A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2682 Bring Him To Justice
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Chapter 2682 Bring Him To Justice

“I'm here to look for Ms. Viola. I was overcome with emotion when I learned she was still alive. Iknow you're looking for an opportunity to take over Emerald Cauldron Sect from Hosen. That's whyI came to see if there's anything I can do to help,” Ebenez said frankly.

That response left Ghaylen somewhat taken aback. He had not expected Ebenez to be so openand honest.

“Why are you helping me, Ebenez? I know my disciple killed one of yours, so I'd already becounting my lucky stars if you didn't hate me. Why would you still help me? On top of that, you weresecretly in contact with Demonic Cultivators and used them to kill my disciples. Now, you turnaround and say you want to help us. How am I supposed to trust you?” Since Ebenez had been soforthright, Ghaylen did not beat around the bush and immediately brought up the fact that Ebenezhad been communicating with Demonic Cultivators.

“I think you've misunderstood, Ghaylen. I'm not helping you, but Ms. Viola. If she wasn't alive, I'd stillview you as a thorn in my side and still hunt Jared down. But now, it turns out that she's alive andwell. Our previous lord took us both under his wing, so we must help her. I can't stand Hosenanymore. After becoming the sect's leader, he has been arrogant and never treated us as humans.He hits and scolds us whenever he wants. I've had enough!” Ebenez ranted angrily.

After listening to that, Ghaylen started to trust Ebenez a little. After all, he had witnessed Hosenslapping him in public. No one would believe that Ebenez doesn't feel the slightest resentmenttoward Hosen after getting slapped. After all, he's Emerald Cauldron Sect's second elder, yet Hosendidn't show him any respect and hit him. I have to say that was a bit too much.

After seeing how enraged Ebenez was and how he cursed at Hosen, Ghaylen started to believehim.

Meanwhile, Viola looked at Ghaylen, not quite knowing what to do. She was unaware of what hadhappened as she had been unconscious for the past few years. She had no idea whether whatEbenez said was true or false and could only observe Ghaylen's reaction.

“Since you know about her identity and still came here secretly, you must have a plan, right? Hosenused poison to kill the previous lord. Fortunately, Ms. Viola escaped death and woke up after beingin a coma for a few years. Now that she has regained consciousness, she's determined to makeHosen pay for his actions and wants to take Emerald Cauldron Sect from his hands. What do youhave in mind?” Ghaylen asked.

“You've been staying here alone all these years, so you don't know much about the sect's affairs.Many have been complaining about Hosen's dictatorship, so if Ms. Viola steps forth at this time andlays bare his evil deeds, I believe many will stand by her. There's a sect meeting in a few days. Wecan have her attend the meeting in disguise. She can reveal herself and expose his crimes there.Then, the two of us can voice our support for her, shutting out Hosen once and for all. After thathappens, everyone will condemn Hosen as a low life, and she can easily take back EmeraldCauldron Sect. She can even bring him to justice and avenge the previous lord,” Ebenez said,breaking down the situation carefully.

Ghaylen pondered over his words, then said, “Are you being serious?”

“Of course. Do you think I'd harm Ms. Viola? If that was my intention, I would've exposed heridentity on the day the medicinal pool opened,” Ebenez replied, his expression solemn and his toneserious.novelbin

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