A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 3068 The Five Regions
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Chapter 3068 The Five Regions

Cloud fell silent upon listening to Tyrone's words. It was clear that he was being weighed down byhis troubles.

Jared asked quizzically, “What sort of sect is Cosmic Sect? Also, what is the Night Sea? Why wouldthere be magical items?”

When he saw the puzzled look on Jared's face, Yuven explained, “Cosmic Sect is a sect based onthe mainland of the eastern region that runs a transportation business with airships. As for the NightSea, it's a vast ocean that is as black as the night, hence the name. It's extremely mysterious asany aircraft that flies over it might crash for no reason. Even demon beasts can't fly over it! Rumorhas it that it was the site of an ancient battlefield during the Celestial Battle. Back then, the battlewas so brutal that people believed the Night Sea was formed from the blood shed by cultivators andtheir souls. That is why it has become a no-fly zone, and aircraft are banned from flying over it. Infact, it is extremely difficult to cross the Night Sea...”

Blown away by Yuven's explanation, Jared probed further, “The mainland of the eastern region?What is that place?”

Yuven replied, “Mr. Chance, the eastern region consists of a huge mainland located on the easternpart of the Ethereal Realm. Ethereal Realm is divided into five regions, the northern, eastern,southern, western, and central regions. Just like the three kings and four archons of the beast raceand the various demon leaders, human cultivators are spread across various mainlands that aredivided into regions. Each of the five regions is ruled by their respective governors. The northernregion governor is in charge of this region which we're in. It's just that the Ethereal Realm covers anexpansive territory where many of the regions intersect. This is where many conflicts between thedifferent parties are sparked.”

Yuven added, “For example, Stellaris Sect and Cosmic Sect are in conflict with each other due totheir overlapping interest, resulting in the incident you've just heard. However, the governor doesn'tinterfere in such trivial matters. Only large-scale conflicts or the resurgence of demons leading tochaos on the mainland would cause the governor to send men to suppress it. In the event theyfailed, he would then deal with it personally. To be honest, I've never seen any of the governors inthe last hundred years and not heard about them making an appearance. With time, people haveeven begun to forget their existence. In spite of that, the borders of the five regions still remain, andfrom what we can see, Cosmic Sect has come out of their turf to steal Stellaris Sect's airshipbusiness!”novelbin

Jared was awed after listening to Yuven describe Ethereal Realm's governance structure. He hadnot expected to learn about the existence of governors.

After giving it some thought, however, he didn't find it surprising. Given how massive the EtherealRealm was, it would have long been destroyed by anarchy if some semblance of structure had notbeen imposed upon it.

However, Jared wondered if the governors of the five regions really existed since they had notshown themselves for over a hundred years.

“Do you know what the governors' cultivation levels are?”

Jared was curious as to how powerful those who ruled over such a huge territory were.

Shaking his head, Yuven answered, “I don't know. I've not seen or heard of them before. In fact, I'venot even heard of anyone who has seen the governors fight. I have a feeling that they've achievedImmortal Realm. People like them dislike getting involved in worldly affairs and are probably moreconcerned with ascending to heaven. After all, the problems of the common man are nothing to realimmortals.”

“Immortal Realm...” Jared fell into deep thought. He couldn't fathom the extent of one's terrifyingpower at that level.

Silence descended upon the airship. Cloud looked out the window solemnly. He had never felt suchpressure before.

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