A Warrior Undefeatable

Chapter 2517 The Strongest
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Chapter 2517 The Strongest

“The place we were robbed at is straight ahead, Jared! I'm not sure if Ali and the others are stillthere, though. Regardless, we shouldn't go deep into the mountains because there are manypowerful demon beasts there. They are terrifyingly powerful, but that makes them all the morevaluable. Their flesh and beast cores are worth a lot of money. Once I cultivate and get stronger, I'mgoing to hunt those demon beasts deep within the mountain for money and show the people ofCyan Village who's boss!” said Percy with a determined look in his eyes.

He had always dreamed of getting stronger and becoming a powerful individual someday.

“I'll take you demon beast hunting once I'm fully healed,” Jared said while patting Percy on thehead.

“I heard the villagers say you are an incredibly powerful person. Even our stone house was unableto keep you trapped. Is that true?” the young boy asked.

To which Jared nodded and affirmed, “Yes, that's true.”

“Whoa... You're unbelievably powerful, Jared! Could you teach me how to cultivate? I want to be aspowerful as you are!” Percy exclaimed, only to let out a disappointed sigh seconds later. “Thenagain, you were almost beaten to death, which means you're not the strongest person out there. Iwant to be the strongest!”

Jared patted Percy on the head and said with a smile, “I believe in you, Percy. You're definitelygoing to become the strongest guy out there.”

Percy is probably still too young to understand what it is like to be the strongest...

Percy then continued leading the way for a little while longer. Upon reaching the spot that hementioned earlier, he glanced about and asked with a frown, “We're here, but where is everybody?”

“What's wrong, Percy?” Jared asked.

“Ali, Emily, and the others were captured here, but I don't see them anywhere. See that? I made amark on the tree!” Percy replied while pointing at a tree trunk.novelbin

“Could it be that they have brought them over to Cyan Village?” Jared asked.

“It's possible. If that is the case, then we're in big trouble. We won't be able to rescue them, so we'llhave to pay them a ransom in spirit coins!” Percy exclaimed with a frown.

“Percy, do you know where Cyan Village is?” Jared asked.

“Of course, I do! All you have to do is get through here and make your way around that hill, but thesky will probably be dark by the time we get there. Even if we get to Cyan Village before dark,there's not much the two of us can do. We might even end up getting captured as well!” Percyreplied.

“Is there no shortcut to Cyan Village?” Jared couldn't help but wonder why they had to take such along route to get there.

“There is one. We could just cut through these mountains, but the demon beasts in the mountainsare ridiculously powerful. No one takes this route because it's too dangerous!”

“We'll be fine, so just take me there. Emily and the others could be in danger if we wait any longer.”Jared's tone brimmed with confidence.

Percy stared at Jared for a few seconds before nodding in response. The aura of the demon beastsgrew increasingly stronger as the two got deeper into the mountains, prompting Percy to tighten hisgrip on his sword.

He was so nervous that his forehead was drenched in cold sweat.

“Calm down, Percy! I'll protect you!” Jared reassured him.

Those words had barely left Jared's mouth when a Demon Wolf ran past them. Percy immediatelyraised his bow and got ready to shoot, but Jared quickly stopped him. He had a feeling that theDemon Wolf was not after them, and his guess was confirmed when he saw the blood around theDemon Wolf's mouth.

Hmm... That Demon Wolf must be really full if it ignored us completely. That's why it didn't even tryto attack us!

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