A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2875 The Time To Fight
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Chapter 2875 The Time To Fight

“Argh... This is too much...”

Kaison was so livid that he smashed everything in sight upon learning that Quinley had taken awaythe two women he had painstakingly captured.

At that moment, a subordinate of the Tall family informed, “Mr. Kaison, Mr. Mason has summonedyou.”

“What does my brother want to see me for?” Kaison asked.

“I don't know, but he did ask you to hurry,” the subordinate replied while shaking his head.

“All right, I got it.” Kaison nodded in acknowledgment.

Kaison was brash and lusted after women, but he was still obedient to his elder brother, Mason.

The Tall siblings lost their parents when they were young, and it was Mason, as the eldest, whoraised them. That was the reason the siblings held him in such high regard.

After collecting himself, Kaison hurried to the conference room at the Tall residence.

Upon his arrival, he was greeted by the sight of the Tall family elders and Jerison.

Mason was sitting in the center with a grim look on his face.

Kaison grew anxious. He was worried that Mason had learned of him kidnapping the women.

“All right, Kaison is here. Let's discuss the recent developments in the far north,” Mason beganwhen he saw that Kaison had arrived.

“Mr. Mason, I was informed that a huge number of people have suddenly come to the far north toseek out the Archaic Body cultivators' treasures. Many of them have treasure maps and the keys toopen the treasure. I don't know how they managed to get their hands on them,” the grand elder ofthe family reported.

“Mr. Mason, now that the Archaic Body cultivators' treasure has suddenly become commonknowledge, the Demonic Cultivators of the far north have increased their activity. I suspect that they,too, are looking for the treasure. With the influx of men into the far north, ice soul fragments havealso been continuously discovered,” another elder reported after getting to his feet.

The reports deepened the scowl on Mason's face.

“All this while, the Tall family has dominated the far north. We had plenty of time to search for icesoul fragments and the Archaic Body cultivators' treasure. In fact, we could devour the Archaic Bodycultivators in our own time. Unfortunately, news of the treasure has now been leaked, while ice soulfragments are being rapidly discovered. It's evident that the landscape in the far north is shifting,and we need a new strategy to deal with it. Kaison, take your men and scout the far north moreoften. Monitor the men who have arrived in the far north and report back once you learn anythingabout the ice soul fragments or treasure. Do not act unilaterally. Also, you're a senior figure in thefamily, so stop spending all your time on women. I'm afraid the time to fight for the Tall family'ssurvival has come,” Mason declared solemnly.

“Mason, aren't you overreacting? Those men are merely on a treasure hunt. They'll leave if theycan't find it. No one wants to stay long in a cold and desolate place like this,” Kaison refuted hisbrother in a nonchalant tone.novelbin

“You know nothing. News of the treasure was leaked and hordes of people have arrived withtreasure maps and keys. It's clear that someone revealed the secret on purpose. Even if all of themwere to leave, there are still many Demonic Cultivators hiding in the far north. No one knows how

strong they have become. You'd better obey my orders to the letter and not cause any trouble. Doyou understand?” Mason reprimanded Kaison.

Kaison lowered his head. “All right...”

“Okay. Everyone, get a grip of yourself. The future of the Tall family rides on this now,” Mason said,then waved his hand to dismiss everyone.

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