would be the best.have a foreboding feelingabout thisplace.” Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Renault also concurred with the decision not to tamper with the seal. After all, if someone had established such a sealing arcane array here, theycouldn't be ordinary mortals. If there truly was a fearsome demon beast sealed below, they wouldn't stand a chance.novelbin

“Let's go,” Jared urged

They decided not to touch the arcane array.

As they were preparing to leave, a series of footsteps sounded not far away.

Hearing the footsteps, everyone paused for a moment, realizing that another group had arrived on the islandHowever, they had no information about the identity of these newcomers.

“Could it be our missing comrades finding their way here?” one of the Stellaris Sect disciples asked excitedly.

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